
One Piece - The Collector

Thrown into the world of One Piece. Follow the adventures of Telflaire Hunter. Watch him establish his family, power and how it affects the flow of events in the world of pirates. Just try it, First time writting a fanfic. People! Just don't be too harsh and btw English is not my first language.

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24 Chs

16 Garp

Doflamingo pointed a gun at his brother, Rosinante.

Rosinante was bleeding all over his body.

Struggling to even stand up.

He was beaten up by Doflamingo's crew.

They were so mad that his brother would be the one to betray them.

"You won't find Law, Dofl..."




Doflamingo riddled his brother with bullets.

Rosinante fell. Breathing heavily under the falling snow.

He was reminiscing of the times were his family was still alive.

His eyes are slowly losing signs of life.




Donquixote Pirates took all the treasure from Barrels' base

Inside one of the boxes they were carrying. A kid was hiding inside.

No matter how much he cried.

There was no sound coming out of his mouth.




Rosinante clinging to the little life he has left.

'If I lose consciousness now, the spell I cast on Law will be gone'




Loud blasts of canon balls could be heard from afar.

The Marine led by Vice Admiral Tsuru made her move in advance as the plan to capture the Donquixote Pirates in one fell swoop was interrupted.

Multiple shots of Canon were heading to the pirate ship.

While they are occupied.

Law had finally taken the chance to escape.

While walking away he cried so loud that he lost consciousness.

Of all the things he had witnessed his emotional state had finally collapsed.

Then a man walks to the unconscious kid as the soft crunch of the snow can be heard.

'I'm sorry about that Law. I needed you to experience all that' the man thought while picking up Law from the ground.


North Blue

On an unnamed island

It was a beautiful day, dotted with feathery white clouds as the sun shone brightly.

In a shack on the outskirts of the island.

A kid and a man are sitting in front of each other.

"You will be begging me to be part of my crew kid". Arthur told him with a confident expression.

Law still felt groggy from his experience. He was still sick as he didn't know how to use his powers yet.

"Hmmpf! As if old man!" Law replied snarkily

Arthur thought he could just force Law to be part of his crew.

But he was still wary of the people who bear the name of the D.

He wants them on his side, not against him.

"Are you sure? I guess you don't want to see your sister Lammy anymore".

As Arthur said that Law started running into him and tried to punch him.

Arthur just flicked Law's forehead and he just rolled back up.

"How dare you use my sister's name, you bastard!"

"Is this your sister?" Arthur then showed a picture of his sister.

"What do you want bastard!"

"Where is my sister, old man!?" Law was angrily shouting at Arthur

Arthur looked like he was thinking while tapping his finger on the table.

"Don't be too aggressive kid"

"Is this how you are going treat the savior of your sister?".

"You ungrateful brat," Arthur said while looking into Law's eyes.

He then stood up and walked to Law.

Putting his hands on Law's head.

"Don't worry kid, my subordinate, fortunately, found your sister while she was on her mission."

"She is with her now and is taking care of her."

"I'll take you to her later" Arthur explained to Law whilst reassuring him about his sister.

"But let me ask you this kid, what are you willing to give for revenge?". Arthur asked and smiled like a devil tempting someone to sin.

When Law heard it, his expression darkened and you could see his face was clouded in sadness.

He thought and decided, dropped to his knees, bowed his head while it touched the ground.

He looked into Arthur's eyes with a burning determination look in his eyes.

"Please make me stronger, old man!"

"I want to protect my little sister and..."

"I want to kill Doflamingo with my own hands". Law asks while tears run down on his cheeks.

Arthur smiled at Law and said "I acknowledge your determination"

"Then offer your loyalty to me Trafalgar D. Water Law."

Arthur releases his aura making the space feel oppressive.

"My name is Hermés Arthur"

He extended his hand to Law waiting for the kid to shake it.

Feeling the intensity of the situation, he felt like he was selling his soul to the devil.

But he is still determined to exact his revenge on Donquixote Family.

He grabbed Arthur's hand and shook it

"I swear my loyalty to you, old man Hermes"

Then Arthur knocked his head

"Why can't you just do it like a normal person"

"Oh well, never mind" Then he concealed his aura.

"Then welcome to my family Law" he smiled at the kid

He then picked up Law by grabbing the back of his shirt and taking him outside.

"Let's set sail now"

"You don't want your sister to suffer any longer right?".

"Then you better practice your powers now, as it's the only thing that can save your sister". Then he threw Law into a small ship.

"Aghh! I'm still sick you know old man". Law grunted as he complained to Arthur


Back to the island where Hunter's at.

Early in the morning loud noises could be heard.



Hunter is punching the gigantic wall of stones.

He is slowly digging inside the mountain while only using his fist.

This is one of Garp's training regimens he gave Arthur.

In the afternoon he is to climb the high mountains on the island while only using his hands without the support of his legs.

Then every few days he is to look for the monsters living on this island.

He is supposed to fight them without attacking back and also wear a blindfold.

Every few weeks Garp said he would be back to check his progress.

'Although I can just disregard his orders.'

'But I can't deny the progress that I have been gaining.'

'Just leave it to Garp, his training method is just to throw you somewhere and hope that you get stronger.' Arthur thought while continuing to punch his heart out.




Months later.

Still doing his training, but something is noticeable with his movements.

He is more powerful, his punch packs more power and his movement is more fluid.

Despite Garp's method he still explained to Hunter the three powers of Haki to him.

He finally activated his Observation and Armament Haki.

Though he unconsciously activated his Conqueror's Haki before, he can't control it yet.

Hunter thought and felt that he couldn't comfortably travel in the Grand Line without learning Haki.

That place is crawling with strong pirates.

Devil Fruits that you can't even begin to imagine.

Especially the New World where the greatest pirates compete for supremacy.

Fighting for territories and the coveted One Piece.

Hunter never really thought of looking for the One Piece.

Because strength is all that matters in this world.

Look at Gold Roger he found One Piece but he still died.

He also thought that Roger was a selfish bastard.

If it wasn't for the stunt that he pulled during his execution.

There would probably less people dying in the whole world.

Opening the Great Age of Pirates was like opening the curtains of death to innocent people.

Regardless of his attitude, he is not the kind of person who needlessly kills.

Suddenly, while he is taking his break.

Putting his hands behind his head while whistling.

In the distance above the sky.

He saw a shadow that was getting bigger and bigger heading towards him.

"I see you are slacking off kid!"

Arthur widened his eyes.

Garp's hands darkened, and he covered his hand with Armament Haki.

He aims his punch at Hunter.


Blasting the ground, projectiles were flying everywhere.

The punch created a very deep crater on the ground from where Hunter was resting.

"Are you crazy old man!"

"Are you trying to kill me?" Hunter shouted, for a second he really thought that he would die.

Under the cover of dust.

The silhouette of Garp is seen.

He walked out of there and said

"Did you miss me, kid?"


He laughed at Hunter's face while dusting off his clothes.
