
One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames

In the tumultuous world of pirates and marines, a legend is born from the very flames that seek to consume the seas. Portgas D. Ace, son of the infamous Pirate King Gol D. Roger, is destined for greatness before he even takes his first breath. Within the protective womb of his mother, Ace’s consciousness awakens, and with it, an unparalleled talent for understanding—the ability to visualize and manifest abilities that defy the heavens. [Overpowered Ace]

NikaTheHonoredOne · Anime und Comics
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181 Chs

Chapter 32:Vivi the Desert princess


Nami, Kaya, Vivi, Nokigao, and Tashigi hurried towards Ace.


With smiles on their faces, Nami and the girls watched as Vivi threw herself into Ace's arms.

"Thank you, Ace."

Vivi lifted her tear-streaked face, smiling amidst the rain.

"Isn't it natural for a lovely crew to rely on their captain?"

Ace gently wiped away Vivi's tears, his smile warm and comforting.

"Welcome back, my dear crew."

With those words, Ace held Vivi on his left and extended his right hand towards Nami and the others.

Nami and her daughter exchanged glances, then squeezed into Ace's embrace with smiles.

After a brief hesitation, Tashigi joined them, followed by Nokigao.

"We're back, Captain!"

As they looked up from Ace's embrace, several radiant smiles greeted the world like flowers in the rain.

"Ace, is he... dead?"

Once the embrace ended, Vivi turned to face Crocodile, biting her lip anxiously.

"In this state, do you think he can survive?"

Ace sighed helplessly.

"There's something dark in my heart..."

Vivi grasped Ace's hand with a hint of coquetry.

In this moment, she wasn't just Princess Nefertari Vivi, burdened with the safety of an entire kingdom. She was also Vivi of the Entei Pirates, secure in her trust in her captain.

"What incredible power."

Robin, having gathered her emotions, approached slowly.

"Miss All Sunday!"

Vivi eyed Robin cautiously.

"That name is behind us now. Call me by my name, Nico Robin."

Robin smiled at the designation.

"It seems you've made a decision?"

Ace looked at Robin with a smile.

"After witnessing that kind of power, I don't doubt your words anymore."

Robin sighed, meeting Ace's gaze.

"This man can truly pursue the mysteries of a century-old history."

Ace chuckled at this, then turned to Vivi.

"Vivi, I asked you to bring something."

Ace extended his hand.

Vivi hesitated for a moment, then retrieved a pineapple from her pack.

Nami, Kaya, Nokigao, and Tashigi reacted with surprise.

Robin, however, looked puzzled.

"As you journey toward becoming the strongest, let your power bear witness!"

Placing the pineapple near Crocodile, Ace slowly reached out.

Realm of Understanding!

A strange light enveloped the pineapple.

"Gulu! Gulu!"

Under the astonished gazes of Nami, Nokigao, Kaya, Tashigi, and Vivi,

Under Robin's disbelieving stare,

The pineapple darkened, intricate patterns forming until it resembled a sandy fruit.

"You've imbued the pineapple with an astonishing understanding, attracting the Sand-Sand Fruit's essence."

Ace's thoughts unfolded.

Ace smiled as he lifted the Sand-Sand Fruit.


Robin covered her mouth, eyes wide with disbelief.

"A Devil Fruit?!"

Robin exclaimed.

"Yes, the Logia-type Sand-Sand Fruit."

Ace confirmed with a smile.


Robin murmured, having already suspected as much but still shocked by the confirmation.

A Devil Fruit, captured by Ace using a pineapple.

Yes, captured, as if seizing the dissipating power from Crocodile's body!

"No matter how many times I see it, it's still unbelievable."

Nami sighed.


Ace turned to Vivi.


As Vivi snapped back to attention, she saw Ace handing her the Sand-Sand Fruit.

"Eat it. This Devil Fruit suits you perfectly."

Ace smiled, his lips curling slightly.


Vivi's eyes widened in surprise.

"How can this be? It's too precious, and Nami, Nokigao, and Tashigi have never eaten a Devil Fruit."

Vivi shook her head hurriedly.

It wasn't pretentiousness; the Sand-Sand Fruit was simply too valuable.

A Logia-type like the Sand-Sand Fruit had made Crocodile invincible in Alabasta and the surrounding seas. Learning that Crocodile, the mastermind behind Baroque Works, had possessed this power left Vivi feeling stifled.

After all, with the Sand-Sand Fruit, Crocodile could render armies useless, impervious to swords and guns, burying countless foes with sand and dust alone.

No doubt, eating such a Devil Fruit would make her invincible in Alabasta.

Robin, not far away, was equally emotional.

The Sand-Sand Fruit was incredibly precious, yet Ace casually had Vivi consume it.

From observing Vivi, Robin knew she lacked any natural combat talent. Yet, to this man, Devil Fruits seemed insignificant.

Despite Crocodile's claims before his demise, the ability to dominate the latter half of the Grand Line and the New World...

Robin marveled at Ace's ability to capture Devil Fruits using mere fruit.

But what bewildered her more was how Nami, Kaya, Nokigao, and Tashigi had defeated Mr. 1 and the others.

When they first met at Whiskey Peak, the girls were inexperienced and nowhere near the elite agents of Baroque Works.

Yet now...

Robin silently observed Nami, Kaya, Nokigao, and Tashigi, who had undergone profound transformations.

Robin sighed inwardly.

Undoubtedly, it was Ace who had sparked this change.

As she gazed at Ace, Robin's thirst for knowledge grew stronger.

How had he achieved all of this?

He was truly an enigmatic man...

Robin studied Ace, her beautiful eyes reflecting a hint of perplexity.

But she knew she had time to explore and uncover the truth.

Robin smiled to herself.

"You were born in the desert kingdom of Alabasta. No one is more suited for this Devil Fruit than you. As for Nami and the others, I'll find Devil Fruits more suitable for them."

Ace looked at Vivi, smiling warmly.

"Yes, Vivi, eat it. Embrace the Sand-Sand Fruit as the Desert Princess; it's exhilarating."

Nami eagerly watched Vivi.

Nokigao, Tashigi, and the others chimed in.

"Nami, everyone..."

Vivi glanced at them, biting her lip.

"Eat it. It's an order from your captain."

Ace looked at Vivi, gently brushing her long blue hair and smiling softly.


Vivi hesitated for a moment, then swiftly took the Sand-Sand Fruit from Ace.

"Nami, everyone..."

Vivi glanced at her companions, a mixture of emotions on her face.

Robin observed silently, amazed by Vivi's transformation as she began to adapt to the Sand-Sand Fruit.

For someone like Vivi, who lacked natural combat talent, it was a steep learning curve to control such a powerful Devil Fruit, especially at first.

Ace reassured Vivi, guiding her through the process of understanding and manipulating sand.

Vivi's initial struggles soon turned into mastery, her control over the Sand-Sand Fruit growing more confident with each passing moment.

"Vivi, you're quite bold, but isn't Ace right here? If you want, you can lean on him."

Nami teased Vivi playfully, drawing laughter from the group.

Caught up in the moment, Vivi had momentarily forgotten their presence!

Seeing their amused expressions and Ace's broad smile, Vivi blushed.

"I... I..."

Robin watched in disbelief.

Moments ago, Vivi struggled to control the Sand-Sand Fruit. Now, she wielded it with ease.

Was this the influence of Ace's power?

Was this the secret behind how the girls on Ace's crew had grown so strong, enough to defeat Mr. 1 and his associates?

It was truly astonishing!

Robin covered her mouth, lost in thought.

"By the way, Nami, those guys from Baroque Works had Devil Fruit powers too, right?"

Ace turned to Nami with affection.

"Why didn't you bring them back for me to capture? We could have traded them for money."

"Ah, well..."

Nami wrinkled her nose mischievously.

"I don't make a habit of killing for profit. We defeated them; whether they survive is up to fate."

Nami's eyes narrowed playfully as she turned serious.

"But you can't forget the three hundred thousand Berries you owe me!"

Nami hadn't forgotten that Ace owed her money for services rendered long ago, the initial hundred thousand Berries having tripled over time.


Ace laughed heartily.

Nami's kind-heartedness hadn't changed.

Even when he first saved Cocoyashi Village, Ace didn't loot merchant ships or harm civilians—only criminals and corrupt filth.

And he intended to preserve Nami's integrity.

As for whether Mr. 1 and his allies met their end at Nami's hands...

"They'll need to catch me first, if they want their half a million Berries!"

Ace exclaimed with a grin, evading Nami's chase.

"Stop, Ace! Pay up!"

Nami gave chase, her voice echoing through the rain.


Ace teased Nami, enjoying their playful banter.

Kaya, Nokigao, Tashigi, and Vivi exchanged amused glances before joining in the chase.

Robin observed their laughter and merriment, a hint of melancholy in her eyes.

Soon, she composed herself and followed in the direction Ace and the others had gone.

In Alabasta, the heavy rain continued unabated. Smoker and Hina stood silently in the downpour, staring at the lifeless Crocodile sprawled on the ground, only half of his body remaining.

"It's a burn... a terrible burn. Seems like anything he touches with those flames gets vaporized instantly. This is..." Hina murmured, disbelief coloring her voice as she looked at the charred remains of Crocodile.

"Portgas D. Ace," Smoker gritted out the name through clenched teeth. "Unbelievable that after knocking me out with just Conqueror's Haki, he managed to slay a Shichibukai like Crocodile."

Hina was visibly shocked. "Portgas D. Ace..."

Looking around, Hina gestured to the surroundings. "And look at this place. Despite the heavy rain, the sand is still radiating heat, and white smoke rises everywhere. The ground where we stand is sunken, as if it evaporated."

But what truly astonished Hina was the sight of a tiny green shoot sprouting from the supposedly scorched sand—life emerging from destruction.

"He's changed the climate here with his powers... Portgas D. Ace," Hina said solemnly, eyes scanning the altered landscape.

Smoker clenched his fists, understanding the implications all too well. "Only three people in the Marines could do something like this. His Devil Fruit... even if not awakened, he's only a step away from that level."

As a Logia user, Smoker knew that an awakened Devil Fruit could permanently alter a region's climate. Even if Ace hadn't fully awakened his Mera-Mera powers, he was already close.

"Report! Colonel Smoker, Colonel Hina!" Alabasta's Marines approached through the rain, carrying several bodies.

"These were found in the desert. Two are wanted criminals: Sara, the Thorn-Fruit user, and bon Clay, the Clone-Clone Fruit user. This one," he pointed at a figure, "is Daz Bones, a notorious West Blue killer."

Smoker's eyes narrowed at the sight of Mr. 1, Daz Bones. "They're all dead, but their Devil Fruit abilities still linger. Were they attacked by Portgas D. Ace's crew?"

Hina inspected the wounds thoughtfully. "These are sword wounds."

The sound of Smoker biting his cigar sharply made Hina look up, concerned.

"These were inflicted by a swordsman," Smoker said grimly, staring at Mr. 1's grievous injuries.

"You mean... the female swordsman who was abducted by Portgas D. Ace?" Hina's eyes widened in realization.

Smoker's expression darkened further. "Tashigi... why would she side with Portgas D. Ace? And how did she defeat Daz Bones?"

The weight of the situation settled on Hina. "We need to report this. A Shichibukai's death and these events in Alabasta... we're out of our depth."

Silently, Smoker stood in the rain, lost in thought. Despite the incessant downpour, Ace couldn't ignore Vivi's earnest desire to see her father. Changing into dry clothes quickly, Ace summoned a crab for transportation once more.

Though Vivi insisted they should wait until the rain subsided before returning to the capital, Ace and the girls understood her urgency. After infiltrating the criminal organization Baroque Works to save Alabasta and its people, the weight on her shoulders had lifted. They all knew how much she yearned to see her family now.

The girls reassured Vivi that rain wasn't an issue. Rushing back to Alubarna, the royal capital of Alabasta, on the crabs, Ace and his companions were warmly welcomed.

"Father!" Vivi cried, tears streaming down her face as she saw Cobra standing in the rain with a gentle smile.

"I'm glad you're back safe," Cobra said, relief evident in his eyes as he looked at his daughter.

"You must be Ace, the remarkable young man who saved Alabasta. Please accept my deepest gratitude," Cobra addressed Ace gratefully.

Ace raised his hand slightly, using his Conqueror's Haki, and Cobra felt a strange compulsion to not bow too deeply.

"Don't worry about formalities, Uncle," Ace said with a smile. "It's enough to see Vivi safe and happy."

Jaka and Pell, who had watched Vivi grow up, greeted her warmly.

"Now that Her Royal Highness can save Alabasta," Jaka said with a smile.

Vivi smiled back. "Jaka, Pell."

Cobra then gestured behind him. "Vivi, do you know who this is?"

"Your Highness Vivi!"


Seeing the familiar face, Vivi was surprised. She had known from Robin that Ikarim wasn't dead, but seeing him was still unexpected.

"When we heard you were in Alabasta, Robin and I asked him to return to the capital," Cobra explained.

"How did you...?" Ikarim was wary of Robin at first, but Vivi assured him she was a friend now.

"Welcome to Alabasta Palace. Please, enjoy," Cobra invited them into the palace warmly.

Ace's eyes lit up at the mention of a banquet. He followed Cobra eagerly into the palace.

"Everyone, come in," Vivi urged Nami and the others with a warm smile.

"Nami, where are your treasures? I want to see them," Nami teased, pulling Vivi along.

"Let's eat first," Vivi replied with a nervous laugh, brushing off the request.

"In Alabasta Palace, please enjoy," Kobra announced grandly from his seat.

"Thank you for your hospitality," Ace responded politely.

"Don't be so formal, Ace. You and your friends are our heroes," Kobra praised warmly.

But then, Kobra noticed something odd. Ace was devouring the food and drink at an impressive speed.

"He really is quite hungry," Kobra thought to himself. "But I won't be outdone."

Tiragotan, the head chef and Ikarim's wife, joined the challenge, determined to feed their savior well.

Boom! With Ace's seemingly endless appetite and strength, Tiragotan herself eventually collapsed, exhausted but satisfied.

"I'm full, thanks for the meal," Ace said gracefully, wiping his mouth.

"You're welcome," Kobra replied mechanically, marveling at how Ace's physique didn't seem to change despite eating so much.

"Thank you again, Ace, and your friends. Alabasta is indebted to you," Cobra expressed his gratitude sincerely.

"Nami, what can I do to repay you?" Kobra asked, noticing Nami's suggestive gaze.

Ace smiled and spoke up. "Actually, there is one thing. Could your historian look into some historical texts?"

"Historical texts?" Cobra was surprised but intrigued. He glanced at Robin, who nodded in confirmation.

"I'm interested in a certain period of history," Ace explained.

"If that's what you wish, then it's settled," Cobra agreed readily.

"Can I visit the treasury?" Nami interjected playfully.

Ace laughed and excused himself to read the historical texts with Robin and King Cobra.

"Vivi, are you sure you won't take me to the treasury?" Nami continued to pester her.

"Go on ahead, Ace. We'll wait here," Kaya said sweetly.

At the Burial Ceremony Hall, Ace and Robin approached a stone tablet engraved with ancient characters, the repository of Alabasta's historical texts.

"It's the main text of history!" Robin exclaimed excitedly, touching the stone tablet gently.

"Read it quickly so we can rest," Ace urged lazily, leaning against the wall.

"You don't seem very interested," Kobra noted, puzzled.

"Those hundred blank years are what intrigue me," Ace admitted with a smirk.

"A blank hundred years?" Kobra was stunned into silence.

After Robin finished translating the texts and stepped back, Ace extended his hand to her with a gentle smile.

"Welcome aboard, historian. The sea is vast," he said cryptically.

Robin placed her hand in his, feeling oddly touched.

Later that night, exhausted from their journey and battle, everyone in the palace settled down. The door to Ace's room creaked open cautiously under the moonlight.

Her long blue hair shimmered in the dim light.

In Ace's cabin, a series of unexpected nighttime visits unfolded, each member of his crew finding their way in, seeking a private moment with their captain.

First came Vivi, her heart pounding as she held Ace's lucky charm close. She knelt beside him, admiring his sleeping face and expressing her gratitude for his belief in her abilities. Her words were heartfelt, a mix of thanks and determination, all said under the assumption that Ace was in deep slumber due to his unique Combat Turtle Breathing Technique.

Then, it was Kaya's turn, the ship's doctor sneaking in with worries about Ace's health, despite his assurances of being injury-free. She expressed her newfound strength and happiness as part of Ace's crew, leaving a shy kiss on his cheek before almost being caught in the act herself.

Following Kaya, Nami entered the room with a mischievous smile, intending to have a playful moment with Ace. She thanked him for saving her and making her feel secure enough to rely on him as navigator. Her playful suggestion to make Ace more comfortable in his sleep was nearly executed before the sound of the door interrupted her plan, prompting a quick dive under the bed to avoid detection.

Tashigi, reflecting on her transformation from a rigid Marine to a pirate ally, also sought solace beside Ace, holding his lucky charm and contemplating her new role and gratitude towards Ace for his guidance. Her silent reverie was almost shattered when she heard the door handle turn, causing her to panic and hide under the bed where she was unexpectedly joined by the other girls.

Nojiko entered next, her affectionate gesture towards Ace interrupted by the sight of several of her crewmates hiding under the bed. Her teasing words about making Ace more comfortable caused an uproar among the embarrassed girls, who realized that Ace had been awake all along, using his Observation Haki to sense their movements.

Ace's playful revelation stunned the girls, who had mistakenly believed they could sneak in without waking him. Laughter filled the room as Ace teased them good-naturedly, recalling each of their heartfelt confessions and playful antics. Despite their embarrassment, the crew found solidarity in their mutual affection for their captain and their shared desire to express their gratitude and affection in their own unique ways.

As the night's events unfolded, Robin observed quietly from the doorway, amused by the chaos and the bond that grew stronger among her crewmates. She entered her own cabin with a smile, pondering what she might one day say to Ace herself.

Outside the cabin, At this time, due to the death of Crocodile and the fact that Ace used the video phone bug to make the Alabasta incident public.

The sea fell into a Total Uproar, sparking discussions and reactions among the One piece world.

In the peaceful moments between these nighttime visits, Ace's crew found not only opportunities for confession and teasing but also a reaffirmation of their commitment to each other and their captain, as they continued their journey together on the open seas.