
Once Above All

A programmer ends his life early and is reincarnated into a world where magic exists. 'Maybe magic could be an interest for me to live.'

PaleCrow · Fantasy
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31 Chs

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"These tracks.. they're erratic."

"What does it mean?"

"Well, since they're of beasts, it's a way of knowing that a form of aggression had been made."

"So.. it's a monster?"

"That, or it got attacked by something, since these types of tracks indicates beasts that are passive in nature. The tracks only shows one type of footprints but we can't rule out the possibility of it not being attacked, do you know why?"

"Hm... no footprints. A possible beast that's capable of aerial manoeuvres? That, or that 'something' could assault from the branches of the trees or, possibly not leave any sort of footprints on the floor."

"That's right. You're smart, like your mother."

'Although I'm still unable to partake in the actual hunts. These sorts of trips are valuable lessons to me. It's like how a possible murderer learns forensic science to gain insight and the know-hows.'

'Yet, I am a murderer in this world.'

'I haven't forgotten that fact. I've killed four men. To protect those that I love, I may have to kill more.'

'Haah. This life, is it really necessary to do so? Not only do humans live longer than 200 years of age, but I still can't find any meanings to life, itself.'

'As I was saying earlier, I've managed to learn how Wind magic works. I've thought about it earlier, but how would one describe wind?'

'Not only can it be of natural movement, it could easily be artificially produced to do so. Hence, in essence, it is 'lightweight' and freely 'pushable'.'

'In that case, I've controlled a small amount of mana on the palms of my hands to form the experiment, of making the mana into miniature particles that are light and can be easily be nudged.'

'A gust of wind was formed in that event.'

'After practicing it a few times and making it as familiar as snapping my fingers, I tested the affinity orb. Instead of fire and ice, it signifies all three.'

'What about time? Could it be that the inventor didn't take Time into account as an affinity? Or is no one capable of having the affinity to Time?'

'Anyway, I've now gained the dilemma to refrain myself from experimenting other affinities and the like or, just gain all the affinities that are possible.'

'Hmm, when it comes down to it, I would most likely choose the latter. But, that's a problem for future me.'

A gesture was made from Gareth, this was one that would indicate the abrupt requirement of silence and to observe.

Right in front of them, was a light blue rhinoceros that seemed to have additional spikes that made it similar to looking like a Stegosaurus. Its' eyes were red, indicating that it's lost rationality and, the fact that its' a monster.

"This time, you will handle it."

"Err.. what?"

'This caught me off guard. He never allowed me to hunt. Why now, and in the case of a monster, at that? Maybe this is a test to understand the endangerment of monsters. Does that mean that I should lose on purpose?'

"I think it's time for you to 'hunt'. In the future, you won't be able to pick your battles. Plus, you've always wanted someone to spar with, now you've got one."

"Uh, dad. I think I'll pass. It's too dangerous for me."

"No. Son, you have to do this."

"May I ask why?"

"Well... I'll tell you after you've completed the hunt."

"What about if I 'can't' complete the hunt?"

"Don't worry about it, champ. I believe in you. I know you can do it."

'Damn. Should I flip a coin and prove what is expected of me? Or fail intentionally...'


The monster was wrecking havoc. Pummelling trees left and right, and destroying boulders that stood in its path. If a beast were to come to its' close vicinity, it would be a dish for the monster.

Throughout all of Avel's hunting trips with his father, he would always carry his training sword and his bayonet in a belt. He had decided, that the monster would be his prey and fall by his own hands.

'No need for flashy movements. I'll use the bayonet and hit it straight in the forehead, supported with wind magic so that it'll accelerate faster than the speed of sound.'

Without further ado, Avel unclipped the strap that was keeping the bayonet from falling out, and shortly after, threw the weapon towards the direction of the rhinoceros.


The knife was embedded deep in the middle of the monster's forehead. A second after, as if its' eyes were heavy, they closed and, it's body limped and fell to the floor.

"What... did you do?"

"I, hunted?"

"...no.. I mean, how did you do that?"

"Uh... skill?"

'Is this really my son? How could he have possibly done that? I merely wanted to see how well he would fare against a monster but clearly he's on a different league. I didn't even sense any intent to kill the beast.

But, how's that possible? Even the best assassins that I've come across would emit the smallest intent to kill as they strike their opponents.', Gareth continued to ponder about his son and his overall capabilities.

"Err, dad?"

"Huh? What?"

"What now?"

Looking at the monster that had fallen by the hands of his son, he had just remembered the purpose of the trip.

"Right, let's get the mana orb that's within the beast, afterwards we'll clean it up and take its' meat, though, we can't eat it, it can be used as bait. The horns... we'll take them as well. But, it's a bad omen if we keep the horns for too long."

"Why's that so?"

"Hm... such horns from the beasts were known to be used for all sorts of purposes. Many of them were hunted to the point where some people were against the action of doing so. Those sorts of people casted a curse type of magic spell to users who have attempted to hunt the horns for the sake of profit.

In any case, we'll make sure that none of its' body, will go to waste, in efforts to put its' killing as a form of justice."