
One piece (Raging flames)

[currant date] |1470| [24 years before the great pirate era] Ryū no Shima was an island located near the land of wano. It was home to a clan of many highly skilled swordsmen that were said to be the descendants of the sword god ryuma, the island was a peaceful place one with amazing waterfalls, rivers, and grasslands. One day pirates flying the jolly roger of the R.O.C.K.S pirates attacked the island leaving nothing behind except for a child... A boy no older than 5 years old [Note] there will be no harems or anything like that this story is PG18 For it's graphic depictions of violence and death. P.S this is my first ever time writing a fanfic or anything of the sort so don't judge me since I'm on my phone because autocorrect is a bitch

Lazy_author_Sama · Anime und Comics
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55 Chs

(Chapter 25) New arrival

Ryu walked down the muddy road as he dragged his legs towards the shop, "It was my fault..."

"If I hadn't gotten in the way of that final attack Jiji would have not needed to block it..."

He was tired hungry and devastated, bags lay under his eyes as his black eyes which were full of life dulled

He heard the sounds of birds chirping as he looked up, Only for him to widen them once more "Oh kami please no..."

He ran down the muddy road as he spotted the remains of the now burnt shop, He slipped and tumbled down the hill covering himself in mud and grime

He picked himself up and he kept running towards the shop, 'Ka-san!' he shouted out hoping his mother woke up and escaped before the fire spread

Only for him to see her charred remains bone and all on the couch, he fell on his knees as he looked forwards

He didn't cry he only huddled next to his now deceased mother and held her tightly, 'Please forgive me...' was all he could say


{Southern port}

'Raimei hakke!'

His kanabo split the skull of the Mammoth-Human, His body soon landed on the ground scattering blood everywhere

Kaido grinned as he laughed in victory 'ORORORORO! Another victory for the king of the beasts!' he sat down as blood dripped from his nose

He breathed in and out trying to copy those techniques Ryu and the old bastard used, he grabs his blood-stained shirt before tearing a piece of it throwing the bloodied rag away before using the clean side to wipe his forehead

He soon looked towards the pirate ship as his eyes bulged out of their sockets "Are those ships flying?!"

As they landed right next to the already docked ship, soon a blonde man that had half his clothes charred and burnt flew towards him

'Are you the one who did this?' he asked with a grin on his face as he walked towards Queri

He scoffed before kicking the man's lifeless body, "what a waste of an ancient zoan" he thought before walking towards the ogre

'Yeah it was me, what is it to you blond?' came his reply as he stood up and faced the man ready to fight at any moment

'Good good, Would you be willing to join us? I could guarantee you can fight stronger opponents than this useless piece of shit' he said as he kicked the man's dead body once more

'Hmph is that it? What is in it for me then, that's hardly a reason for me to join a rag-tag group of pirates' as he spit on the ground

'I could promise you that we'll help you get stronger, other than that we can't offer much maybe if you are interested in treasure and maybe some women' he mumbled the last part out

Kaido just grinned 'Sure ill join you people, but I need to get my friend first I'm not leaving this shit hole unless he's coming with me'

'I'm sorry to say but your friend is probably dead...' he said in a fake solemn tone 'We came here after witnessing a massive earthquake engulf the entirety of the population on the island, Your probably the last survivor'

Kaido stops for a moment his mind trying to comprehend what he was told, The boy just looked down in sadness before jumping on the ship

'Well that sucks, wish he survived but time waits for no one' Shiki just grins before raising the ships

"Now to find call xebec and inform him about the success of the mission" he thought as the ship flew back towards where they came from


{Shima no Ryuu : East port}

{3 days after the raid}

The Oro Jackson docked on the port as no one came to confront them, Roger could sense that there were nearly no life signatures coming from the island as he gazed towards the scorched landscape

They soon docked as the straw-hat-wearing man jumped down landing on the damaged port

He walked down the dirt path that lead further into the island before noticing the remains of a large home

'Jackson Check out those remains We might find some clues on who was here' Ordered roger as the blonde lanky man walked towards the once proud home

'Sure thing boss' The others just looked around as rogers curiosity got the better of him as he walked up a road that lead to the edge of a cliff

He soon entered a small graveyard, each tomb had the Kanji for Blaze carved into it while only one didn't have any kind of tomb

He looked towards the dirt noticing that it was fresh, 'Gaban get over here' he calls his left hand as he soon walks right next to him

He notices the graves before taking a second to put the dots together, 'Someone is still alive?'

Roger just nods as he gathers his crew 'Everyone get over here' All of the men look back and start making their way to their captain

Soon everyone had gathered 'I'm sending four teams around the island, the first starts heading towards the centre while the other 3 look around the west north and south of the island'

The men nod as Roger pairs them up and sends them away, only him Rayleigh and Sunbell remain as they walked down the dirt road 'I have a bad feeling about this captain said Rayleigh as he walked right next to his captain as Roger sighs


Hope you enjoy ;v;

I tried uploading this chapter hours ago but sadly exited webnovel and lost all of the progress I made so I took a small break to try and get my sleep deprived brain in order

(I need mental help ;-;)

Anyways keep those stones and reviews coming appreciate all the support :)

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