
on the first day after being expelled from the national football team,

it's a Chinese novel So i Will do Best and if anything wrong plz tell me Chen Yufeng time-traveled into the body of a young player from the youth training of Stuttgart U17. However, due to the intervention of a related party at the beginning, he was expelled from the national team by the head coach of the National Football Team U17! Frustrated, Chen Yufeng chose to permanently retire from the national team and stay away from this smoky environment! The most powerful football system is activated, and the starting reward is a long-range shot that must be entered into the card. A long-range shot must be scored within ten minutes of playing! Since then, an alternative has emerged in football

Legend_Man_1262 · Anime und Comics
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74 Chs

Chapter 19-Upgraded Stuttgart First Team! !


After the goal was scored.

The time on the court has reached the 85th minute.

The Stuttgart players and coaches knew that with their strength, it would be difficult to win.

Ping is already very good.

When facing such a powerful youth team, getting a precious point is considered a victory!

So in the final period, Stuttgart's players retreated on defense.

Returned to his own half and set up the bus.

The Frankfurt players' physical fitness was also declining at this time and they were unable to organize a particularly sophisticated offense.

There is simply no way to deal with this kind of deep defense.

Just like that, in a slightly boring half-court offense and defense.

Time passed quickly, and seven minutes flew by.

"Beep! Beep! Beep--!!"

After looking at the watch, the referee blew the whistle to end the game.

Hearing the sound of the whistle ending, many Stuttgart players were relieved.

The emotion that followed was excitement and joy.

And my admiration for Chen Yufeng!

It's Chen Yufeng again, this kid they never looked up to before.

In such a crucial battle, a goal was scored!

Their views on Chen Yufeng have completely changed.

Many people think that Chen Yufeng is a genius!

It was just that it had not been discovered before!

After the game.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the team members to stretch.

First team head coach Willich pulled Brian aside and said with some relief, "Thanks to this kid's good performance today, he showed his strength within ten minutes."

"Otherwise, I might really miss such a good idea."

"It's also your fault why you let him play so late."

Brian smiled helplessly, and then said: "He has always been like this before, and he can achieve excellent performance in a short period of time."

"I'm used to it."

"Then why don't you let him play for a while?" Willich stared at Brian and asked with a frown: "What's wrong with you if you leave such a good player unused?"

"Maybe he changed a little too fast, and it was hard for me to accept it for a while."

Brian spread his hands and said, "But I'm going to let him play more time in the future."

"No chance."

Willich sneered and said, "I will promote him to the first team next week."

"next week?"

Brian's eyes were startled and he said in confusion: "It's a bit early."

He could see Weirich's interest in Chen Yufeng, but he never thought that Weilich would be so anxious.

"not early."

Willich shook his head and said: "Such a good prospect should not waste time in the youth team."

"I want him to adapt to the rhythm of the first team and put on the first team jersey as soon as possible."

"Even if he can't adapt temporarily in the past two years, I will loan him to the Bundesliga 2 first to get a feel for the professional league."

Seeing what Brian wanted to say, Willich continued: "Brian, you know that our results in Stuttgart have been very poor in the past few seasons, and our offensive data are very poor."

"A striker like this is the player we need."

Perhaps to outsiders, Willich was a little impulsive in doing so.

But remember, what forced Willich to do this were the quotes that were placed on the desk in his office a few days ago.

Such a person that everyone agrees with and wants.

After seeing him play a good game with his own eyes, what else should he hesitate?

What is the most important thing about a forward?


Where is Chen Yufeng today?

As soon as he went up, he hit an earth-shattering long-range shot!

Why not increase it quickly?

Whoever doesn't raise the level has something wrong with his brain.

Stuttgart is not the kind of team that is very wealthy and has no shortage of talents.

They are very, very lacking!

"All right..."

Brian turned his head and glanced at Chen Yufeng, who was still stretching on the ground, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Such a genius that I haven't had time to fully accept.

He actually became the first player in the echelon he led to be promoted to the first team.

Who would have thought of this before.

Life may be so unreal sometimes.


Sighing, Brian felt empty again.

Willich next to him noticed it, but said nothing.

The biggest goal of a club and echelon is to provide players for the first team.

The team members have been sent out, which is the success of this echelon.

Instead of loss!



Stuttgart youth training base.

Players Apartments.

Chen Yufeng, who returned to Stuttgart, heard someone knocking on his door before he could go back to rest.


Chen Yufeng asked, got up from the bed and opened the door.

Standing at the door was Brian.

"Mr. Brian."

Chen Yufeng smiled and said hello, "What's the matter?"

"A little."

Brian nodded, walked straight to Chen Yufeng's dormitory, and sat on a stool very familiarly.

"Sit down, kid, and let's talk."

After listening to Brian's words, Chen Yufeng sat on the bed at a loss.

"First of all, I want to ask you, are you sure that your behavior during this period is not just a coincidence?"

Brian felt like he was interrogating a prisoner at this time, but he didn't feel it himself.


Chen Yufeng shook his head and said truthfully; "A few days ago, I suddenly felt that my confidence in long-range shots became stronger."

"Those goals were not accidental, they were of a normal level. I would be sure of it if I could do it again."

"Oh?" Brian's brows moved, obviously a little surprised.

I'm sure I can do it again.

I've never seen a top star say that.

But since Chen Yufeng said so, Brian didn't want to talk more about this topic, but asked: "How old are you this year? It has to be specified in days."

"Seventeen years and thirty-four days."

Chen Yufeng thought for a moment and said.

"Seventeen years and thirty-four days."

Brian suddenly smiled and sighed: "It's a good age."

Seeing Brian who was so abnormal in front of him, Chen Yufeng couldn't help but said doubtfully: "So... what happened."

"Pack your things, you have to leave here tomorrow."

Brian stood up, smiling and spreading his arms.

"You mean..."

"Yes, tomorrow night, you will spend your sleep in the first team's training base."

"Congratulations, kid, you are the first member of our Stuttgart U17 team to be promoted to the first team."

After hearing this, Chen Yufeng suddenly felt like he was wrapped in happiness.

He has never been a very noble person.

He also has a lot of primitive desires and wants to play football well and stand in a high position as soon as possible!

This contains his parents' expectations for him, and also contains his silent response to the national football team!

And now, move up to the first team!

Closer to everything!

He knew this day would come soon.

But he never expected that head coach Willich would promote him to the first team after just watching one game!

First team.

This is definitely a new beginning for him.

