
One Night and 3 Billion

Rose worked for a large company but was harassed by her boss because her appearance was so hot that this man wanted to possess her. There was also another reason why he really liked her. Robert is a man of very high social and professional status, which makes it impossible for Rose to refuse him. He offered Rose 3 billion to sleep with him for one night. Faced with the harsh truth about her family, will Rose agree to a relationship with Robert? Read on to find out if he really loves her or is just playing around.

Phieuvu · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: Stimulants

It took a lot of effort for Rose to get away from Robert and run to the car, but she didn't expect that her body would become so hot and uncomfortable that she would go crazy. She leaned into the hallway and wanted to find the bathroom to wash her face, but unexpectedly bumped into a man. When Rose looked up in fear, it turned out to be a scum man, her sister Bela's ex-boyfriend. He saw that Rose was uncomfortable and pulled her back.

"Hey sister-in-law, where are you going so absent-mindedly?"

"Quickly let go, why are you holding my hand?"

"Hey, look at your current appearance to see if you look like a decent woman? How about we go up to our room and have a fun night."

"Let go…" Rose shouted as she staggered against the wall.

"What are you trying to be decent about? Has anyone heard of these names? Let me stay here so you can reach orgasm hahaha."

"Damn it. Someone please save me!" Rose screamed and kicked him, but she was drugged so her strength was extremely weak. Because when she was with Robert, the drug had not yet taken effect, so she didn't think she was drugged. That old man Egan was truly a wild beast. The more he thought about it, the more he hated it.

Rose struggled, she thought why she was so unlucky. Rose wanted to scream but Nick covered her mouth, he wanted to drag her into the men's restroom.

"Bang!" A deafening sound.

The scumbag was kicked by Robert into the door of the men's bathroom next door. The noise was so loud that more and more staff outside ran in. Rose's eyes turned red, her body trembling as she looked at him. Robert saw that she was about to fall and quickly took off his coat and covered Rose's body. Without saying a word, he rolled up his sleeves and walked in front of him, the leather toes of his usually shiny shoes now kicked Nick's stomach with each step.

"Please forgive me… I know it was wrong." He cried out in pain.

Rose saw Nick vomiting blood, afraid that Robert would beat him to death, so she walked over and hugged his arm.

"Robert stop, he will die."

"Can you still forgive him?" Robert turned around and grabbed Rose's chin with his hands, his eyes like fire burning her skin.

"It's not… I… let's go home. I'm so upset." Rose sobbed, she really couldn't bear it anymore and hugged him.

Robert hugged her and felt her skin being unusually hot. He gave a warning look to the security guards who quickly carried her straight out and sat in the car to go home. Today he did not expect Rose to wear the dress he specially prepared for her to be so beautiful. Rose was already charming but today she was even more charming. He cannot control his own desires, after all he is a man with full physiological functions and especially high needs. How can you not be moved when standing in front of an attractive woman? He was even thoroughly moved, just because she wanted to possess her and not let others touch her.

Looking at her now, she really looked like she was on drugs. Thinking for a moment, could it be that old man Egan had put the drugs in the wine when he wasn't paying attention?

The air in the car was getting hotter. Rose felt hot and wanted to find some coolness, so her body wrapped around Robert and kept rubbing. From where she touched, his entire body was tense, her skin was soft and fragrant, making his throat rise and fall continuously.

Robert grabbed her hand, preventing Rose from slipping her hand into his shirt. Just now, she had pulled off the buttons of her shirt to reveal her toned, seductive barley-colored chest muscles, and Rose kept licking his skin.

"Rose stop!"

"Umm… give me… I want… breast… naughty… so uncomfortable."

"Go home… can you go home?"

"Robert… for me." Rose whispered into his ear, making Robert's heart beat wildly.

"Damn it! You should drive quickly." No, the two of them are in the car right now. Even though he's usually loose, he has some limits. Does she want to tempt him to commit a crime now? No, he had to restrain himself from being seduced by her. Robert looked at the driver urging him to hurry home.

Finally, 15 minutes later, Robert saw the gate of his house. As soon as the car door opened, he quickly picked up Rose and rushed straight inside. Quickly opening and closing the door without a minute's delay, long legs quickly walked up to the bedroom and placed Rose on the bed.

His whole body was now relaxed, but Rose still clung to him and wouldn't let go.

"Boss… let's have sex." Rose kissed Robert's throat again, his eyes darkened and he turned over and pressed her onto the bed.

"If you play, you'll be willing, don't regret it." He roared angrily.

The kiss fell on Rose's lips, a strong masculine breath emitted. Robert's skillful tongue sucked her small tongue, the sound of saliva mixed with the sound of throwing clothes.

"Rose… opened her eyes wide and looked at me. Remember, you volunteered to seduce me."

"Yes… it was Rose who seduced me."

"Very good... love you." Robert kissed her, gentle kisses gliding over the soft flesh.

There were no lights on in the room, but the light from the balcony shining in was enough to see the lines of their bodies beautifully and carefully wrapped around each other, creating a beautiful picture.

Robert smiled cunningly, finally, this woman was his, whispering under his body without making a sound. The more exciting things you do, the more addictive you become. What if he becomes addicted to her? Robert wandered around frantically, wanting to engrave into Rose's mind that this place was his.

But there is one important thing, that is tomorrow when they both wake up Rose knows that she is the one who seduced the boss, what will her reaction be? Robert bent down and licked her earlobe, another wave of excitement came.