
One Piece - I'm Whitebeard

The Man, the legend, The father. Whitbeard know by many name, respect by many people. Kings, Marine, and pirate show respect and fear when hear his name. And old legend from the previous era, a rival of pirate kings. But surprisingly someone takeover whitebeard soul before he go to Summit war to save his son, Ace. Meet new adventure of living legend, and discover what else world has to offer. ___________ This my first fic, and it’s not originally mine. I translate it from MTL and write it here, if you the original owner feel free to DM me for takeover. Realese schedule: 4ch a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday), with some bonus chap in certain occasion. _________ You can read the original MTL right here : https://www.wuxiap.com/novel/pirate-im-whitebeard.html _________ I also need some support, if you want please drop here, patreon.com/MoonEater18

MoonEater8 · Anime und Comics
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299 Chs

55 Second Great Pirate Era are coming


This is a deserted island so inhospitable that even pirates would never set foot on it.

But what people don't know is.

However, hidden on this unremarkable island lies a secret base, and surprisingly, it serves as the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

At the moment

The members of the Revolutionary Army assembled together.

Each person wore a different expression on their face.

Surprise, solemnity, doubt, and... shock filled the air.

"Sengoku gathered one hundred thousand Marine officers, forming an elite force from every branch. Their goal: to defeat Whitebeard in one decisive battle and establish dominance over the entire New World."

"But... but they unexpectedly lost?"

One cadre from the Revolutionary Army was completely astonished.

"Yeah, everyone believed Whitebeard was destined to die before the war, but nobody could have imagined that the outcome would be complete opposite."

"Can we truly say that he deserves to be called the strongest man in the world?"

The other cadres nodded in agreement, one after another.

"The strongest in the world!"

Dragon's eyes moved slightly.

He's the Supreme Commander of the Revolution Army, who also the son of Marine Hero, Monkey D Garp and father of a rising Pirate, The Strawhat Monkey D Luffy

Upon hearing the news of Whitebeard's victory, Dragon was also taken aback, and it took him a while to gather his thoughts.

Even now, he still couldn't comprehend how Whitebeard had managed to achieve such a feat.

In that case, he could also reap the benefits.

"Dragon, should we seize this opportunity and take action?"

A cadre turned their gaze towards Dragon.


Dragon snapped out of his thoughts, contemplating the words that had been spoken: "After this battle, Whitebeard will undoubtedly become the top enemy of the World Government. This will draw some of their firepower towards him, making it the perfect time for us to take action,"

"I heard that Whitebeard went to Impel down and also released many member of the

Revolutionary Army. We might take this opportunity to contact them."

Sabo, with his blond hair on the side, and scar on his left eye said.

"We can!"

"Then it's up to you to contact our comrades!"

Dragon nodded, his expression filled with a hint of contemplation and emotion: "In order to save Ace, Whitebeard fearlessly confronted one hundred thousand Marines. If only he could join our Revolutionary Army!"

Imagine if Whitebeard were to join the Revolutionary Army.

With Whitebeard in the Revolutionary Army, there would be no need for them to hide anymore.

But as he said this, he shook his head with a smile.

Realizing that having someone as formidable as Whitebeard join the Revolutionary Army is as unlikely as reaching the sky.

"Fire Fist Ace?"

Sabo was startled by the mention of the name "Fire Fist Ace."

A cheerful figure flashed through his mind, casting a shadow over his thoughts.

And the more he thought about it, the more memories flooded back, causing him to clutch his head tightly while cold sweat trickled down his forehead.

The name Ace brought a clearer realization to his mind.


Holy land Mariejois.

At Pengeae Castle

The location of the World Government's headquarters.

Following the news of Marines defeat in the Battle of Marineford.

The Five Elders, the supreme authority of the World Government, also convened in one place.

Seated on the couch in the meeting room.

The Five Elders assumed various positions on the couch, their faces filled with deep anger.

Marine had lost!

Despite summoning one hundred thousand Marine soldiers, they were defeated by the Whitebeard Pirates.

This defeat.

It was like a resounding slap that struck them hard across the face.

It made them feel a sharp sting.

"Has the Marine decayed to such an extent? Losing even this kind of battle that was supposed to be a sure victory!"

"This defeat has utterly tarnished the reputation of the World Government!"

"The power of the Whitebeard Pirates is unimaginable, and based on the reports we've received, it appears that Whitebeard has regained his peak state!"

"Peak state? How is that even possible!"

"In any case, news of the defeat has spread worldwide, and both the World Government and the Marines have lost their authority. Turmoil will ensue in the world, and we must be prepared!"

The Five Elders exchanged words among themselves.

"Sengoku is too weak. He bears the main responsibility for the failure of this war. I suggest we dismiss him from the position of Fleet Admiral!"

One of the Five Elders spoke solemnly.


The other four furrowed their brows, displaying hesitation.

Indeed, the failure of this war can be attributed to Sengoku.

But Sengoku is the Fleet Admiral of the Marines and is renowned as The Resourceful General. He has performed admirably ever since assuming the role.

If they solely blame Sengoku and strip him of his Fleet Admiral status because of this, it may not be justified.

Then... who will take over?

They realize how rare it is to find someone with the combination of wisdom, strength, resources, and prestige to assume command.

They genuinely want to replace Sengoku, yet they are truly uncertain about who should assume his position.

"The defeat at Marineford signifies the arrival of an era of powerful pirates, even more intense than after Roger's death,"

"To confront this era, we must find a formidable individual to serve as the commander-in-chief!"

"So I recommend Sakazuki to replace Sengoku!"

The Five Elders who had spoken earlier made the suggestion.


Upon hearing this, the other four individuals contemplated the suggestion for a while before nodding in agreement.

"But before that, there is something we must do!"

"Whitebeard has achieved a victory of such magnitude that his reputation rivals that of Roger. We cannot allow him to continue sailing freely in the New World!"

One of the Five Elders expressed their disdainful words.

"Let the Marines collaborate with CP0 and raise Whitebeard's bounty. If an opportunity arises, unleash the Buster Call directly. We must eliminate Whitebeard at all costs!"

"And we must not allow the ships under the Whitebeard banner to escape!"

Another one of the Five Elders added.


The remaining three nodded in agreement.

They quickly issued their orders.

Sengoku, in marines warship staying in the seas near former Marine Headquarters, promptly received the order.

"Increase Whitebeard's bounty?"

Sengoku questioned, surprised by the order.

Then he sighed and then shook his head.

Having witnessed Whitebeard's strength, he knew that such method would be useless.

Increasing Whitebeard's bounty would only elevate his prestige further

"Whitebeard, Whitebeard, you troublesome old man, you've given me a headache for a lifetime!"


He let out a deep sigh as he spoke.

Then he directly summoned the Admirals on the warship to gather in the meeting room.

And they convened to discuss and reach an agreement on Whitebeard's new bounty.


I put an advanced chapter at P@treon, you can read 10+ chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18