
Changbin x Wooyoung Car Accident Part 2

Changbin could hear.

Only slightly, but her could hear Wooyoung begging for help. He wanted to comfort his boyfriend so badly, to tell him everything was okay and that they'd be alright, but his body felt so weak.

No matter how much Wooyoung begged for something, Changbin couldn't muster up anything to give.

"I love you." He thought to himself as the last words he'd ever speak.


"Come on guys." Chan said softly, opening the door to their van from the inside. They were outside of ATEEZ's dorm, which could only really mean one thing.

The seven of them climbed out, standing together on the pavement as their manager put in the security codes for the building. Each of them felt nervous looking up to the floor they'd be taken to. They were still right down here in the air of the unknown, but only 36 steps up was knowledge and Chan hated it.

Eight stood in the lift. Straight up to the third floor. Silence. Knock on the door. Silence.

"Just go straight through." Ara said, pointing down the corridor.

Chan went first, walking down the hallway to their youngers, seeing Hongjoong's panicked expression as soon as he entered.

"How much do you know?" The younger asked, standing to attention.

"Nothing." Chan shook his head. "He told us nothing."

"Okay. That-That's a good thing, right? If they've not said anything, then maybe everything's okay and that-" Hongjoong spiralled, getting caught up in his thoughts until Chan shut them straight down with a hug, wrapping the younger leader up tightly as the members of each of the groups sat around the living room that only just fit the 16 of them all together. 

All 16 of the members.

Chan shuddered, sitting down next to Seonghwa and Hongjoong, holding onto the both of their hands as the two managers settled down.

"Okay guys." Kwangsun sighed and ran a hand through his hair a couple of times to try to calm his nerves even just a little bit. "Okay, as you all know. Wooyoung and- and Changbin went out tonight and that they've not come back home yet. Around-" He choked up a little bit, pressing a hand to his mouth to prevent the tears from falling too soon.

"Around about an hour ago, we received a call about the two of them." Ara continued on like nothing really happened. "There was an accident on a bridge."

Kwangsun recovered some of his resolve to be able to continue on, to tell them exactly what happened before the ball dropped. "The police investigating at the moment, but from eyewitness'-"

"It was Changbin, wasn't it." Jeongin asked directly to Kwangsun. "Changbin-hyung, he didn't make it through the accident?" and no-one seemed to be wanting to correct the younger, so Chan watched in real time as his members' hearts shattered into millions of irreparable pieces. 

He watched Jeongin and Felix cling to each other like the other would surely disappear without a trace if they let go of each other. He watched them embrace Hyunjin when his sobs painfully caught up and tore through and as San wrapped around the three and held them tight, his own tears rolling down his cheeks over his soulmates loss, with only a moments notice for his own emotions to fester into reality and Hongjoong wrapped him up to cry as much as he needed to for his Binnie.

MInho sat in shock next to Seonghwa, holding onto the second youngest vocalist. Him and Changbin had never been too close, but it still sent him reeling. Jisung was Minho's love and Changbin was a massive part of Jisung's world. 

Yunho, Jongho, Yeosang and Mingi turned their attentions towards the two managers, directing them into the kitchen for privacy to the others. 

"I think for the next couple of days, if it is okay with you, Kwangsun-ah, we should have the others here with us." Yunho said quietly, slipping into leader mode easily. 

"Yeah." Kwangsun breathed shakily, looking down briefly to collect up his thoughts. "We've suspended all activities for the foreseeable future and told everyone to stand by, but we've not released a statement as of yet, so there is nothing that needs to be done for a while."

"We're just waiting on the official word from the hospital about the condition of Wooyoung to be able to say anything and to give the fans all of the knowledge, but I know the at least the schedules for the next couple of days are not going to be going ahead, so all of you can stay here if you want to." Ara said, quickly pulling up a few more emails with some more information. "We're looking at getting both parents up here in the next couple of hours, so you might need to talk to them about what is going on and what your plans are."

"We can deal with that." Mingi nodded with Yeosang.

"Have you got anything yet from the hospital for Wooyoung?" The elder asked. Yeosang was obviously worried when he heard that his best friend was involved in an accident as it was so recent from losing his grandfather. Changbin meant a lot to him and Yeosang couldn't help but feel concerned that this might make Wooyoung feel ten times worse about everything. 

"The hospital only said that he was currently in surgery for multiple injuries and that before they took him in that he was stable." Ara said. "As soon as we get word from them that we can go over, I'll take you up, but it might not be until the morning now."

Yeosang nodded. "I'll prepare a bag for him."

"And-" Jongho looked warily between the rest of them for approval to ask his question. Mingi nodded to the youngest. "Hyung was talking about Gyeol. I know that Wooyoung was going to get him out here to talk to him about getting another sibling from a surrogate with Changbin. They were going to talk about it on their date tonight."

"They were?" Yeosang asked. The two of them talked about having children, or in Wooyoung's case to have more children and about how they would do it. Wooyoung had been talking to some of his friends and medical professionals about having an additional child with a surrogate. Changbin agreed to be a father to another child as long as he could chose the mother of the child who would have half of their genetics in the child as opposed to the genetics that the two fathers would give. They chose on a family friend of Wooyoung, but there hadn't been much in the way of updates from Wooyoung about what happened afterwards. Yeosang had no idea that this was even going on with the couple.

"Yeah. Wooyoung-hyung told me while he was getting ready that he was going ask Changbin if he wanted to be there when Wooyoung told Hangyeol about the possibility of having a brother or sister." Jongho said. "Did he not say anything?"

"No…" Yeosang frowned a little. 

"There is nothing that we can do about it now, anyway. The thing that we just need to focus on is getting through the next couple of days. Wooyoung is going to need a lot of support when he wakes up and finds out that Changbin has unfortunately passed away, especially with just losing his grandfather and Christmas coming up." Their manager said.

"Exactly." Kwangsun nodded, looking briefly to his phone. "The hospital wants to talk to the two of us, do you think you are going to be able to hold down the fort for a couple of hours while we go?" 

The three of them nodded. Whatever lay ahead was such a massive unknown to them, so all they could hope for was that they would be okay in the end.


"When the first crash happened, it completely tore the three tendons on the left side and the middle and when the third crash happened, the last one went on the right side. We performed reconstructive surgery on the cruciate ligaments and have moved the collateral ligaments to their correct places to promote better repair and hopefully prevent Wooyoung from needing surgery again in the near future." The doctor explained as Wooyoung laid there quietly on the bed. It had been 18 hours post the crash and he knew nothing about what happened to his love. 

"Wooyoung-ah, can I do some checks on you, please?" The nurse asked, standing just off to the side, outside of Wooyoung's eye line from out of the window. 

"Sure." He said softly. The nurse was quick, checking up on his blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, general pain levels and the different patches of stitches he's gotten all over his body from the crash. It had done a right number on him everywhere on his body, but it wouldn't compare to the heartbreak he was feeling in his chest.

"That's all good, Wooyoung-ah. If you stay stable like this, we'll be able to move you to the general ward tomorrow." The nurse said with a smile, leaving the notes on his clipboard before going off to check on the other patients recovering from their surgeries. 

He let his eyes slide shut for a moment as the pain medication was strong and made him quite sleepy, but he knew it would be only a matter of time before the gavel would come down and he'd receive the official news of Changbin's passing. The nurses would look at him with sympathetic gazes and check on his vitals on the hour every hour since he managed to string a proper sentence together only a few hours after his surgery finished.


He sighed, recognising the voice instantly as his best friends, watching with seriously hooded eyes as San meekly came over. His eyes shone with the tears that they'd all be shedding, however Wooyoung just couldn't bring himself to care. San sat himself down on the closest chair to the younger, taking a hold of his left hand that was covered in various wires and bandages that gave Wooyoung his pain medication. 

He didn't need to sit for a while and study Wooyoung's face to know that there was only one person that he needed, but no matter how much he wanted to make his best friend happy, there was no way that San could do anything other then just sit and be there for Wooyoung.

Seonghwa entered quietly with his phone in his hands, sitting down on the other side.

"Youngie, we need to tell you something, okay?" San looked to the eldest, but Seonghwa continued to look at Wooyoung, who was only able to blink weakly. "Youngie, do you remember who was with you during the accident last night?"

"Binnie…" Wooyoung murmured softly, to which Seonghwa nodded with a small smile.

"Yeah, he was, Binnie was there. But- Youngie, Binnie got hurt too, okay. He got hurt a lot worse then you and he's had to go and see your grandfather." Seonghwa hated how hurt Wooyoung looked, how his eyes instantly started to water, but he needed Wooyoung to know before the statement would go to the press and the world would find out about its latest loss. "He passed away shortly before you went into surgery. I'm sorry Youngie."

"Binnie." Wooyoung whined softly, his hands curling up against the sheets they laid flat on, chasing purchase from something that could provide even a little bit of comfort against the pain of loss he seemed to constantly face these days. 

San and Seonghwa shared a look together, they hated that he was dealing with so much, but they had no ides how to even begin to solve it, not being able to take the younger up in their arms and cuddle the pain away, but with all of his injuries and pain, the two could only provide soft words and hand holds until Wooyoung's body finally gave in to the pull of sleep and Seonghwa and San sat alone in the room.


Hello, this is JYP Entertainment.


It comes with great sadness that we have to announce the passing of Stray Kids' and 3RACHA member CHANGBIN on Friday 25th November 2022.

CHANGBIN was out with a friend when the two were involved in the Hangang Bridge accident. Both sustained injuries and were taken promptly up to the hospital, but CHANGBIN's injuries were too severe for successful medication treatment. 

As subsequence, we would like to announce the hiatus of all Stray Kids' scheduled activities, including any further messages on Bubble.and posts on Instagram, Twitter and our official fan cafe's. 

Further updates will come out in regards to CHANGBIN's memorial and funeral in the coming days or weeks in accordance to the families wishes.

We ask for your patience during this time towards all members of Stray Kids and especially CHANGBIN's family and ask fans to not approach the members if you see them in public in respect of their mourning period.

Thank you.



Hello, this is KQ Entertainment and JYP Entertainment.


After careful consideration from both sides of the parties, it has been decided that it would be within CHANGBIN's and the friend he was withs best interest to reveal their identity to avoid speculation. 

WOOYOUNG and CHANGBIN had been on a date on the night of the accident. When the accident occurred, both parties received injuries. WOOYOUNG was taken straight into surgery for a knee injury and CHANGBIN was receiving treatment from doctors until there came a point where it would be no longer viable to continue on for CHANGBIN's sake. WOOYOUNG continued to receive treatment for several broken ribs, sprained wrist, concussion as well as various wounds around his body and will be in the hospital until there comes a time where he had recovered enough to be transferred back to his dorm with the rest of his members.

We ask for you to extend the same courtesy of not approaching the members if you do come into contact with them, like the Stray Kids members, as they enter a mourning period. 

All schedules had been postponed until further notice.

Thank you.


"I'm sorry." Chan gasped, looking up to the ceiling briefly just as the worker touched the cloth to reveal the body of his former teammate.

"This process is not necessary in any investigative efforts, Mr Bahng, if this is too much for you. We were identify Mr Seo via medical records. This is only for you to be able to see him one last time before the last few examinations take place and he is prepared for burial." The mortician explains softly. This probably isn't the first time that someone has cried in front of her about the person underneath the cloth, but Chan really didn't want to add to the statistic in any way. 

"No, no. I wanna see him." He swiped a sleeve under each of his eyes and nose quickly, steeling his nerves one last time.

"Okay." She nodded to the worker, who carefully lifted the sheet from Changbin's body and it was like the dam was officially broken for Chan as he wept over his fellow rapper's body, being left for 10 minutes to say his final goodbyes before Kwangsun was allowed in and retrieved the sobbing leader, catching a glimpse of the rapper's gaunt appearance before leaving the room entirely for the last time.


"We should really do the funeral without Wooyoung, you saw how he was when Sannie and Hwa told him." Yeosang spoke as the 9 of them, all of ATEEZ and the two managers, sat around to discuss their next steps.

It had only been 4 days post the accident and Chan had pretty much shut down. 

He wasn't talking to anyone, barely eating, not sleeping. He looked awful, but none of the others could blame him for his behaviour, afterall they understood why he felt like it. However, that did leave Stray Kids without someone who would be able to make any logical decisions for what they were to do. Minho would have taken up the post as the second eldest in the group, but he asked Seonghwa to do it as he had the most leader-esque experience as he was the eldest of ATEEZ. It was decided that the members would be free to leave Seoul if they wanted to, but as long as they were back within a week of the funeral taking place, which was still as yet undecided. Seonghwa help with getting Hyunjin and Jeongin last minute tickets to go back to their home towns thus far and even talked to his own parents about hosting Felix and Chan for their times off. The members of ATEEZ saw how much Changbin meant to them, so despite already having a member in the hospital, they were trying their hardest to make it easier for Stray Kids.

"Wooyoung said to me himself that he wants to be there when they bury Changbin." Kwangsun frowned. "I don't think that we should go against him with this."

Yunho cleared his throat a little. "With all due respect, sir. You don't know Wooyoung like we do. When he says he wants to do something, he is not going to stop until he is able to do it. He's been like it the whole time we were trainees." 

Kwangsun looked to the other members, who all nodded, and to their manager, who also agreed. 

"Okay." He sighed, rubbing his brow a little. "I'll talk to the hospital and see if I can get a general date of when Wooyoung might be able to leave and go off of that for any dates that the minister is able to do it. Changbin was a Catholic, so the Church has a special minister who can conduct the ceremony to give him the best chance for the afterlife, or something along that description."

"I can help with that, Hyung." Hongjoong said, finally feeling like he is able to do something for the situation. "I was raised as a Catholic and have been to a couple of funerals, they have a lot more to them then what Mr and Mrs Seo might know about."

"Alright." Kwangsun nodded. "I will add you into the chat that we have going for it. There is going to be some travelling back and forth in and out of the city, as long as you are prepared for that Hongjoong."

"Of course. Anything I can do to help out." Hongjoong smiled.

At least that's one more that can be crossed off the list.


Then, there was a breakthrough.

Almost a month and a half to the day of waiting, taking Wooyoung to different therapies to help with his injured mind and knee, he came around to the idea of holding a funeral for Changbin.

All of the venues and the people needed for the ceremony had been on standby for the choice since the accident, so when the email came through, it was only a matter of a couple of hours before the date was chosen- the 14th of February. The day the couple got together and Valentine's Day.

Wooyoung felt sick to his stomach as he saw himself in the mirror for the first time in his suit, San just behind him in case his friend needed anything. It felt like he was still in a dream, but waiting wasn't doing anyone any good, so he just needed to bite the bullet and get it over and done with.

"How do I look?" He asked, straightening out the sleeves a couple of times.

"Really handsome." San smiled. "I think Changbin would be impressed with you."

Wooyoung nodded without saying anymore and smoothed the fabric down a little more. He tried to not set himself off by looking anywhere around the room, the four walls just reminding him of the lost conversations made in them, all the kisses, professions of love. It reminded him too much, but at the same time made the memories foggy in his brain.

"We should get going, or we might be late." San said softly.

It's now or never.


He stood in the cold, using his best friends as human crutches as the hearse came into the churches courtyard, the coffin clear in the windows. It was crazy to Wooyoung that his boyfriend lay peacefully in there, fully unaware of the kind-like funeral he was receiving from whatever place he was in now.

The whole procession was being broadcast, so Wooyoung was aware that somewhere someone was holding a camera in the direction of his face, filming his reaction in the very moment. Maybe even filming San's and Yeosang for any signs of upset, but they all agreed to keep it together. The amount of hate the post got about their relationship and Wooyoung's injuries had to have their comments turned off due to the language some of the fans used to describe how they felt about the two of them together. Some even suggested that Wooyoung should have been the one to die instead of Changbin- those ones hurt the most. 

San squeezed his hand gently as the doors swung open to the hearse and the coffin was put into the hands of the pallbearers in silent support as they moved to the next part of the service.

30 of Changbin's closest friends and family stood the closest to the coffin, mainly consisting of the members of both teams and Changbin's few relatives, Wooyoung found himself almost finding it funny when Sana from Twice almost let go of her control, looking over her shoulder for a moment to recompose with Jihyo's hand in hers.

The speech about Changbin's life seemed go on forever, listing everything in the 23 years that Changbin clocked in and more, so when he handed over to JYP's newest girl group for their speeches, Wooyoung couldn't have been more pleased.

It was short and sweet, just like Changbin. Mentioning about how the late idol would always smile at them whenever they passed in the halls and listened to their debut song with open ears, enjoying the strangeness of both of the title tracks. Jinni left her speech on a bitter note as she recalled the last conversation with Changbin. The rapper had been talking to Jinni about her nearing departure from the group and how that the fans wouldn't have minded if she needed to take a while for her mental health, but that the choice had been made and that the posts had been put out. Changbin tried to shine a light on the good in her life, but Jinni just couldn't find his light. ITZY's Lia went next, she had a similar sort of sentiment to her speech, about how Changbin would always talk to her in the halls and gave advice during her scandal. Mina and Momo went next and said their speeches in Japanese, commenting on how Changbin always tried to speak to them in their native tongues despite his lack of confidence in Japanese. Jaebeom, from GOT7, went next, then it was Changbin's sister and parents. They talked about Changbin's childhood and his addictive nature towards music. It never seemed to wane in Changbin and he always strove to want more and when he got it, they never saw him happier. His sister mentioned how he always listened to her relationship problems and would offer advice, not matter how bad it was and then it was down to the final two speeches.

"Do you want to go first?" San asked quietly as Chan looked about ready to burst out of his chair to talk to all of the guests.

"I'll let Hyung go first." Wooyoung smiled weakly. "He deserves that much."

"Okay Baby." San squeezed the younger's hand again.

There wasn't a dry eye in the audience when Chan finished his speech, spoken in the different languages that the leader knew easily and that meant that the last thing that Wooyoung needed to do was speak himself.

"Let's go up." Yeosang smiled, wrapping his arms back around the youngers. 

"Okay." Wooyoung said, already blinking the tears out of his eyes.


Wooyoung nodded, so as carefully as possible the pallbearers started to lower the coffin down into the ground. It was unmistakably silent, even the birds seemed to understand the seriousness of the situation as their calls fell to the wayside in favour of just watching Chan, Felix, Mingi, Hongjoong, Minho and Jeongin lower down their teammate down into the ground forever.


Changbin's mother had decorated the hall that they were using for the wake and Wooyoung couldn't have been more impressed by it. The whole room was decorated to fit the series of events of Changbin's life. From the first pictures that the hospital took, to the service that inducted him into the church, his life events shown in pictures that the Seo's would treasure forever and that Wooyoung could wholeheartedly appreciate for what his love did in the years before they knew each other. 

As the years moved on, it came onto the Stray Kids portion. Wooyoung understood those areas much more and what they represented for Changbin. Pages and pages of his scribbled lyrics decorated the temporary walls in between the different pictures of little moments in time captured by the other members. Most of the photos had never been seen outside of the dorms, so Wooyoung saw the many different reactions of the members of JYP to them. 

The last section was the most special, the one that Wooyoung chose to spend the most amount of time. It had been shrouded in a pastel pink, much different to the darker colours that painted Changbin's youth. There were fairy lights all around with pictures of the two between most of the lights, clipped on with see-through pegs that Changbin kept in his bedside drawer. Anyone who came across to have a look commented on being able to see Changbin's heart, his soul, in the photos. It was true what people said that sometimes you find the love of your life in the strangest of places. It was a survival show, the first time they properly met, and it was like love at first sight. Wooyoung couldn't shift his thoughts from anyone par the second eldest rapper of Stray Kids and when Stray Kids was announced as the winner, Wooyoung couldn't even be upset.

The look of absolute happiness on the elders face was a prize and a half and 8 months later, they called each other mine.


But with everything in life, happiness must come to a harsh end. His knee was throbbing, but nothing would come close to the pain that they day was causing in Wooyoung's chest, he just wanted everything to be over, but there was still the small matter of getting out his suffocating suit and into more comfortable bed clothes.

Jongho helped him out of his suit and tie, shimmy out of the trousers and into something so familiar that it drove the second youngest to tears for the millionth time that day.

He breathed in the familiar scent of Changbin, slowly wearing off as time went by.

"Try to relax, okay Hyung? You're safe now." The younger whispered, pressing a light kiss into Wooyoung's hair, just like Changbin used to do.


Dear Changbinnie,

When I first met you, it was like the world started to make sense once more. The skies that had once been a murky grey had become a light blue. My Instagram feed became happier. Hangyeol sang your praises whenever he was around. 

You started to change my life in the most subtle of ways. I became softer, less disruptive, I felt happier in myself. I learnt to properly love someone.

I don't think I said it enough, but I don't think that there is ever going to be another one like you, my Changbinnie. The way that you made music was something only to be marvelled at and sought after. The way that you took a simple string of words and made it sounds like the God gospel will forever remain as one of my wonders. 

And the first day you showed me DOODLE will be one of the most exciting. I saw your expression, your passion, your love poured into the song and when you told me who it was for, I think I fell in love with you all over again.

Changbin, you made everything better for me. You made the air easier to breathe. You made the industry not feel like something I should feel bad for being a part of. You made me better.

For that, thank you and from whatever star you are looking down on me from, please don't wait for me. Go and make someone up there as happy as you make me.

I love you so much, Seo Changbin. Always and forever my love.

Yours, Wooyoung.