
One Piece: A Swordsman's Path

Connor D. Rox, finds himself in One Piece World, blessed with the memories of Sword God Ryuma. TIMELINE: SEA CALENDER YEAR 1502 Unlike my other books, MC won't be invincible from the start, first 15 to 20 chapters will be his character development arc, it may seem cliché at some point but believe me it would have deeper secrets hidden.

Navy_King · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 25 Insanity

Hello Everyone, I hope you all are doing good.

I want to clarify that the flashback isn't filler or something, this flashback is gonna be the backbone of the story and it's the most important, anyway who writes fillers in a fanfiction, at least I don't have time to waste on that.

This flashback will explain a lot of stuff and will also end the character development arc of Rox.

Thank You.


{Flashback 30 Years Ago}


"My Lord, I have brought the___

The door of the dungeon opened as Boris entered carrying a sack on his shoulders, eyes and face dull as he spoke like a robot but suddenly he stopped, his eyes looking behind the celestial dragon.

The sack on the shoulder of Boris fell, the head rolling out but Boris ignoring everything quietly walking towards the little girl's head, surprisingly, the celestial dragon gave him way with a vicious grin on his face.


"I... why was I so naïve…so naïve to believe in a god!?"

Arriving before the head, Boris fell on his knees extending his trembling hands to pick the head, immense sadness on his face, muttering to himself in a sad mocking tone.


At this moment the sound of gun loading spread in the dungeon, the celestial dragon pointing a pistol towards Boris.

"Hehe...you have entertained me a lot this week, but it's time… time for another filth in the world to be eliminated!"

Said the Celestial Dragon in a haughty manner, Boris motionless at his words just quietly looking at the head in his hands, seeming to have accepted his fate.


"What is it!!?"

But just as the celestial dragon was about to pull the trigger, the door was pushed open with a bang, and a bodyguard rushed in with a panicked look on his face, The celestial dragon, who was interrupted, began yelling in anger.

"I'm really sorry, my lord... but we have to leave... Pirates! "Rocks Pirates have attacked the island; we have to leave immediately!"

The bodyguard apologized and quickly said what he wanted to, a panicked and fearful look on his face.

"What!! Rocks Pirates!!!!?????'

Hearing the news, the celestial dragon seemed to have lost his soul, his face going pale with fright and his fat body sweating profusely.

"Get me out of here!" Get me out of here immediately! That monster even killed an admiral once!! Quickly get me out of here!"

Without caring for anything, the celestial dragon yelled at his bodyguards, the fear in his eyes for Rocks so easy to spot.

He has heard about the Rocks Pirates, in the past, the Captain from that damned D. Family once killed a celestial, and an Admiral was sent to chase him only to end up getting killed.

He was certain that if he was apprehended by Rocks, he would be killed and made an example.

Celestial Dragons hatred and fear for D. was equal, they were raised by the stories of being obedient or else the D. will take them away.

"Yes, My Lord, a squad of CP9 is on the Island, they will help you escape!!"

Said the protectors as they rushed to the door, the fat celestial dragon taking a step forward, ready to follow them out of the dungeon.


But he halted suddenly, a look of disbelief on his face yet he couldn't let out a voice even if he wanted to, a sharp blade had gone through his neck from the back, coming out from front.


The blade was pulled out from the neck, blood pouring out like a tide rinsing down the white attire of celestial dragon, who holding his neck fell on his knees, letting out groans.

"Thanks to you, I don't miss!"

Groaning the Celestial Dragon looked behind and saw Boris holding one of the blades in dungeon looking at him with a dull face, speaking to him at that shocked face.

"My Lord!!"

At this moment, the bodyguards who had rushed out came back in again and seeing the sight yelled out in horror, minds going blank from shock.

"HAHAHA…I killed the God!!!"

Seeing the shocked bodyguards and slowly dying Celestial Dragon, Boris who had been holding back his emotions seemed to have snapped, laughing loudly but no joy on his face, madness and sadness together.

"You Bastard!! What have you done!!!?"

The laugh of Boris brought the bodyguards back to senses, one of them too shocked to even attack Boris, just inquiring in disbelief.


Boris who was laughing like a madman at their words finally stopped, raising the blade in his hands clearly ready to kill more but at this instance, everyone in the dungeon suddenly went still, a red aura passing by.


Eyes of everyone went white toppling down on the floor, Boris going on his knees as well, sweating profusely, his head hurting, veins on his forehead.

Sounds of footsteps fell in the ears of Boris, a figure with locks sticking out entering the dungeon and the closer he got, more the headache of Boris increasing.

"Oh…the hatred in your heart… seems killing one isn't enough for you…take him in!"

These were the last words that Boris heard as he couldn't hold anymore, passing out in the dungeon.

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