
One Piece: A Truly Broken person

The_Wild_Trill · Anime und Comics
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35 Chs

Grab n Go

Flare didn't want to fight this old man now. He knew that stuff was different here than it was in canon. Since he was dealing with garp that means that another high rank marine like an admiral or even sengoku himself might stop luffy since garp allowed luffy to punch him in canon instead of attacking. Since it was different he didn't want luffy to get accidentally killed. He had one more ace up his sleeves but he couldn't use it for too long. Also he could only use it for about 5 minutes until he ran out of stamina so he didn't wanna resort to it. He also had his system as a backup plan just in case anything went wrong.

Flare: "Old man, I know you raised him partially. I really want to save him as he's my only blood relative, don't you want him to live."

Garp: "What the hell do you think brat? I raised him along that idiot luffy to be marines but I take my eyes off them for one second then they wanna be pirates. I wanted them to become marines to avoid this exact situation, I don't want this to happen but it's also my duty."

Flare: "So you put your job over your family?"

Suddenly flare felt his obervation kick in as he used his hands to block another punch that sent ripples throughout his body. His body flew backwards again as he felt as if he was slapped with 5 mountains. He decided to take a different route and flew into the air, he looked at the destroyed armor that was healing itself as he looked at garp in amazement.

Flare: 'What's my stats?'

[Host is currently Yonko (High) using Heat level 3]

Flare: 'I'm this strong yet he can damage me so easily? How strong is he?'

[Name: Monkey D. Garp

Race: Human

Age: 76

Devil Fruit: None

Haki: Advanced Armament, Observation

Martial Arts/ Swordsmanship: The Fist style

Overall: Pirate King Level (Low)]

Flare: 'WHAT! Is that the rank above yonko level?'

[No Host]

Flare: 'What? Then what is? How is he this strong?'

[The rank above Yonko is called beyond Yonko...Pirate King level is the level beyond that. He used to be at the peak of pirate king class along with Roger and Whitebeard but got weaker due to age. Unlike whitebeard who was ill which greatly reduced his strength and didn't train anymore, Garp trained quite often and was very healthy which led to him retaining most of his old strength. Garp could be said to the strongest person on this battlefield.]

Flare: 'So how strong are the current yonko then?'

[1. Whitebeard- Beyond Yonko (Mid)

2. Big Mom- Beyond Yonko (Low)

3. Kaido- Beyond Yonko (High)

4. Shanks- Beyond Yonko (High)]

Flare: 'Well I got some work to do.'

He started flying towards sengoku and ace, garp saw this and started chasing him with geppo. Flare was faster as he approached luffy who was running on a wall that was cut and fell on the platform. Sengoku was waiting at the top to attack luffy but felt a sharp pain in his side.

He was sent flying by the attack as he came crashing into the ground below. Luffy turned to see flare covered in blue flames as he smirked.

Flare: "What's taking so long luffy?"

Luffy: "Flare! Some guys were blocking me but I'm here now. Ace! I'm here!"

Garp and Kizaru were approaching rapidly so flare just grabbed ace and luffy as he took to the skies. While flying luffy used the key he got from Hancock to open the cuffs on ace.

When the marines saw the cuffs falling they had a angry look on their faces.

Sengoku who got out of the crater with a burned jacket and burnt skin looked in the sky with fury in his eyes. His observation haki hadn't detected any attack so that means that his observation haki was even stronger than normal, maybe even at a future sight level.

Sengoku: "Damn it! Don't let them escape, where's the other 2 admirals?"

Marine#1: "Sir, Akainu is fighting whitebeard while aokiji is recovering. The last attack shattered his chest plate and damaged his organs slightly. He also has heavy burns even though his devil fruit reduced the area of impact."

Sengoku: "Damn this kid, he's a bigger threat than whitebeard. All officers are ordered to apprehend those three. Apprehend Monkey D. luffy as well as his father is almost as bad as the pirate king himself. He is the son of the revolutionary dragon, Monkey D. Dragon, the most dangerous man in the world."

Over by the pirates everyone who heard this was shocked because they didn't believe that the revolutionary dragon had a son. Whitebeard heard this as he frowned, he dodged a punch from akainu as he punched him with his devil fruit, sending him flying back.


Marco: "Got it pops!"

Marco immediately took to the sky in his hybrid form as he saw Kizaru nearby flare and the others. Flare already sensed Kizaru behind him along with Garp who was behind him. He also saw Marco coming towards him very fast as well. Flare threw luffy and ace with a good amount of force that sent them flying past Marco. They landed on their feet as the looked back in confusion.

Flare: "My job is to get you 2 to safety, I want you 2 to get out of here. Luffy you should get someone to train you so you're more better prepared for the seas, you too Ace. Now go, I'll see you again in the future, you can thank me then."

Ace: "I-I'll never forget this, don't die as I look forward to getting to know you better."

Luffy: "Thanks Flare! I owe you"

Flare: "Enough just go! Marco can you take Kizaru, Garp is gonna be a real pain to deal with alone."

Marco: "Yea, I can take him-yo."

Marco flew right beside flare as he blocked Kizaru's light kick, they continued fighting mid-air while flare looked at the incoming garp.

Flare: "Nothing is working! Ughh his punches feel like a nuclear bomb to the chest. I'm gonna have to try and infuse conquerors into my attacks. I can't do it but I'm gonna try!"

Flare let out a massive burst of conquerors haki as he infused his ryou and hassoken onto his fist. His blue flames wrapped around his hand as let out a loud roar as he saw Garp right in front of him.

Flare: "Phoenix's Descent."

Garp: "Iron Fist of Pain."

As the two clashed, the entire surrounding's were completely destroyed even though were mid-air. Garp's fist clashed with flare's as black lightning burst from flare. He was trying to infuse conquerors into his fist but it didn't work, it instead came out in a burst instead which caused a lot of near by people to faint.

Flare felt the massive force behind garp's fist as he felt his bones shatter from the impact upon impact but he continued to power his fist towards garp. Garp was surprised that someone was actually clashing with him without using advanced conquerors or semi-grandmaster level armament haki and yet he was still on his feet. Even Sengoku couldn't clash with him when he was using this much, this was a real feat in his eyes.

Garp: "Buaahhhaaahha! Kid your power is amazing. Why didn't you join the marines? I'm sure you could have become at least a vice admiral."

Flare: "Because I don't want to be a dog for the world government, also your punching fucking hurt!!!"

Garp: "That's my fist, it hurts all and is impartial to no one. Now kid, I'm gonna fight you for a while then I'm gonna let you leave...T-This is my thanks for saving my grandson, but I have to put on a good performance first."

Flare: "You're welcome old man, maybe you can teach me your fist technique sometime in the future. Now let's continue fighting."

Flare felt his body slowly being destroyed and healing over again but it was all worth it as garp's clothes were now burnt as his skin was slightly scorched. Even garp couldn't stay too long near those blue blames as the heat was far above normal flames.

Garp: "Ehhh? You actually hurt me? I haven't been hurt since Roger and whitebeard and that one time with Shiki, well let me return the favor!"

Garp bolted towards Flare but flare jumped away from the air as his new future sight just told him to move as garp's punch would have been devastating. His future sight only gave him a 3 second head start so it wasn't Katakuri level but is way much better than most observation haki users.

Flare flew into the air as he looked at garp seriously. He didn't want to use this move but he had no choice. He wanted to test it more but he saw garp as undefeatable currently so he has to go all out.

Flare: 'How strong am I right now vs garp?'

[Host is Yonko (High) while Garp is Pirate King (Low), there is no chance of winning]

Flare: "Well I guess it's time to use it."

The blue flames around his body began to get darker as it condensed the armour, making it slightly thicker than usual. It continued getting darker until the armor became pitch black as the entire area began to catch on fire. Many marines and even some pirates felt their body melting due to the intense heat that was radiating from flare. Garp had to cover his entire body in haki as he jumped back to avoid long exposure to such heat.

Flare: "Heat level 4: Amaterasu"

Just like luffy developed 3 forms of gear 4th, Flare developed 4 forms of heat level 4. They all had a specific use and could be improved in the future with better haki control.

[1. Heat level 4: Amaterasu- This form focuses on enhancing the strength and power of the user and improves the attack potency of everything in his arsenal.

2. Heat level 4: Savitar- This form focuses on enhancing the speed and agility and boosts the user far beyond the speed of heat level 3.

3. Heat level 4: Beserker- This form focuses on enhancing the durability and defense of the user far beyond that host is normally capable of and also makes attacks do less damage.

Heat level 4: Baryon Drive- This form enhances strength, speed and durability of the user, the user will burn everything to ashes.... The user's ultimate ability, betelgeuse, is the ultimate defensive and offensive. The user can only use it once in a battle as it drains all of the users strength and haki, it creates a gigantic explosion which looks a massive fiery ball of death that destroys everything for 100's of kilometres. At full power, it has the potential to destroy the world.]

Flare's strength had gone from yonko (high) to beyond yonko (mid). He could now properly fight against Garp even though he was still weaker. He could fight Garp but not for long periods. His strength was on the same level of big mom who had this level of strength in her base form without her devil fruit.

Flare landed on the ground as he smiled beneath the black helmet on his head. As his feet touched the ground the area beneath his feet turned into black flames as it slowly spread around the area. This fire caused the earth itself to melt as lava started forming on the ground. Garp saw this as his eyes turned serious.

Garp: "Paramecia awakening? Your devil fruit is a weird one. Looks like a zoan and acts like a logia but you can use paramecia awakening.... This is troublesome."

Garp saw the black flames coming closer towards him so he punched the ground so hard that it created a giant ravine which parted the battle field in two. He knew those flames were dangerous as it even severely burnt him while he was using his haki to shield himself along with tekkai.

Flare saw Garp dealing with the flames he just sent towards him so he turned his head to see whitebeard fighting akainu so he decided to interrupt. The flew at super sonic speeds as he arrived near akainu and sent a devastating kick towards his head. Akainu managed to block it but the force sent him flying away. The intense heat of the black flames burnt through one of his hands completely, separating it from his arm since he was using ryou to bypass his logia hacks.

Akainu screamed out in pain as he felt one of his arms missing. He was caught by aokiji who had reentered the battlefield, still bloody and burnt. He caught him with an ice hill which stopped him from flying back.

Aokiji looked at akainu's missing hand which was burnt away completely by the black fire. He looked at the black fiery armor around the boy as a thought popped into his head.

Aokiji: "This kid is way too strong."