
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · sci-fi
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909 Chs

Chapter 46

She'll probably get the incurable lung disease once again in no time she say no that was all fix when he returned the power to her from richard blown up body after he crash back into the destroyed magne town he was unconscious but still managed to give her the power that was stolen from her by richard back to her she then ask shardes can she give some of her meteor power to yami to stabilize his body from dying she said no it would kill her again for sure this time but shardes ask she can give him about seventy-five percent of her own power to him but it all depends on yami he will regain some missing body parts but loose some at the same time yami say he thinks he told her to leave him with the missing right arm and replace his left leg cause it was weird enough not having his own leg but a mission arm he can live with shardes say okay that is acceptable giving him a newly created robot arm for his righty before she left her body quinn tell yami that she merged with the island core to protect it from anymore harm that might happen in the near future yami touches his face with his right arm feeling something metallic he smiles saying his new arm is way better than before plus it's not actually metal.

But a solid energy material from the metal so no one will be able to used there magnetism power on his arm again yami say shardes was one of the good one's he hope he could thank her one last time before she left for good to the main core shardes appears next to yami shoulder telling him so he did care for her after all laughing at a sadden yami who tries to hug her but it just a holographic projection falling off the bed hitting the floor with his face saying ouch yami gets up asking shardes why ain't she already gone with her other sister's she explains that she had to make sure he was alive and we'll with no side effect from overusing his and the meteor power for too long in the last match against richard yami ask quinn can he get some privacy alone with shardes for a bit she agrees leaving them both alone in his hospital room yami turns serious asking why the fuck ain't he dead like richard the explosion he took head on should've killed him for good but he instead survived and crash back to earth with no damaged to his body why is that he needs answer shardes say so he did remember everything shardes explains that he survived because of her own sacrifice.

Yami looks at her what did she do to help him out in his crisis state she explain that quinn wanted to save his life at any cost but it wasn't enough to help him get back up so she instead lend her own life force energy through her friend quinn hand giving it to him healing his body to the same exact condition he was before the two major fight happened plus giving him a new leg plus a better mechanical arm to help him in his fight against any evil force's who want to do harm to the planet like richard did yami let's a tear drop down to his cheek saying he's sorry for making her waste her own life on him shardes slaps him saying it was her call not his or anyone in the matter she was okay with helping out the good guy she starts to dissapear little by little before telling yami one last thing take care of quinn for her yami say he will before vanishing out of thin air yami can't help but smile how selfish his friend shardes was thanking her for the save quinn comes in hugging him knowing what happen all along yami ask her what happen to everyone in the island quinn say we'll jazz and jasmine took there leave after the battle was over but not before bringing mayor sam to safety from his bunker base.

After the battle was over with quinn say jazz left a note saying he was sorry for leaving with his step sister they will star a new life free from everyone but themselves so they hope they can still be good friend's and fight each other again to see who is the strongest yami say he expected nothing but that from him what about the town people are they safe quinn says yep they are all safe and sound just been rebuilding there home town for the past three week's now yami say that's good to know laying on his hospital bed he tell quinn he hope's they can start having a little fun for a bit after he gets discharged from the doctor checking out his body yami gets a bit worry asking quinn to call on his grandpa now he has to talk to him for a bit quinn say sure calling him on the phone he ask him to come up to the level so he can talk to him sam say okay as he arrives asking him straight did the doctor take any of his blood to test it out for anything mayor sam no they are safe he gave them fake blood to not get them suspicious on his origin quinn ask so what is happening between them two what this about origin yami explains everything to her about being an alien and stuff quinn say okay that's good to know.

But he shouldn't hide thing's from her got it no more lying or secrets between them yami say okay waving goodbye towards sam who leaves the two alone as they both talk quinn tell yami to follow her to the roof as they walk up the stairs reaching the roof seeing that it's nightime quinn tell yami to lay on the wall with her passing him a blanket to share with one another warming each other up yami ask quinn so what is supposed to happen now as quinn tells him to keep his mouth shut and look up at the sky something magical is about to happen both watching the sky hearing multiple noise seeing the sky glow brightly from the fireworks blowing one after the other yami say wow it looks cool quinn tell him that since he wasn't able to attend the blessing party together after he save their island now they can shared this moment together holding each other hand before seeing a huge red firework spell out would you be my boyfriend yami magnus who looks around towards quinn who's on her knee asking him so what does he say to her question yami say she already knows his answer grabbing her face giving her a kiss showing his love for her as the fireworks show ends both telling each other I love you making it official.

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