
One Piece: Against the Gods

Born with pedigree. Deemed by the masses as gods, but caged in a hellscape that camouflages itself as a holy land. What would a person do after seeing the atrocities that humanity are capable of? Destined to be a puppet, a child struggles against his chains and vows to bring down the so-called Gods on earth who only bring suffering and torment. __ Hello everyone, I just really like One Piece's story. The GOAT Oda is simply too poweful. And I'm going to try to put a spin on it. A celestial dragon doing his own things. I will try not to rehash the original story. So do forgive me for copying the GOAT a couple of times. This will be a bit slow for some, a bit fast for others. I'd say it's a mix of both which is weird. Anyways, give this a shot. Warning: He'll have a lot of girls as there are too many good ones in One Piece. I won't waste your time if you don't like that. Though I will try my hardest to make it organic.

B00BIES_for_life · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 25: Chimera

Laying low on Egghead, Tyr decided not to come to Elbaf. As Kaido might get a wind of him.

So he stayed at Egghead. Also to wait patiently on Kuina's recovery.

"So, you're gonna wait for your little crush to get cured first?" Maria teased him.

"Kuina almost died, besides. It's much safer to stay here in Egghead." Tyr shrugged, ignoring her teasing.

"But it's so boooring." Maria complained and Tyr rolled his eyes.

"Then let's do something worthwhile." Tyr smirked at her as he took off his suit.

"W-wha?" Maria suddenly blushed as she saw his rock-hard muscles.

He then went up to her and grabbed her legs, making her face burn up.

"W-what are you doing?" Maria glared at him, but she didn't do anything else.

"Shut up, I'm concentrating here." Tyr gave her a side eye and Maria almost moaned.

He then went to her back, arms, and abdomen.

Maria bit her finger. 'I-is he going to do it? Will he go for my chest, next? I'm not ready yet!'

"Umu, you're slender. So you will be great at quick maneuvers. And with your heritage, behind that slim frame, you pack a lot of power like Yamato." Tyr nodded in satisfaction at his observations.

Maria blinked and Tyr continued yapping. "Do you have a devil fruit? I assume it's a zoan? You're called the beast pirates after all."

She deadpanned at him and looked at Tyr with an unamused gaze.

"Well?" Tyr raised a brow at her. "I have a spider-based zoan." Maria huffed at him and pouted.

"What? Why are you in a bad mood? We're gonna train so you won't get bored." Tyr was confused.

"Hmmmph." Maria puffed her cheeks as she crossed her arms.

She then went to find Vegapunk in order to ask about a suitable training ground in Egghead.

"Girls are weird as hell." Tyr sighed as he followed her.

Maria kept ignoring him as Vegapunk led them to a room that had ridiculously heavy weights.

"Have fun, I will also monitor how strong you are." Vegapunk left with a creepy reminder.

"He'll watch, he says?" Maria raised a brow and Tyr sighed.

"He probably just wants data." Tyr started warming up and his eyes shone when he saw some pretty sweet weights.

He went to a bench and read what the cylindrical pillars above were.

"Hydraulic pillars for a bench press? That's high tech as fuck." Tyr lied down and started with a light warm up of 10 thousand tons.

'Look at him, just lifting weights like a meathead after... After he groped me!' Maria glared at him.

But she can't stop looking though as Tyr started his work out for real.

Pumping 100 thousand tons, he started to struggle after a couple of reps and his muscles reached failure.

"Whew, damn! Egghead's gym is amazing!" Tyr whistled like a gym rat as he hit a PR.

He then saw handles on the ground. And they essentially acted as deadlifts.

"Alright, I gotta take advantage of the equipment here!" Tyr was like a kid in a candy store.

Maria watched him sweat and pump weights as his muscles rippled.

She didn't exactly understand the numbers on the machine. Saying it was 50^5 in weight. But what she did understand is he was absolutely jacked as hell.

And even though he kinda resembled King, Tyr had a softer, expression. Making him look like royalty. Though his rugged body and popping veins made her knees weak.

After all, she was at the height of puberty. Being 16 years old.

So she decided to lift some weights as well to keep herself distracted.

"Ooh!? You're strong as expected, Maria." Tyr saw her squat 200 thousand tons. About half of his PR.

"Go bother someone else." Maria huffed at him.

"Okay, okay, fine. Damn, what's got your panties in a twist?" Tyr rolled his eyes.

"Shut up! You're annoying me!" Maria snapped at him and he quickly retreated.

"What's her problem? Maybe I should ask someone." Tyr called for Garp.

"Hey, brat. What happened?" Garp asked him about Kuina.

"She survived, Vegapunk saved her. Thanks again, Garp. I really owe you one for that." Tyr was really thankful.

"Heh, I'll cash in on that in the future. Sengoku nagged my ass for losing an eternal log pose to Egghead. Return it to me later, yeah?" Garp laughed.

"Yeah, sure. Hey, I got a question though. A new friend I made suddenly got mad at me when I said we'll go training." Tyr asked him and Garp was picking his nose.

"Huh? What am I? A counselor?" Garp huffed and Tyr rolled his eyes.

"Well maybe you would know, you're an old fart. Girls are confusing, man." Tyr sighed.

"Huh? Girl problems? Buahahaha! Here, talk to this old spinster!" Garp handed his den den mushi to someone.

"Hello, I am... Garp's babysitter yeah, he owes me so I was asking him a question." Tyr almost divulged his name.

"Tsuru, I heard..." The vice-admiral who started with Garp and Sengoku sighed at Garp.

"Yeah, she suddenly got pissy." Tyr explained and Tsuru raised a brow.

"What did you do before she got 'pissy?'" Tsuru already thought that was a red flag.

"Well, I checked her body to see a style that would fit her. She didn't really complain." Tyr revealed and Tsuru rubbed her temples.

"Apologize, you did something wrong. You're an idiot like Garp." Tsuru ended the call.

"Hey, why did I catch strays?" Garp bit on a senbei lazily.

"Because this spinster knows you are an idiot." Tsuru rolled her eyes.

Meanwhile, Tyr went pensive as he thought about what he did.

"Oh, I did touch her without permission." Tyr snapped his fingers as he cracked the code.

He then baked some cookies and made some tangerine infused tea as he remembered his time with the Boa sisters at Cocoyashi.

When he returned to their room, Tyr put the tray of goods he had.

"Sorry, Maria. Here, I made you some chocolate chip cookies and tangerine tea." Tyr apologized and she perked up.

"Hmmm, you're not forgiven, yet." Maria partook and she smiled in delight at the treats.

'Maybe I should always have ice cream on hand. Girls love that, right?' Tyr thought of bringing some when he visits Amazon Lily.

"This is so good, where did you learn it from?" Maria smiled.

"Ohh, I have friends that I saved from Mary Geoise. They always cooked for me, this is a picture of us." Tyr took out a picture of them a couple of years ago and Maria's expression soured.

'What now? Maybe she wants to know more about them?' Tyr nodded sagely at his genius.

"They got abducted by slavers. After they got branded by celestial dragons, they were fed devil fruits so they can see its effects." Tyr sighed when he remembered that day.

"Oh..." Maria suddenly changed her tune. "Where are they now?"

"I sent them to a ship when we escaped. Now they're at their home island of Amazon Lily." Tyr shrugged.

"Why didn't you bring them with you?" Maria was confused.

"Well, they would be in danger if they came with me. Do you know the gorosei?" Tyr asked her and she shook her head.

"My full name is Tyr Warcury, I'm a part of the five highest authorities in the world government. They'll look for me, that's for sure." Tyr explained and she went wide eyed.

"Then why did you bring me with you?" She hit him softly and he chuckled.

"Well, they were technically my slaves as I took them in. Everybody who has knowledge of me knows for a fact that they never leave my side." Tyr clicked his tongue.

"So the gorosei will think that they helped me escape. And when they find them with me, they'll get executed." Tyr frowned.

"That is logical..." Maria then looked at their picture again.

'Shit... If they're strong, they might kill me.' Maria can imagine it already.

"I'm actually thinking of stopping by Amazon Lily." Tyr thought that he really should apologize and explain better.

Fisher Tiger's attack on Mary Geoise was just so fast. And Cipher Pol even almost stopped him from escaping due to helping as many slaves as possible.

"Okay, good luck." Maria gave a strained smile.

"You're a part of my crew now, of course you're going too." Tyr snorted at her.

'I need to prepare myself.' Maria took training more seriously.

"How about you, do you have any dreams?" Tyr sipped his tea and she rubbed her chin.

"No, not really. What I wanted was to help Kaido. But now, that's not possible." Maria shrugged.

"Hmm, that's fine. Dreams are tied to your deepest desires after all. But Yamato did tell me you took care of children well. How about an orphanage? Orphans are always dealt a bad hand." Tyr advised and she thought about it.

"That's a noble idea, I'll think about it." Maria nodded with a smile. After all, she's soft on kids because she did not have a happy childhood.

"Come on, let's go and train." Tyr pulled her and they went to the gym of Egghead again.

"I have a devil fruit by the way, it's an ancient zoan." Maria informed him and he nodded.

"It's a spider zoan called Rosamygale grauvogeli." Maria expounded and Tyr tilted his head.

"A wha? Rosamajig and a type of pasta?" Tyr was confused.

Maria chuckled and she pinched his cheeks. "You can be so terrifying and cute at times."

"Hey, it's not my fault your devil fruit's name is probably the scientific name of the spider." Tyr huffed.

"I can even produce spider silk from my fingers, I call it hard gum." She sent some on him and he checked how strong it was.

"Does it have the properties of both rubber and gum?" Tyr asked.

"Huh?" Maria tilted her head. "Sorry, forget I asked."

"Can you use its hybrid form?" Tyr asked and she nodded, but she was hesitating.

"What? Did you lie and you really can't?" Tyr chuckled and she shook her head.

"I... My face changes into something spider-like." Maria thought it was ugly.

"Come on then, I won't judge. Sandersonia and Marigold, two of my friends I told you about have snake zoans." Tyr encouraged her.

She then transformed to her hybrid form. She spawned four more arms that had an exoskeleton.

Maria's eyes turned a solid red and they turned to six. Lining up her face vertically.

Her legs turned into a spider's abdomen and her teeth turned sharp, dripping with venom.

"Okay, so you gain an exo-skeleton that's good for strength and defense. You also have four more arms, imagine what you can do with them! Your mobility will also be off the charts with those legs." Tyr got excited at the possibilities.

"Y-you're not disgusted?" Maria asked him anxiously.

"No, not really. Though I am a bit scared of spiders. They freak me out. Not you though, you don't really have the creepy feel of one?" Tyr explained himself.

She then just stared at him. "Come on, Kuina will recover in less than a month. We have to get strong enough to repel the world government's Cipher Pol at least." Tyr grinned at her as he went to the gym.

Maria stared at his back. 'How reliable.' She smiled fondly and they started training like mad.

Suddenly though, while Tyr was teaching Maria about the six powers. Vegapunk suddenly appeared.

"Tyr! I sequenced your lineage factor!" Vegapunk was holding some paper.

"Huh? What's gotten into you, Vegapunk. It can't be that surprising, right?" Tyr took the papers from him as Vegapunk caught his breath.

Tyr then started reading it. "Let's see, I have the lineage factor of Lunarians..." Tyr suddenly furrowed his brows.

"Well, what more does it say? What's this lineage factor anyway?" Maria peeked.

"I have the lineage factor of giants, humans, Lunarians, and dwarves..." Tyr blinked.

"This reeks of Saturn's involvement, Tyr." Vegapunk hypothesized.

"That's why he's so interested in me." Tyr sighed.

"You okay?" Maria asked with concern and he nodded.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. So that bastard Saturn experimented on me while I was in the womb, huh?" Tyr didn't know if he should be grateful or not.

"So that's why I'm so strong. Hmph, well he just made a huge mistake. Because I won't be using his enhancements on me for the government." Tyr had a vicious smile on his face.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.