
One Piece: A Crimson Lion's Journey

Note:- This is my first Fanfiction so constructive criticism is appreciated and English is not my first language. This is the story about a guy who is not trying to be the greatest or the best be a younko, marine admiral, pirate king or even rule the world he just wants to live a life to the fullest. Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or anything related to it that belongs to their respective owners except the oc. Note:- this will not be a harem

Soulderean · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Death and Rebirth

I was floting in endless expanse of void it's been almost what decades or centuries since I actually died I mean I accepted my death a long time ago well I didn't get done in bu truck-kun or died in an accident I committed suicide I was at my life's lowest and didn't have any motivation so I just hanged myself well let's leave all the depressing stuff behind cause I am starting to feel someone's presence " oh a lost soul and a very grey but mature soul at that" just hearing his voice gave me sence of serenity and power like I don't understand how could some fanfiction protagonist literally scream at him and live he could wipe my existence with just a flick " haha oh I do that a lot especially with the bratty and entitled one's" now when he said that I was sweating balls and I don't even have balls and I don't even have balls like shit he said it in such a jovial manner like he does it every weekend

" no not that often I will have you know a lot of people after death do become somewhat tolerable. And now enough about me since talking to you was great so I will let you choose the world you want to be born in and allow you to keep your memories of that particular world rest will be erased you will only know that you are reincarnated but not you past life and yes I can send you to any world including fiction " ROB said. Well that was very nice of him but I bet he made an exception for me rest probably get a roulette wheel or something we'll hear goes nothing

" I want to be born in One piece and in year 1494 if possible " was it too much to ask I thought "no it was not anyway now your roulette wheel idea was good but the amount of wishes are destined by you and I will tell you now when the gate opens few orbs will flow through it those will be your boons in this new world be ready " as soon as he said that a giant gate that came out of know where and came out 5 orbs 1st one contained a body with very high vitality, minor regeneration and very high defence and stamina, this alone would have been good next the 2nd orb contained the ability of reactive adaptability nice I thought for the third it contained immunity to diseases,poision and toxins of any kind this was great I will not be dying of like that just cause I caught a disease or someone decided to poision me afterwards the 3 orb control complete control over my body and mind a very good skill to have next one contained 3x learning experience also a very good thing to have and the final orb contained a very small intricate compass that acts like jack sparrow's compass but this one only shows what I want every month and it will not point me to it but give me a accurate knowledge of what I want to find sort of like a vision and knowledge will be imprinted on my mind and only work's as a normal compass when I am using it if anybody else touches it it will not work and it has a return features and is also bloodbound and it also has a storage space .

So to summarise you got

1. A body with high vitality , endurance and stamina with minor regeneration

2. Reactive adaptability

3. Immunity to diseases, poision and toxins

4. 3x learning and comprehension

5. An all knowing compass that also acts like a bagpack as well.

Damn you got some good stuff huh well know just think about how you want to look and you will be off" and just like that every thing faded into blackness "ah he forgot to tell me his place of birth oh well it's not like there is much difference just a few details not worth it but I hope next time he comes here he will be a happy soul like he was supposed to be what is happening on his world every one is dark only a few light and an exception like him turned gray" .

I would appreciate any sort of feedback like his love interest and there will be no harem and keep it someone his age anyone will do and how should he act should he be a Bounty hunter turned pirate or directly a pirate or be a marine even

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