
One Piece: Celestial Corruption

In a world where darkness reigned supreme, Alaric emerged as a harbinger of malevolence, reborn as a Celestial Dragon. Gifted with the Succubus Physique, he devoured five devil fruits with a hunger that mirrored the depths of his depravity. Driven not by lust alone, but by a thirst for domination and cruelty, Alaric's every action dripped with malice. With each main character he vanquished, he reveled in the agony of his victims, his power growing with every drop of their blood. As he sailed the cursed seas, Alaric amassed not a harem, but a legion of enslaved souls, their wills shattered by his iron fist and twisted desires. In his wake, he left a trail of corruption and despair, his name whispered in terror by those who dared to defy him. For Alaric, ultimate pleasure lay not in ecstasy, but in the agony of others. And as he gazed upon the shattered world he ruled with an iron grip, he knew that his reign of darkness was just beginning.

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9 Chs


A month later,

As Alaric awakened to the soft morning light filtering through the windows, he found himself greeted by the familiar faces of Saturn and Warcury, his grandfathers. Their smiles were wide and warm as they wished him a happy 9th birthday, their hands coming together in a gentle applause of celebration.

With their jovial presence setting the tone for the day, a group of attentive maids soon arrived, bustling about with a flurry of activity. They quickly whisked Alaric away to prepare him for the special occasion, expertly bathing him and applying soothing ointments with practiced care. Each gesture was imbued with a sense of reverence, as if they were preparing a young prince for a royal celebration.

As Alaric emerged from their care, adorned in specially chosen garments for the occasion, he couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. The attire fit him perfectly, accentuating his youthful charm and exuding an air of regal elegance. He glanced at his reflection and couldn't help but smile, pleased with the transformation.

With every detail attended to with meticulous precision, Alaric felt a sense of anticipation building within him. Today was not just any ordinary day—it was his birthday, a day to be celebrated with joy and laughter, surrounded by loved ones and cherished memories.

As he joined Saturn and Warcury, their smiles mirrored his own, their eyes twinkling with affection and pride. Together, they embarked on a day filled with festivities, laughter, and the warmth of familial bonds, knowing that moments like these were truly priceless treasures to be cherished forever.

"Saturn then said, 'Imu wants to see you, son.' Warcury chimed in, 'Don't worry, nothing will happen. She should be planning to give you a birthday gift, as she called me and Saturn in private to discuss you. She was very impressed by your mind and abilities.'"

With their words resonating in his mind, Alaric couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. The prospect of meeting Imu, a figure of such high standing among the Celestial Dragons, was both thrilling and daunting. Yet, the reassurance from his grandfathers helped ease some of his apprehensions as they made their way to Imu's castle.

As they walked, they were greeted by numerous well-wishers and fellow Celestial Dragons, extending their heartfelt birthday greetings to Alaric. Each greeting served as a reminder of his growing reputation and influence within their esteemed society, fueling his sense of anticipation for what lay ahead.

Arriving at Imu's castle, Alaric's heart beat with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. What awaited him behind those grand doors? The aura of reverence and anticipation only heightened his curiosity as he stepped inside, accompanied by Saturn and Warcury.

As they approached Imu's presence, Alaric couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter would mark a significant turning point in his life—a moment that would shape his destiny in profound ways. With a deep breath, he prepared himself for whatever Imu had in store for him, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.

As Alaric stepped through the grand doors of Imu's castle, he felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Saturn and Warcury remained outside, leaving him to face the imposing figure of Imu, the enigmatic king of the world.

"Happy birthday, Alaric." Imu greeted him with a warm smile, her presence radiating authority and wisdom. Alaric's heart swelled with pride at the acknowledgment of such a powerful figure.

"Thank you, Master," Alaric replied respectfully, his voice tinged with excitement and gratitude.

Imu's smile widened as she praised Alaric's talents and acknowledged his remarkable deeds. "I have heard of your deeds. I must say, you are very talented," she said, her voice carrying a tone of genuine admiration.

Alaric felt a surge of pride at her words, standing before her with a sense of newfound confidence.

Then, with a gesture of generosity, Imu presented Alaric with two devil fruits: the mythical beast peacock and the mythical beast thunderbird. Alaric's eyes widened in astonishment as he accepted the precious gifts, realizing their significance as the devil fruits of his parents.

But Imu wasn't finished yet. With another gracious gesture, she handed Alaric a key, explaining that it granted him access to her treasury. Alaric's mind raced with possibilities as he accepted the key, overwhelmed by the magnitude of Imu's generosity.

"Thank you, Master Imu. I am truly honored," Alaric said, his voice filled with gratitude.

As Alaric entered Imu's treasury, his eyes widened at the sight of the vast collection of treasures within. The room was adorned with precious metals, top-tier swords, and a variety of devil fruits, each with its own unique power. Imu gestured for Alaric to explore and make his selection.

With a sense of excitement, Alaric surveyed the array of devil fruits before him. Among them was the mythical beast Kraken Fruit, its allure drawing him in with the promise of untold power. After careful consideration, Alaric reached out and claimed the fruit, feeling a surge of anticipation coursing through him as he held it in his hands.

As Alaric made his choice, Imu closed the treasury with a knowing smile, her expression hinting at the satisfaction of granting Alaric his birthday wish. "Enjoy your birthday, Alaric," she said warmly, her voice filled with genuine warmth and kindness.

Thanking Imu once more, Alaric left the treasury, his heart brimming with excitement and gratitude for the extraordinary gift he had received.

Meanwhile, as Alaric departed, Imu returned to her throne, settling back into the shadows. A faint blush adorned her cheeks, though the reason for her sudden flush remained a mystery even to her.

As Alaric returned with the three devil fruits in hand, Saturn and Warcury's eyes widened in recognition at the sight of two of the devil fruits. They knew them all too well—they were the fruits of their son and daughter. However, the third devil fruit was unfamiliar to them, and its appearance stirred their curiosity.

With a sense of mystery hanging in the air, Alaric revealed the identity of the unfamiliar fruit. "This is the Kraken fruit," he declared, his voice carrying a hint of excitement.

Upon hearing the name, Warcury and Saturn exchanged surprised glances. "The Kraken fruit?" Warcury echoed, his tone filled with incredulity. "That fruit holds very little knowledge for anyone. It's said that it has never been eaten in history—only its name remains, recorded in a single ancient book with just one page left."

The revelation left them both pondering the significance of Alaric's acquisition. The Kraken fruit was shrouded in mystery, its potential power a tantalizing prospect for those brave enough to wield it. 

As Alaric entered the bustling hall, adorned with elegant decorations and filled with the elite of the celestial dragon community, Saturn and Warcury flanked him with pride evident in their demeanor. "Happy birthday, Alaric," they chimed in unison, their voices carrying the warmth of familial affection.

The air was thick with anticipation and reverence as Alaric made his way through the crowd, greeted by nods of respect and well wishes from the assembled celestial dragons. Mars and Shepherd, accompanied by their sons, Orion and Natsu, stepped forward to offer their congratulations. "A remarkable young man, indeed," Mars remarked, while Shepherd nodded in agreement.

Alaric's presence, though youthful, commanded attention and respect from all in attendance. As he mingled with the guests, engaging in polite conversation and exchanging pleasantries, it was clear that he was viewed with a mixture of admiration and curiosity by his elders and peers alike.

Amidst the revelry, a new figure emerged, breaking through the crowd with purpose. "Happy birthday, dear Alaric," came the familiar voice of Nsujuro, accompanied by a warm smile. Beside him stood his daughter, Hinata, whose gentle demeanor and polite greeting conveyed a sense of respect for the occasion.

Alaric greeted Hinata with genuine warmth, engaging her in conversation as they exchanged pleasantries. Their interaction was cordial, marked by the mutual acknowledgment of their families' longstanding ties within the celestial dragon community.

As the festivities continued, another presence made itself known as Saint Garling approached, a proud smile adorning his face. "Alaric, allow me to introduce my daughter, Yoko," he announced, gesturing towards the elegant young woman at his side.

The introduction sparked a subtle but palpable tension in the air as both Hinata and Yoko exchanged glances, each recognizing the other as a potential rival for Alaric's attention.

As their grandson found himself in the company of both Yoko and Hinata, Saturn and Warcury approached, their presence exuding a sense of familial pride and warmth. "Let's make the most of this celebration," they chimed in unison, their voices laced with affection.

Throughout the festivities, Alaric was kept busy, graciously accepting well wishes and gifts from the attendees. It seemed as though every celestial dragon in attendance wanted to extend their regards to the young heir, making for a long but joyous occasion.

As the party approached its conclusion, Alaric was invited to cut the birthday cake, a symbolic gesture marking the culmination of the festivities. Laughter and merriment filled the air as guests indulged in sweet treats and raised their glasses in celebration.

Then, in a touching display of familial love and tradition, Saturn and Warcury presented two small boxes, each containing a ring. With heartfelt wishes, they conveyed their birthday greetings once more, gifting Alaric with rings symbolizing his status as the patriarch of their respective families. It was a gesture of profound significance, signifying Alaric's position as the future leader and guardian of their lineage.

After donning the ring, Alaric felt a weighty responsibility settle upon his shoulders, knowing that he now held dominion over the vast estates and loyal servants of the Jaygarcia and Topman families. The significance of the gesture wasn't lost on the other three elders and Garling, who expressed surprise at the timing of the gift. However, Saturn and Warcury reassured them, affirming Alaric's maturity and capability to handle the responsibilities bestowed upon him.

In addition to the symbolic ring, Alaric received further gifts from Mars, Shepherd, Nsujuro, and Garling, each reflecting the giver's admiration and respect for the young celestial dragon.

Mars presented the Endocrinon-Endocrinon Fruit, Apex Hormone Fruit, a devil fruit with potent abilities, symbolizing Alaric's ascent to greatness. Shepherd offered a set of bracelets imbued with protective enchantments, designed to alert Alaric in case of danger, showcasing the familial bond and commitment to Alaric's safety.

Nsujuro, accompanied by his daughter Hinata, gifted a Wyvern mythical devil fruit, a rare and powerful treasure that spoke of Alaric's potential for greatness. Finally, Garling, along with his daughter Yoko, presented a Paramecia black hole devil fruit, a formidable ability that underscored Alaric's growing influence and significance within the celestial dragon community.

With these gifts, Alaric's birthday celebration transcended mere festivities, marking a pivotal moment in his journey toward leadership and power within the celestial dragon hierarchy.

As the festivities wound down and the guests departed, Alaric's attention turned to the return of Sophia, Freya, Violet, Nova, and Scarlet from the maid academy. Despite their weariness, they made a point to greet Alaric on his special day, eager to show their appreciation for their master.

However, Alaric, exhausted from the day's events, acknowledged them with a grateful nod before retiring to his chambers. There, in the quiet solitude of his room, he finally had a moment to himself. With a sense of anticipation tingling in the air, he unwrapped the Kraken fruit and Endocrinon-Endocrinon Fruit—Apex Hormone Fruit.

Savoring the moment, Alaric consumed the fruits, feeling the power surge through his veins. In an instant, he felt a surge of energy coursing through his body, invigorating him and heightening his senses.


[The perfect fruits for succubus body has been found.]

[Undergoing fusion of Succubus Physique, Kraken Fruit, and Endocrinon-Endocrinon Fruit—Apex Hormone Fruit]


[Fusion completed]

[Host, gets a new physique.....Celestial Succubus Physique]

[Celestial Succubus Physique:

1. Now the host has a limit of 10 Devil Fruits.

2. The host can use Kraken Fruit and Endocrinon Fruit underwater.

3. The use of Kraken and Endocrinon Devil Fruits will not consume the host's physique.

With an electrifying surge of determination, Alaric seized the moment to further amplify his powers. Widening his jaws, he consumed the remaining four devil fruits with an insatiable hunger.

The first to vanish into his maw was the mythical beast Peacock Fruit, its vibrant essence merging seamlessly with his own. In an instant, the regal aura and kaleidoscopic brilliance of the peacock became an integral part of his being, endowing him with unimaginable abilities.

Next, he devoured the thunderbird fruit, feeling the crackling energy of lightning infuse every fiber of his being. As the raw power of thunder coursed through him, Alaric sensed a newfound command over the very forces of nature themselves.

Then came the Wyren fruit, its ancient strength and feral intensity melding with his essence. With each beat of his heart, Alaric felt the indomitable spirit of the Wyren pulsating within him, empowering him to face any challenge with unwavering resolve.

Lastly, he consumed the paramecia black hole fruit, its enigmatic properties bending the fabric of reality around him. With this extraordinary ability at his command, Alaric knew he held the power to reshape the very laws of existence themselves.


[Fusion of FrostBlaze Phoenix + Peacock + Thunderbird + Wyren + Black Hole Fruit]


[Fusion completed]

[Name: Celestial Nexus Fruit, Astral Fusion Model]


1. Cosmic Elemental Sovereignty: The user commands the fundamental forces of the universe, mastering fire, ice, lightning, wind, and darkness with celestial authority.

2. Astral Plumage: The user's majestic plumage emanates a captivating aura of cosmic brilliance, ensnaring opponents and shielding the user with ethereal grace.

3. Thundering Tempest: Channeling the might of celestial storms, the user conjures thunderstorms and cyclonic winds, unleashing bolts of astral lightning and torrents of cosmic energy.

4. Eclipse Roar: A resounding celestial roar rends the heavens, proclaiming the user's dominion over creation and annihilation, distorting reality, and bending space to their whim.

5. Singularity Convergence: By manipulating the fabric of space-time, the user summons miniature cosmic singularities, distorting gravity and bending dimensions with celestial finesse.

6. Nexus Fusion: Bridging the celestial realms, the user merges dimensions, creating a cosmic nexus where realities intertwine and adversaries are ensnared in the tapestry of existence.

7. Celestial Rebirth: From the cosmic crucible of defeat, the user undergoes transcendent metamorphosis, emerging with renewed vigor and ascendant power, bathed in the radiance of celestial rebirth.

8. Ethereal Majesty: Enveloped in an aura of celestial splendor, the user commands the reverence of stars and the awe of cosmic entities, weakening foes and amplifying their own celestial prowess.

9. Stellar Magnitude Manipulation: By harnessing the cosmic fabric, the user can manipulate their size at will, expanding or contracting their form with celestial finesse.

10. Astral Teleportation: Blinking through the celestial void, the user can teleport instantaneously across vast distances, traversing the cosmos with unparalleled speed and precision.

11. Ultimate Regeneration: The user possesses the ability to regenerate from any injury, no matter how severe, with cosmic efficiency and speed. They can regenerate lost limbs and heal grievous wounds in moments.

12. Super Healing: The user's healing abilities extend to others as well, allowing them to heal allies' injuries and ailments with celestial energy, restoring vitality and rejuvenating their strength.

With the Celestial Nexus Fruit-Astral Fusion Model, the user ascends beyond mortal boundaries, transcending into a cosmic entity of boundless power and celestial majesty.

After witnessing his newfound abilities, a grin stretched across Alaric's face as he leaned back, his eyes fixated on the holographic interface. "System," he commanded with a hint of excitement, "show me my status."

The holographic display materialized before him, its ethereal glow illuminating the room. Alaric's anticipation grew as he awaited the revelation of his enhanced powers and capabilities. With a swift flicker, the interface unveiled his current standing:


[NAME: Saint Jaygarcia Alaric Topman]

[Identity: Patriarch of the Jaygarcia and Topman Families]

[Bloodline: Human]

[Physique: Celestial Succubus]

[Devil Fruit: Celestial Nexus Fruit-Astral Mode]

[Max Loyalty: None]


Armament: Locked

Observation: Locked

King's: Beginner]

[System Storage: Skill Enhancement Card, Zoan Devil Fruit Enhancement Card]