
Unfinished business

Manson went running at Ash. Ash instantly pulled out a knife and dug it into Manson's arm. Manson let out a scream of pain and backed up, pulling the knife out of his arm and threw the knife to the side. Then Pulled out his gun and pointed it at Ash.

"MANSON!" Scarlett yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Can you guys just stop, please." Scarlett begged.

Manson did not bat a eyelash towards Scarlett nor turned. Nothing, He stood there, gun pointing at Ash. Scarlett grabbed Manson's gun and pulled it down to his side.

"Stop this. This is just wrong. You promised me you wouldn't hurt him." Scarlett said,

Manson turned around and kicked Scarlett away to a near by tree. She went crashing into the tree, fell to the ground and stayed there. Holding her stomach in pain.

"M-Manson, P-Please" Scarlett stuttered.

"What the heck, Why did you do that?" Ash yelled.

Manson smirked and put his gun away.

"Your right Scarlett, I'm not going to kill him. I never said I wouldn't hurt him, In the end, You Scarlett are going to kill this Hybrid. Just as I promised. I'm not killing him, But you swore you'd help me, so here you can help me kill him." Manson said darkly.

Scarlett slowly raised her head and stumbled to her feet. Ash ran at Manson and dug his claws into his sides. Manson let out a scream of pain and instantly pulled out his gun and shot Ash in the ribs. Ash took no notice as he was so blinded by rage and blinded by the temptation to kill Manson. Manson pushed Ash off himself and back up and waited for Ash to attack again. Ash instantly grabbed an knife from his boots and slung it directly into Manson's direction, The knife pierced Manson in the leg. Manson screamed in agony and he removed the knife and once again threw it to the side.

"Is this all you got Hybrid" Manson mocked.

Ash did not waste another second and pounced at Manson Clawing his back open and dislocating Manson's Right arm. Manson threw him self to the ground almost squishing Ash against the ground. Manson and Ash lay on the ground groaning in pain. Scarlett ran over to them and helped Ash to his feet and then helped Manson to his feet.

"Manson, This needs to stop." Scarlett said softly.

"Grow up, Look at him. He is a psycho. He is a hybrid., They're deadly, Yet your in love with him. Look at yourself Scarlett. Your disgusting. Help me kill him now." Manson said with attitude.

Scarlett sighed and looked at Ash. Ash's eyes were filled with so much anger.

"Manson you know I cant" Scarlett said with emotion in her voice.

Manson took the opportunity to attack Ash. He instantly picked up the knife that was laying on the ground beside him and threw it, full force in Scarlett's and Ash's direction. Before it could hit Ash, Scarlett instantly flipped around, Push Ash to the side a little and caught the knife.

"I said stop!" Scarlett snapped throwing the knife to the ground.

"Manson, just stop! This is enough, You'll kill each other. You promised me. Look, I will do it. I will kill Ash for you. But you need to back off and stop hurting those I love okay?" Scarlett lied almost in tears.

"Scarlett. What the- What are you thinking?" Ash yelled.

"Look, I'm sorry. But a promise is a promise. You have to understand" Scarlett said almost crying.

Ash just stood there in shock. Not knowing what to do. He couldn't believe his ears that Scarlett would kill him just because Manson said he wouldn't. Ash froze, unable to think straight anymore. Unaware of what he could try and do. His eyes did a weird thing. They flashed a orange/yellow sunset colour. Scarlett couldn't believe what she was seeing, she stood there. Frozen, Scarlett was in shock as well. They both soon snapped out of it and Ash just snapped, He instantly started clawing Scarlett.


"look, We can fix this!" Scarlett said soothingly

Ash did not reply, he kept attacking Scarlett. She was bleeding from every direction.

Scarlett pulled out a knife and dug it into Ash's back when he attempted to approach her. He let out a scream of pain but attacked Scarlett again, Clawing her, Biting her and stabbed her in the arms. She pulled out her sword and started slashing open Ash's chest. He did not move. Did not make a sound. He stood there, Letting Scarlett do everything she could. Blowing any move she could on him until she stopped. Tears began crawling down her face, Smudging her dark make up, Mascara tinting her face grey.

"I'm sorry Ash, I really am" Scarlett sobbed.

She placed her sword back in the case and took a few steps back. Ash ran at her and Scarlett grabbed him but Ash also grabbed Scarlett and they threw each other to the ground. Ash crawled on top of Scarlett and pinned her down then began hitting her in the chest until she became winded.

"Scarlett, seriously finish this shit" Manson snapped.

"You try killing the one you love, you idiot." Scarlett gasped.

Manson just stood there watching, unable to do anything as he so promised but he found entertainment in the way Ash and Scarlett fought. It was like two children fighting over a sandbox in the park. Ash and Scarlett got to their feet then Ash grabbed Scarlett and dragged her to a tree. Scarlett grabbed a knife from her pocket and dug it into his chest, Twisting the blade. Ash backed up and fell to the floor, attempting to pull the knife out. Scarlett kicked him directly in the face and left indents in his neck and face from her studded heels and then she placed her boot up to his neck and instantly grabbed her Katana and pulled it out, then pointed it directly to Ash's neck.

"Ash, please. Stop this, I don't wanna make this any harder than this has to be." Scarlett cried,

Ash grabbed her by the ankles and pulled her to the floor. Ash scrambled to his feet, pulled the knife out and threw it away. He placed his hand on his wounds and sighed. His eyes flashed with rage again and his fangs began showing. Scarlett got to her feet, grabbed her Katana and stood there with both hands firmly holding onto the handle. Ash was about to attack her, when he instantly stopped. He placed his eyes on Manson who had a smirk on his face then he drew his eyes to Scarlett who had tears crashing off her face. He knew that she was upset over what she agreed to do. Ash turned to face Scarlett and walked over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. His eyes stopped glowing. They went back to his normal brown eye colour. He hid his fangs away and sighed.

"Please Ash, I'm sorry, Please understand" Scarlett cried.

"Do it. Scarlett. Just do it. If it's what's you want, if its what you need to do then do it. I would only die for you. I would only die by you. I only trust you to kill me fast and only when you really have to. I rather die by your sword than the likes of Manson. If you need to do this in order to keep your promise then do it. Its okay, I trust you." Ash said.

Scarlett trembled, with her sword in her hands she tightened her grip, Her nails digging into her skin, cutting her. Blood began dripping from her hands. She lifted her sword up, Ash removed his hands and stood there. Still.

"Scarlett, for hells sake do it! What are you waiting for, you practically got a free pass to kill him. Do it, Or I will." Manson yelled.

"Scarlett..? Its okay, Do it." Ash mumbled.

"I don't want to hurt you, Please don't make me. Manson please don't make me. I agreed to help you with your business but if I knew it was to kill Ash i never would of agreed. Why Ash, Why can we just walk away from here and leave it at that." Scarlett said.

Manson turned his head in the other direction and signed. Placing his hand on his sword.

"Scarlett that is awfully sweet, defiantly sounds like you but I'm sorry darling, A promise is a promise, I promised not to kill him and you promised to help me with my business and this is it, So either you do it or i will break our promise and do it myself. I honestly didn't think you'd have the guts to kill him. After all you did go soft when you went into this whole vampire thing. Now do it Scarlett" Manson said.

"I'm sorry..." Scarlett said.