
Once Above All

A programmer ends his life early and is reincarnated into a world where magic exists. 'Maybe magic could be an interest for me to live.'

PaleCrow · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Is Lily a vampire?

'My sister left for the frontlines.'

'Although the pay isn't as much as compared to being a royal guard, most of the treasures that you that you come across while being in the frontlines, is yours for the taking.'

'It depends whether you are in a party or not. However, it's rarely ever in that case as being in the frontlines, requires you to represent the kingdom.'

'Hence, you are most likely placed in a squad of about 4-6 members.'

'I've started to miss her. Now, I also won't have a mage that would spar with me.'

'After our first sparring practice, she wouldn't go as hard as she initially did. Despite that, that doesn't mean I didn't get any combat experience out of it. She had also learnt on predicting how a warrior would attempt to escape her magic spells.'

'Perhaps I could have a bout with Lily instead but, nowadays she avoids me like the sun.'

'Ever since I've gained consciousness, I've been consistently keeping up with my mana practice.'

'My mana veins are now capable of fitting 8 trains and finally, I've reached solid yellow, in terms of my mana purity. Still hidden under a red-skinned train, of course.'

'After being recognised as a child that's capable of using mana, my mum had given me books that's related to mana and the like. Usually, you'd study them once you have enrolled in the Mage Academy but, she figured I wouldn't harm anything given by my mild personality and curious nature.'

'From what I've read, you'd be considered a Magus when you're at the level of familiarising yourself with mana and magic spells. Only when you've been recognised by three or more officials, would you be considered as a Mage.'

'This can be done through examinations, competitions and live demonstrations. This is also the case for warriors and knights.'

'Each corresponding pre-title has both where they are yet to be recognised and one that where they are. This is because, sometimes they may be lacking in terms of their capacity of knowledge or strengths, other times, they may be lacking in the expertise of their profession, itself.'

'For example, with the amount of mana that I currently hide, I would consider myself to be a Grand Magus yet, to be a Grand Mage I would require expertise of magic that's on par with the arsenal that a Grand Mage hold.'

'For warriors and knights, they are tested in their capacity of aura. Which is why most knights are rarely known since it's much more difficult to empower aura, as compared to mana.'

'The book also states that you can find mana all around you which follows the colours of a rainbow. Starting with red, and ending with violet.'

'Seeing how I'd 'considered' blue to be rare, imagine the odds of finding a violet strain mana in thin air.'

'Hm.. if I were to follow an electromagnetic spectrum, would the colours of pink and white be possible after violet?'

'By the way, I've further read that mages would usually practice magic spells until their mana circuits are exhausted, to expand them. Which is different from how I would do so, by micromanaging all of my mana veins by pushing the mana outwards.'

'Being able to fit another train would increase the total of my mana capacity hence, my control would decrease of about 7-10%.'

'I've also learnt that some mages would try and hide their mana that's usually attracted to or within them. They do so by changing the colour of mana itself using a spell that would camouflage mana.'

'Not only is it a difficult spell to master, the kingdom and other empires forbids this type of magic to be leaked due to the extremities that it could cause.'

'I need to somehow learn the magic even if it's forbidden. Although I can try my best and be the strongest as I could be, doing so would make myself a bigger target for those that wouldn't allow individuals that aren't 'connected', rise to the top.'

'Which brings me to my next point,

Mana Affinities.'

'Every person that's born has an affinity in relations to mana. Some have strong relations to the affinity while others may have a weaker bond.

Affinities are the elements of nature.'

'Most common affinities are fire, water, earth and wind. Rare affinities includes light, dark and barrier. There are also different combinations of affinities such as, metal, invisibility; a mixture of light and dark, snow and ice, which the Winter family holds.'

'However, my sister doesn't have the affinity for snow or ice. Although she was shunned by most nobles, she couldn't care less about their opinions and continued being a proud and powerful mage, that she is.'

'What happens if you don't have an affinity for the magic that you'd desire? That would explain how incantations are used for all sorts of magic.'

'It is the reason why I was tested with Cleanse, as a first magic spell which uses the magic affinity of Light.'

'Without incantations, the magic spell would not work. This includes silent incantations, whispering and 'thinking' of the incantation.'

'I've even tried messing around with the pronunciations of incantations and having pauses in between the words but, the spell would not activate.'

'This begs the question. Do I have a Mana affinity that's related to Time? I was able to use an adjusted time dilation spell without the use of an incantation, by researching and figuring out how it works. I'm also able to do use the spell against living beings like, butterflies and birds.'

'There are several methods of finding out your Mana Affinity. The most common practice is the use of an affinity orb. The inventor made it in such a way that the orb would signify which mana affinity closely relates to the mana that you would provide into it.'

'My affinities are... fire and ice.'

'This surprised both my mother and sister, as the two affinities are incompatible. Not only are the chances slim to none, it was theoretically impossible to have.'

'At first I thought they would have made a scene about it, calling networks and the 'media' if there's any in this era, about the news but, I was relieved when they didn't do much about it.'

'Having both affinities isn't much of a surprise to me since I've somehow made the trains in my body clash indefinitely to create heat and, did the opposite where I cooled the trains down by clashing them to a stop.'

'In spite of all that, how was I able to use my time dilation spell?'

'Could Mana Affinity be the way you would habitually control mana?'

'This was a theory I wanted to prove and since the affinity orb was just left out in the open, I'd used it when I figured that no one else was looking.'

'Well, it seems I was somewhat right about it.'