
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · sci-fi
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909 Chs

Chapter 13

Blanca gets up from the chair removing tony from her breast she grab her backpack leaving but before she head downstairs she tell him to not text her again but she wouldn't mind still hanging out only in school she leaves after that tony feel bad for what just happen but he moves on jumping from the second floor to his friend's table landing on top of it scaring them saying where he came from tony says he just jump from the second floor people look at him like it's weird to do that but his friend's just tell him to give a warning before scaring them again like that tony smiles saying sure grabbing his backpack heading to his first class period with some friend's and saying goodbye to the other's earlier before the bell rang david is outside steffy art class watching her paint a portrait from the window he look at his phone saying if he gonna break the bad news to her he's gotta do it now he knocks on the door catching steffy attention she turns to look at him with a smile on her face telling him to come inside the class no one is here right now the teacher always arrives late so they have a couple minutes until the student's for this class come in and start to bother them both about being together and stuff.

David scratch his head for a bit trying to say out loud the word's steffy ask david what's bring him here today and was the future crisis deal with already david says yeah the future is better now the bad guy who cause his future family pain and suffering is gone for good now they are living the peaceful time but they have to their part for the future turning out different but david gets serious saying in order for that to happen he has to do a huge sacrificed steffy ask what that is while still coloring on the portrait of herself david ask her to turn around for a minute he has something important to tell her as steffy puts her brush down she turns her chair to look at him who's crying a bit for a reason she doesn't know she ask what's wrong did something bad happen in the future david cleans his tears from running down he turn to look at her eye's saying that what be about to tell her is difficult for him even though he fought a powerful a.i bot not long ago he takes a deep breath getting back his own compusure telling steffy that they have to break up and end this relationship in the nicest way he can say it tony hears this from the cafeteria room the bell rang out loud at the moment.

David told her that they have to break up he waiting for steffy to respond or say anything atleast to know she is still here and not having a mental breakdown steffy finally opens her mouth and speaks after the long quiet atmosphere she tell david that she is thankful to have dated someone like him and she enjoy the moment they spent together before slapping david across the face telling him that she doesn't want to ever see him again in her entire life she better delete her number and leave her alone from now on there never talking to one another asking him to leave class right now before she gets more mad at him david leaves wishing her this didn't happen at all telling her he loves her for being there for him until the end closing the art door behind him steffy throws her paint brush at the wall getting furious why would he break up with her knowing what they went thru she hears her classmates coming to the class door she cleans herself up so they won't ask what's wrong with her and why was she crying steffy cover herself with a jacket putting up the hoodie to hide her face until her rage has calm down and she can go thru the whole school day in peace and without any problems.

David is left crying walking out the art studio building he tries to clean his eye's from tears running down his face but he just doesn't have the energy too be in school any more he just calls on neo asking him to make a portal to take him home he doesn't want to deal with school right now neo says sure he'd make a portal appear in a couple seconds he just has to wait a bit david takes a seat in the park bench as this happens a spaceship flying on the far side of the milky way galaxy detects a match he was long looking for the unknown alien clicks on the location coordinates leading him to a planet name earth on the milky way side he clicks a few buttons on the screen to go ahead to the location to find what he was looking for the ship in an unknown languages says it will take 11 day's for him to arrive at the planet the alien says he will wait just prepared the sleep stasis for him he doesn't want to be sleeping a day longer like last time the computer in the ship says he will keep his health and body secured and not overslept him again the alien goes into a tube and fall's asleep until the 11 day's heading to the planet earth for unknown reason back on earth.

David finally see the portal appear on his location entering it without any witness he makes it to the other side thanking neo for the lift neo ask why doesn't he want to enjoy school today david respond by saying he just want to do mission's and take his mind out of school stuff and other stuff so he ask if there's any mission for him to do today neo shows him a list on the 10 mission's he can do right now david looks at each poster trying to see which one is the hardest he see that there are asking for a strong warrior hunter to take care of a pack of rat's problem david says he will start with this mission then see the rest also finish he ask neo to take him to the small town where there's rat's problem david click on his wrist watch gadget to changed his outfit from school clothes to his mission clothes so he can get straight to work neo says he making the portal right now as this happens he see david is a bit somewhere else at the moment he calls on him many time to see if he's okay but david doesn't seem to hear him or respond to his call so he shocks him to wake him up from his deep thought david yells saying why did he shock him for no reason neo explains that he has been calling him for a while.

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