
Omnipotent Ascension

[My WSA 2024 Entry Novel, please vote] "Your sister has been kidnapped" Kyo fell to his knees shocked at the news he was given about his sister's situation. He thought about what he needed to do in order to get her back. Meet Mikami Kyo, a high schooler who's sister got kidnapped by an S-rank criminal and he had to join the Japanese Hunter Association in order to get stronger and have enough power to get her back. In the midst of all that he finds out about his past and about the truth of the world they live in and why everything had to end up like this. In time he gets some shocking revelations along the way. Read on and find out how he deals with all of this and becomes the strongest he has to be in order to change all that he believes is wrong.

AkutoSai01 · Fantasie
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36 Chs


MAMMON stood on Benimaru's chest with one foot teaching him morals which Benimaru didn't find funny at all.


Benimaru laughed at Mammon's words.

"So you're just accepting the fact that you're weaker?"

[Is there anything else to do?]

"Don't accept it, that's what you'll do"

"Right now, I don't accept that a single avatar is stronger than me"

[Moreover you shouldn't have been in here or was Cerberus not at his post?]

"Oh that?, I took care of him at the entrance"


Cerberus was the gatekeeper of hell and was granted immense powers by the demons who reside in hell.

[If he's strong enough to dispatch Cerberus then why is he struggling against me?]

[Or is he not sincere about his powers?]


Flames covered Benimaru's entire body like a Knight's armour, Mammon smiled at the sight.

[Now this is more like it!]

Both charged at each other with Benimaru able to deliver the first blow.


Benimaru's punch was enough to cause an explosion which disintegrated Mammon's body to ash but the demon regenerated instantly and replied with a punch of his own but his punch couldn't take effect as his fist melted upon contact with Benimaru's body.



"You won't be able to touch me, this full body flame armour ignores any sort of durability you have against fire based abilities and it ignores the concept of adaptation"


"Meaning you won't be able to adapt to it's effects"

Benimaru charged at Mammon as his speed was increased with help from the Flame armour.

He touched the ground and reduced the area 40000 metres around him to ash.

[So he was hiding this?]


Mammon charged at Benimaru punching him in the face, the punch sent a shocked Benimaru flying away.

"How were you able to do that?"

[I punched the space closest to your face and in turn pushing you away]

"If that punch had hit ne directly then I'd be dead"

[I know and your technique is the reason why I wasn't able to hit you]

Both spoke good of each other's techniques and charged at each other again.


Benimaru landed another devastating punch and through the embers he could see the reason Mammon's avatar was still able to move upon all the disintegration.

"A part of his source was given to this avatar which is very interesting"

Mammon's avatar regenerated once again, he looked at Benimaru.

Mammon looked like he was enjoying the fight, he smiled at Benimaru.

Both charged at each other once again and Benimaru was about to land a punch which Mammon dodged by a landslide, making Benimaru think that the demon's avatar still hadn't reached it's limit.

Mammon punched the space between Benimaru and himself and that sent Benimaru flying.

He rushed at Benimaru once again but he dodged and punched Mammon in his chest eradicating his body and then Benimaru absorbed Mammon's source into his.

[So you that was what you planned]

"Yeah, now I have one of your abilities"

"Your regenerative abilities"

[The thing is I'll let you leave with that and when you're strong enough I'll let you battle me once again but next time it'll be at full strength]

A portal opened in front of Benimaru and sucked him in and he appeared in the dimension he resides in.

<Where have you been?!>

Lisa saw Benimaru appear and was angry at his previous disappearance and slapped him at the back of his head.

"That was uncalled for and for your information I've been in hell for the past 12 hours"

<12 hours?>

<You've been gone for a week>


"That's some very interesting information"

<How did you get into hell in the first place?>

"I opened a portal dimwit"

<Watch your tongue>

"Let's forget about all that, I came out successful"

<How? >

"I got an extra ability due to beating the avatar of the 1st sphere and absorbed a piece of his source"

<Woah! >

"I got infinite regeneration as he was able to regenerate from ash and even when he turned to liquid"

<That's nice, can I cut off your arm to check it out?>

"Do as you wish"

Lisa brought out Benimaru's sword, Benimaru took off his qi protection and watched a Lisa raised the sword high.

<Ready? >

"Alright carry on"


She cut off his left arm which made Benimaru flinch but it regenerated instantly, which Lisa and Benimaru marveled at.

<It actually works>

"Wow, it actually works"

Benimaru was happy at this and felt that this would be a great addition to his abilities and he got up and went out.

Benimaru felt his master would need to know about all of this and was going ahead but thought it would be common sense to freshen up.

* * *


The plane landed at the airport and the four hunters who went to Korea came out.

<Finally!!! >

Kyo and Rin jumped out of the plane and kisses the ground beneath them.

'Are they always like this?'

"Well they've bonded more than ever since Kyo's first dungeon"

Ino replied Tekashi's question and both walked out of the plane.

Kyo looked happily around and walked to where he could get food.

"Oi!, wait up!"

Rin shouted and ran after him, both of them walked into the restaurant at the airport and got some jumbo sized miso ramen and started eating immediately they were served.


<Hey!, What was that for?!>

Ino and Tekashi slapped Kyo and Rin respectively and looked at them with disgust.

"Are you both this weak that you can't even stay 2 hours without food?"

<Food is life or don't you know that?>

'Come on Ino we'd better eat or we'd be hungrier than they were'


Both of them sat down on the other 2 chairs present at the table they called the waiter and ordered for the same meal that Rin and Kyo were chomping on.

Tekashi and Kyo looked at each other and both knew that questions would be asked and answers would need to be given.