
One Piece: Against the Gods

Born with pedigree. Deemed by the masses as gods, but caged in a hellscape that camouflages itself as a holy land. What would a person do after seeing the atrocities that humanity are capable of? Destined to be a puppet, a child struggles against his chains and vows to bring down the so-called Gods on earth who only bring suffering and torment. __ Hello everyone, I just really like One Piece's story. The GOAT Oda is simply too poweful. And I'm going to try to put a spin on it. A celestial dragon doing his own things. I will try not to rehash the original story. So do forgive me for copying the GOAT a couple of times. This will be a bit slow for some, a bit fast for others. I'd say it's a mix of both which is weird. Anyways, give this a shot. Warning: He'll have a lot of girls as there are too many good ones in One Piece. I won't waste your time if you don't like that. Though I will try my hardest to make it organic.

B00BIES_for_life · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 26: A Visit

Things progressed normally after Vegapunk showed Tyr his lineage factor.

At the 15 day mark of Kuina's recovery though, Vegapunk weaned her off of sedation and she woke up.

"Ugh, my head. I feel like I cracked it open." Kuina rubbed her head and she noticed that she had a neck brace.

"Huh? What is this? Where am I?" Kuina looked around.

After a minute though, Tyr suddenly busted through the door of her room.

"Kuina!" Tyr had a wide smile on his face when he saw her sitting on the bed.

"Tyr... Where am I?" Kuina was confused. "You're in the new world. Can't you remember? You fell down d stairs." Tyr looked at her with worry.

"Ahhh... I remember. Why are we in the new world though?" Kuina blinked.

"You almost died, I had to locate my friend that had access to advanced technology." Tyr patted her head.

"I did?" She shuddered. "You're fine now though, just a little therapy and letting the treatment do its thing."

"I see... But the new world huh? I have to rub this in to Zoro." Kuina chuckled.

"He cried for you, you know? You didn't woke up and everybody thought you were a goner." Tyr pinched her cheek.

"I guess I should be nicer to him." Kuina smiled wryly upon learning that.

"You should, he's a nice kid. Though a little annoying." Tyr chuckled.

"Yeah, he is an annoying brat." Kuina laughed and Maria entered the room.

"So, this is your little apprentice? Hello, girlie. I'm Tyr's lover." Maria gave her a flirtatious wink and Kuina blinked.

"Haaa!?" Kuina looked at him and he facepalmed.

"No she isn't. I tried to go to Wano where your grandfather came from. But I wasn't able to find any Shimotsukis. Though I did find a freeloader." Tyr pointed at Maria.

"Hey! I'm training to be a fighter! And I can be the musician of your crew." Maria puffed her cheeks at him.

"Your crew?" Kuina blinked as she thought of the implications of that.

"Yeah, I'm building a crew to explore the world. Maria's technically the 5th member. The 6th one stayed in Wano because she couldn't leave." Tyr shrugged.

"Wow... Can I be a part of your crew too!?" Kuina asked and Tyr was about to agree.

"Definitely not, what would be your role in his ship?" Maria suddenly intervened.

Tyr was about to speak, but Maria gave him a meaningful stare.

"My role in the ship..." Kuina went pensive. "I'll be the blacksmith and swordsman!" Kuina remembered that Koushiro knows how to smith.

"Umu, you pass." Maria nodded in satisfaction at her answer.

"Like your role is useful, I can be the musician as well." Tyr rolled his eyes.

"Tch, well do you want to be the entertainer all the time?" Maria argued back and he didn't want to.

"That's what I thought." Maria snorted. "Who's the other one from Wano?" Kuina asked in curiosity.

"Oh, she's the daughter of an emperor of the seas, Yamato." Tyr revealed casually.

"A... A daughter of an emperor of the sea!?" Kuina screamed.

"Geez, calm down." Tyr snorted. "Yeah, we're gonna be super strong. So we'll train, get well soon Kuina." Maria gave her some cookies.

"Hey, I was the one who made that special, chungus maximus chocolate chip cookie deluxe." Tyr complained.

"Well, it was mine when you gave it to me. So I now have the credit." Maria pulled him to train some more and Kuina blinked.

"Chungus maximus?" Kuina was confused by the name.

After training, Tyr went up to Vegapunk for something.

"Hey, Vegapunk. You think you can whip me up a device that can increase gravity?" Tyr asked him as he really wanted a gravity chamber.

Training his strength will only get harder from here. Especially because east blue doesn't have the special equipment he needs.

"Increasing gravity huh?" Vegapunk rubbed his chin.

"I really need it so my training will be more efficient." Tyr explained.

"Hmm, Saturn will probably give me a lot of leeway if I manage to do that!" Vegapunk thought it was interesting. Profitable to boot.

"How about you try with electromagnets? Magnets have a force to them, right?" Tyr didn't know what he was talking about, but he was determined to help.

"Oh, ohh! Maybe, maybe we can turn people magnetic then increase the g forces on them to make it harder to move!" Vegapunk started yapping and Tyr left him to his own devices.

Tyr then started using the last ability of the rokushiki, geppo.

"Heh, Egghead's gym sure is handy. Now, I can use geppo. Though I'm pretty sure it's due to brute force. Whatever, I can just refine it." He then thought of using it with soru and his wings.

He will have four sources of acceleration while in the air. Heh, hehe, HAHAHA! I'm fast as fuck, boi!"

Tyr zipped around the island like a kid in a sugar rush.

He then returned to the lab while laughing like a villain.

"You sound even more threatening than Kaido. His goofy laugh goes worororo or something." Maria chuckled.

"How can you deal with someone like that? That's definitely an ick." Tyr imagined himself hearing something like that for years.

"Now that I think about it, his laugh alone would make a girl think twice." Maria did an introspection.

"Come on, let's train some more. You would be overpowered with rokushiki." Tyr could see it already.

Maria could wrap someone up in her webs and poke them to death with her six arms. Not to mention her spider legs that already has a pointy tip.

She would turn her enemies into swiss cheese. Or slice them up with rankyaku, she has 8 legs in her zoan form after all.

"A flying spider..." Tyr shuddered and Maria pouted at him.

"I thought you weren't digusted by my hybrid form?" Maria puffed her cheeks.

"Yeah, I stand by what I said. I just imagined a huge spider flying through the air while using the six powers." Tyr winced.

The two continued monopolizing Vegapunk's gym and their strength started to increase incredibly quickly.

After a week, Kuina's therapy ended and she could already use her limbs without problems.

So she followed Tyr and Maria to the gym and saw them use weird machines. Not really knowing that they were lifting millions of pounds.

"Tyr! I can exercise now, the doctor with the huge head told me!" Kuina grinned.

"Hmmm, if Vegapunk cleared you. Then alright, but you can only run for now alright?" Tyr nodded at her.

"I can't stay still, Zoro will get much stronger than me if I do!" Kuina pouted.

"Fine, fine. I'll let you in on a secret. Vegapunk will give us a secret training area when we return to east blue." Tyr smiled and ruffled her hair.

"Really!?" Kuina got excited and Maria saw a smirk on Tyr's face.

"Yup, you'll be super strong when you train in it." Tyr beamed at her.

"Oi... You're planning something and I don't like it." Maria shuddered when she saw his sweet smile.

"Whatever do you mean?" Tyr's smile didn't falter one bit.

So, Maria had no choice but to wait nervously about what he had in store for them.

After a full month passed, Vegapunk suddenly appeared with eyebags.

"Behold! My electromagnetinator!" Vegapunk led Tyr to a spherical device that was approximately the size of a large house, several stories tall.

"Umu, truly a deserving name." Tyr nodded sagely.

"Before entering, a dispenser will give you a pill. It's based on the magnet magnet fruit's lineage factor. It will turn you magnetic for approximately eight hours." Vegapunk began explaining the features.

"Then! You can operate the machine from the inside. Set the number of g's that you want to experience. The magnets of the machine will simulate it for you." Vegapunk was satisfied with his new invention.

"Wow, that's insane." Tyr don't even wanna think of how difficult it must be to create something like that.

"What about the power though? If it's running on electromagnets, then it will need an exorbitant amount of power." Tyr didn't forgot about it.

"Ahh, yes. It was a serious concern. For you won't be able to use it in an area without an abundance of electricity." Vegapunk nodded at him.

"But! I have created a power source for it from an extremely powerful battery. I specialized it for you. You just need to charge it up with your flames. The port here will convert it to potential energy." Vegapunk pointed at a port below the sphere where Tyr can put his hands in.

"Damn, you're a genius Vegapunk. I knew I could count on you." Tyr was seriously impressed.

"Umu, science has succeeded once again. You have a supply of 10 thousand pills. The only side effect is you'll become sluggish after. Like you are intoxicated. Due to the magnetism affecting your neural network." Vegapunk explained further.

"How will you bring it to east blue though?" Maria asked a valid question.

"I have taken care of that as well! There's a modified ship on the docks that has a hatch inside. So you can also store your boat there." Vegapunk was going above and beyond.

"Thanks, Vegapunk. I'm seriously in your debt. When you have trouble with the world government, call me. I'll bail you out, that's a promise." Tyr smiled.

"Ohh, that will be appreciated. I doubt they'll just let me do anything I want." Vegapunk squinted his eyes.

After all, they were just using each other. And when the world government sees a chance to eliminate him after he outlasted his use. They won't hesitate at all.

"Is this the super cool device you said? What does it do?" Kuina poked it.

"You'll have a lot of fun in it." Tyr patted her head.

Tyr lifted the artificial gravity chamber on his shoulder and Kuina's eyes went as wide as saucers.

"I've never seen you use your strength before... But this is ridiculous." Kuina can't believe he can carry something that was even larger than their whole dojo.

And it definitely looked heavier. "Well, you're gonna learn today." Tyr chuckled as he was going to carry their ship when they arrive at the reverse mountain.

"Tell me about the data you'll collect about my electromagnetinator!" Vegapunk waved at them.

They then started sailing towards the reverse mountain after their log pose locked on to whiskey peak. The island nearest to the other side.

And when they arrived at the reverse mountain, Tyr smiled. "Hold on tight!" Tyr called out to them and Maria grabbed Kuina with one hand.

"This is weird, you're so tall, Maria-nee." Kuina still can't believe that people can be so tall.

"Wait till you see giants. They're absurdly large." Maria chuckled and Tyr steered the wheel.

"Okay! We're almost at the peak! I'll have to make a detour!" Tyr grabbed massive chains that were hooked to the hull of the ship.

He then flapped his wings and started carrying the ship.

"We're flying!" Kuina looked at the scenery as Tyr crossed the current that would lead to Loguetown. As that would bring them to east blue instead of grand line.

"Did you girls have fun?" Tyr laughed as the two were still internalizing the feeling of flying. It was quite surreal.

"Let's do it again!" Kuina requested and he still had a lot of juice. "Okay, let's go fly towards Shimotsuki!" Tyr lifted up the ship once again and he cruised towards Shimotsuki.

When they docked on the island, Tyr and Maria quickly noticed something different.

There was a ship there without an identifier. 'No jolly roger, no symbol... They can't be a merchant ship too, they're too large.'

Tyr looked at Maria and she nodded. "Kuina, stay on the ship." Tyr ordered immediately with a steely voice.

"O-okay." Kuina got nervous as she never saw him get that serious before.

"Let's check who these people are, shall we?" Tyr cracked his neck.

"Aye, captain." Maria transformed to her hybrid form.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.