
One Piece: Chaos Kong

Discord Link for those interested [https://discord.gg/TGc9yymDJP] Meet Jason, soon to be a widely known infamous pirate called Diddy D. Kong, but before we get that far, let's rewind time a few hours. Jason was just your everyday man, maybe not every day, as he was a large man covered in muscles, infatuated with the concept of strength; however, before he could achieve his dream of becoming the strongest, he died of a heart attack in his sleep, though, luckily for him, that wasn't the end as he was reborn in a world where chaos runs rampant in the form of pirates. Now born in a world where his dream of becoming the strongest is achievable, watch as he slowly carves his way to the top in the body of a powerful race, along with help from some friends that'll accompany him on his journey.

Ozonelayer · Anime und Comics
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374 Chs

Chapter 82: Freyja & Diddy's Battles

Seeing everyone within about fifty or so meters around us collapse onto the ground unconscious, even though I could continue to extend the power, I recalled it as there was no reason to push even further.

"Heh, that's better; now, let's get down to business." Remarked Diddy with a smirk as the lightning that danced around his body converged around his arms and legs before he swiftly dashed toward the astonished Lindbergh.

Running toward Lindbergh, I drew my arm back and jumped into the air, allowing gravity to pull me back down as I punched toward him, though he managed to snap out of his daze just in time and counter-attack with his blackened fist, causing me to wince in pain, as I'm sure my fingers had cracked, yet even so, I didn't let up and continued to push with all of my might while our electricity fought for superiority, which was the only thing I could best him in.

"You, so you're also a user of the Color of the Supreme King?" Asked Lindbergh with a frown as he looked up at Diddy, though his question was more of a statement.

"Hmm? Color of the Supreme King? I don't know what you're talking about; how about instead of talking, you focus on the battle at hand!" Replied Diddy in confusion while shaking his head and displaying a feral grin as he spun over Lindbergh's fist.

'72 Bian, variation 8: Spinning Bird Kick!' Thought Diddy as he slammed the heel of his foot onto Lindbergh's head, though he promptly evaded the kick, causing his foot to hit the ground, creating a small crater while the surrounding ground cracked from the force.

"Oh, well, it makes no difference if you can use the Color of the Supreme King or not; you don't seem competent enough in being able to use it offensively." Said Lindbergh lightly, his expression hardening as he lunged toward Diddy and clawed at him with his nails.

Stepping back, I dodged his numerous claw swipes, barely managing to evade them, which showed my improvements from last time since before I wasn't able to do so. Lightly jumping in the air, I positioned myself horizontally, my feet facing Lindbergh before using geppo, and even though he blocked it, he was still pushed backward, giving me some much-needed space.

Giving myself a moment of respite, I tightly clutched Naga-sa and lunged toward Lindbergh; swinging my bo-staff, I aimed for his head, yet he blocked it with his blackened arm, though I could tell it still hurt him despite his ability as I saw him wince in pain. Pulling Naga-sa back, I slammed it atop his head, though seemingly having learned his lesson, he opted to evade it before dashing right for me, causing me to swiftly retract my bo-staff and use it to block his attack while using my tail to keep me stabilized from the force of the impact.

Pushing him off me, I used Naga-sa to powerfully swipe down, causing several blades of sharp winds to head right for Lindbergh, yet thanks to his inborn feline agility, he crouched down to all fours and quickly maneuvered his way through them while approaching me, with even more speed than before. Seeing him speedily near me, I attempted to back away, yet he suddenly increased his speed, taking me by slight surprise as he appeared before me while his two blackened, lightning-clad palms headed right for my chest.

'72 Bian, variation 44: Earthly Stance.' Thought Diddy, firmly planting his feet onto the ground, solidifying his connection to the earth while using tekkai as he covered his chest with his arms.

The instant his palm hit my arms, I felt an immense amount of force invade my body; I managed to direct most of it towards my feet before dispersing it into the ground, causing the surrounding ground to crack in a large radius, yet even so, the remaining force was still rather painful, though it could've been much worse. I rarely use this technique, mainly because I hardly ever fight purely on the ground, but it's one hell of a martial art; still, it has its drawbacks, such as being unable to move while using it. I've tried to remove such a drawback, and while I can, its power tremendously drops, and it wasn't worth using in my eyes.

"Hehe, hardly felt a thing." Said Diddy with a feral grin, his words causing Lindbergh to frown as he started unleashing a barrage of attacks, yet they were all dispersed into the ground.

I may be able to disperse most of his attacks into the ground beneath me, but it wasn't possible when there was no ground to stand on, and that's what was happening since, with each attack, the ground lost its shape. Clicking my tongue, I waited for him to attack me, and just before he did, I jumped backward, hopefully reducing the impact while taking the attack, causing my arms to nearly snap from the power held behind his punch.

'Hehe, fuck me, despite getting stronger, I can still hardly fight him; but at least it's much better than before. After all, both of my arms are working just fine.' Mused Diddy with a slightly savage smirk as he lunged toward Lindbergh with his bo-staff in hand, erupting into another intense battle.



"Mhm, that feels good; I love the sensation of my strength steadily improving." Muttered Freyja with a lustful smile as she passionately kissed a man, turning him into a dried-up husk devoid of any life within a mere second.

Looking around and seeing nothing but dried husks of men in the nearby vicinity, I turned and glanced at Diddy in the distance, who was fighting with Lindbergh; he was currently on the losing end, yet he was still capable of holding his own, though such a sight caused me to grin.

"Even with his incredible senses, it'll be hard for him to dodge an ambush while fighting a losing battle." Remarked Freyja with an ecstatic smirk as she flew towards Diddy, though she didn't get far since suddenly, a small man wearing marine attire appeared before her, punching her in the face.

Seeing the man appear before me, I just glanced at him before ignoring him; he was a man, so there was no reason to worry about him, but to my utter shock, he punched me in the face, sending me crashing into a crowd of marines and revolutionists.

"M-My Queen, are you okay!?" Yelled the various enslaved men of both factions as they ran towards the small crater her body made when colliding with the ground.

Extending my hand, I stabbed it into the chest of a random man and sucked his vitality dry before using it to heal my body from the wounds that the man gave me; once fully healed, with a grunt, I pushed myself out from the ground while throwing away the dried husk attached to my hand.

"Tch, that fucking hurt, fucking bastard." Muttered Freyja angrily as she eyed the small marine hovering in the sky, continuously kicking the air to keep him afloat.

"The Insatiable Freyja, I won't allow you to help your Captain." Said Mini solemnly as he glanced at Diddy and Lindbergh fighting, knowing it was only a matter of time until Diddy was defeated before focusing on Freyja.

"Hmph, I had no intention of helping that fucker; I, in fact, want him dead, so can you be a good little boy and move out of Mommy's way?" Said Freyja with a frown as she flew up toward Mini while displaying an incredibly charming smile, using her bewitching abilities to turn Mini into one of her many slaves, though her choice of words thoroughly pissed him off.

"I'm not a KID!" Yelled Mini angrily as he coated his fist in armament haki and punched Freyja, flinging her into the distance.

'Ugh, he's strong; my power doesn't affect him even slightly. Dammit! With him here, I won't be able to get to Diddy!' Thought Freyja while angrily looking at Mini as she used some of her reserved vitality to heal her injuries for a second time, returning her to peak condition.

"Fine! Since you want to be like that, I kill you first!" Yelled Freyja angrily as parts of her body started morphing into a more monstrous form, causing her to look like a demon-human hybrid.

"Satan's Soul." Muttered Freyja once she finished transforming into her strongest form, which granted her the same incredible strength when fully transformed, and the bewitching abilities of her human form while also slightly increasing them as well, causing her to look even sexier than before.

'I was saving this form for Diddy, but I don't think I'll be able to hold back while fighting this guy.' Mused Freyja while her long black hair rose to the sky as she eyed Mini with her darkened irises, which gave her a slightly more demonic appearance.

"A transformation? You've eaten a Zoan Devil Fruit." Said Mini with a slight frown as he felt his heart rate subtly speed up while eying Freyja's new form, though he could still suppress his rising lust, granted it was noticeably more difficult.

"Yes, and now I'll eat you, little boy." Said Freyja while pointing toward Mini, her voice sounding as if two people were speaking simultaneously, one gentle while the other was monstrous.

"I'm a grown man! I even have armpit hair!" Yelled Mini angrily as he took off his shirt and lifted his arms, proudly displaying his two strands of hair, one on each armpit.


Created a discord server, so if anyone wishes to join, it also works this time; I've reset it again, https://discord.gg/UDA82gq7 (Note: this link only lasts for one week)



Elven Legacy (Chapter 177: Bet of Danger) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 58: Lavenders Ring?) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 92: Chandelier City) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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