
One Piece: Cursed and From Another World

Imagine going to bed only to thrown into your favorite Anime World. Well, this is what happened to this unfortunate young man. He was tasked to help a certain someone become the Pirate King if he wanted to return home.

Drive_Night326 · Anime und Comics
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69 Chs

Pirates (Part 2)

(Starrk's POV)

"Cregan? Who's Cregan?" I muttered to myself as I watched them from the cliff, "Is that who attacked them?"

Wait, did he say Whitebeard's ship? Is this Cregan an allied pirate of the Whitebeard Pirates?!

Never knew of anyone named Cregan that was allied with him. Well, on second thought, this is before the story started.

I was going to quietly leave but instead of doing that, I accidentally dropped some rocks when I stood up. The rocks cluttered all the way down and made some noise, which they heard.

"What the!" I heard of them say, "Who's there?!"

I froze, "shit!"

I looked down to see the entirety of the crew looking up at me. They were in alarm, not knowing who I was.

"Shoot him!" The guy that I believe is the captain said

They reached for their firearms and immediately started firing like crazy.

I instinctively dodged the bullets and tried to make a break for it but as if my luck is completely horrendous today, I slipped on some loose rocks and fell down the cliff.

"Oh shiiiit!!!!" I yelled out as I tumbled down, "Agh!!"

I hit the bottom of the cliff and slid towards the sand. Immediately, I stood up and drew my sword. They started the confrontation, I suppose there is no other choice.

"Dammit!" I muttered

They kept shooting as I blocked the shots with my sword as I ran for the closest cover. They didn't show any signs of stopping, these fuckers may have run out of medical supplies but not ammo it seems.

As the shots whizzed past me, I saw as the captain rushed towards me with his cutlass drawn.

"En guarde!!" He bellowed as he swung his blade at me

I raised mine and blocked it with ease.

"En guarde?" I said aloud as the gunfire stopped, "Isn't that a fencing term?"

He scowled, "Oh fuck off." He growled as he stepped back and swung his blade again, "Who are you?!"

I dodged his blade and stepped back, "Just a passerby. Don't mean any harm."

"Sure you don't." He said as he swung a flurry of slashes

I easily blocked all of them. I then took a step forward and raised Ice. In a swift action, I swung my blade downwards with great force.

He saw this and jumped back, the force of the swing was strong enough to cut through the sand and leave a massive gash on the ground. The shockwave had sent sand and dust flying everywhere.

"You…" he said as he glared at me, "It seems you're no pushover."

He's not wrong. I think I've gotten a hang of Ice.

"Still need more…" I muttered to myself

Before any of us said anything else, I heard as one of his crew members yelled out.

"Captain!!" He bellowed, "He's here!!!!"

We both turned to see a ship resembling the Moby Dick, it was much smaller, had reached the shore.

On the figurehead, I saw a man staring at us with a grin.

"Shit! Cregan!!" The pirate captain exclaimed

The man looked at me, "Oh? Look at what we have here!" He said,

"If it isn't Starrk!"