
One Piece: A Crimson Lion's Journey

Note:- This is my first Fanfiction so constructive criticism is appreciated and English is not my first language. This is the story about a guy who is not trying to be the greatest or the best be a younko, marine admiral, pirate king or even rule the world he just wants to live a life to the fullest. Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or anything related to it that belongs to their respective owners except the oc. Note:- this will not be a harem

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11 Chs

Jewelry Bonney

--+ Time Skip:- 1 month 2 week +--(1514) (South Blue) (Sorbet Kingdom)

I am here to pick up Bonny as she should be cured of Sapphire Scale and she might have eaten the Toshi Toshi no mi or Age Age fruit .

I am currently moving through the village towards the Church as I have people staring at me but since I came out of the ship but since I don't have a Bounty and I don't have a jolly roger so village folks are probably thinking I am not a pirate but they are still on guard.

Well we are in Elderly Village as this place doesn't have as much security as Castle Town and as the name suggests most of the people are elderly people so their weariness is understandable but the most I am concerned about is Alpha works in the clinic as I know she is a CP8 agent.

As I was walking an elderly person came to me and introduced himself " Hello young man my name is Bulldog, may I ask for your reason for visit" I know who he was Bulldog is the king of the Sorbet Kingdom but what was he doing here i thought as i answered him " My name is Ryuga I am a Bounty hunter but for now I am just roaming around the seas you know ".

He thought for a bit before asking " what about the people on board your ship " and i said " oh the black haired one is my wife and the rest are just kids we picked up along the way some wanted to become strong and some wanted a bit of change in their brutal life" he hears my answer and says

" Sorry about that young man but you know how South blue is so we need to be wary of everything" i said "oh i completely understand your reasoning and I don't mind but we will just buy a few supplies and rest of them were nagging me to dock somewhere so they can walk around on sold ground for a bit "he chuckled a bit and let me be as i sence the people slowly dropping their guard".

After a while I reached the church and i noticed something most of the staff are CP agents as i moved towards the Church i am scanning that most are on guard against me they probably already found out who I was and I go inside the church and find a old woman as I go and sit near her and " nice to meet you I am Ryuga "she does her signature laugh and answers" nice to meet you too young man I am Conney" and then I asked "so what is the queen dowager of the Sorbet Kingdom doing here" she just smiled and said "well if you know my real identity then you know who the current ruller of this kingdom is"

I answered "Bekori" she just nodded and then I asked "But that still doesn't explain why there are so many agents around here " she turned around to see if anyone was watching "don't worry nobody is here and most are just watching whoever that little girl is" she was shocked but then showed her usual face "so you know who they are but don't know why they are here" i gave a slight nod and then she continued "well they are here for that little girl her name is Bonny that's their objective to keep an eye on her" and then I motioned 'why' "Because she is the daughter of Bartholomew Kuma and also the Devil fruit she ate allows her to change her age" i nodded in understanding and then I asked "Then why are you and your son Bulldog here" she said "to protect her" i then bluntly asked "do you mind if I take her away from here?" she fell into contemplation and asked "as long as she agrees to it and you don't force her into anything and make her do anything that is against her morals and you don't affiliate with the Government".

I said "I agree to all of those conditions and I was not going to force her to do anything aside from asking her to help one of my crewmate and if she doesn't agree to be part of my crew i will still take her but drop her off to at a safe place away from here" she was satisfied with my answer and said

" they rotate agents every two weeks and only that nurse Alpha remains and within one week the old ones are replaced by the new ones i will try to bring her here today evening where you can talk to her but me and Bulldog will ber there as well you will have three minutes at most " i just nodded i leave the church and walk towards my ship and board it and leave the island.

After a while we are in an isolated island at least far enough that Chiper Pol will leave our trail after it took me about 2 hours of geppo to reach the church again I made sure nobody noticed anything made my way to the clinic first and i put Alpha out of her life and then started to Target the ones farther away from church and started killing all the stronger CP agents near the church so Bulldog and Conny won't be suspected.

I waited for about 12 minutes then came Bulldog and Conny with Bonny and i immediately asked

" Is that her real size " and Bonny just pouted cause I caught her even before she could do anything and turned out this one is not that irritable and is just annoyed due to being under constant surveillance and Alpha is dead before she could do anything sadist to Bonny.

" Can you show your real age? " after a while she transformed into a 14 year old a lot taller but I could see it was her real age and then she asked

" So mister why do you want me to go with your crew ? And what do I get going with you" i thought for a bit and said "First would be your background and second your Devil fruit as you know you were going to be delivered to Mary joise in a month and these agents were planning to take you away from here " and all of them were shocked and Bulldog asked " Is this true but why we are complying with their demands" and i said " they are celestial dragons they think of themselves as God's and her fruit is essentially a ticket to eternal youth heck she could do a hell of a lot more if her fruit awakes and even if she doesn't comply they will either make her by force or just simply kill her and take her fruit " then Conny asked " what about the deal with kuma " i then said " they are already turning him into a lifeless machine and using him to create Pasifistas a group of robots that will do government's bidding and they know who kuma really is a revolutionary and to them he is just another pirate they can use and somebody that can be disposed of at any moment and be replaced ".

Hearing this Bonny's eyes started to water and she asked "Can you save my dad? if you can I will listen to everything you have to say" her voice was starting to crack and i said in a soft tone

" I will try I can not make any promises as even I don't know where Vegapunks lab is and it is upto you if you want to join my crew if you don't i will take you and give you to people that can take good care of you as they are friends of their father " and the said in a low voice "thank you" i patted her head and asked "will you go with me" and she just nodded her head and i smiled and said "just take very few things with you" and i turned towards Bulldog and Conny and said both of you need to have your stories straight as i have killed a few of them and make sure you are careful about it they will investigate i made it look like the Revolutionary Army did it but still be careful ".

Bonny came running with her stuff and then I carried her and ran towards my ship and as soon I reached there we dived underwater to throw anybody off and i turned the ship towards calm belt as we are crossing through there and reach East Blue.



and i will try to be consistent with the uploads but no promises and I am not dropping this fanfic.