
Omnipotent Ascension

[My WSA 2024 Entry Novel, please vote] "Your sister has been kidnapped" Kyo fell to his knees shocked at the news he was given about his sister's situation. He thought about what he needed to do in order to get her back. Meet Mikami Kyo, a high schooler who's sister got kidnapped by an S-rank criminal and he had to join the Japanese Hunter Association in order to get stronger and have enough power to get her back. In the midst of all that he finds out about his past and about the truth of the world they live in and why everything had to end up like this. In time he gets some shocking revelations along the way. Read on and find out how he deals with all of this and becomes the strongest he has to be in order to change all that he believes is wrong.

AkutoSai01 · Fantasie
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36 Chs


 After taking Rin to the medics, Tekashi returned and saw that Kyo was gearing up to fight Jinho <Brat, 8 Jinho is a hunter who has cleared S-rank breaches on his own and he didn't have single scratch him when returned from the raid> stated Tekashi.

Kyo nodded at Tekashi's statement and then got up to face Jinho, he watched the flow of Jinho's qi while circulating his own <He has good qi control> thought Jinho and the next thing he knew Kyo from his sight, but before he could hit Jinho, The chairman blocked the punch <He moving faster than light?> thought Jinho, he tried a kick at Kyo's midsection but Kyo was able to dodge instantly.

 Jinho punched Kyo at light speed and Kyo responded with one of his own, making both fists clash.

 <Since he moving faster than light at this point means I have to stop holding back> thought Jinho.

 Both of them charged at each other with Tin trying to deliver a punch and Kyo went for a roundhouse kick which caused a massive gust of wind to well up in the training room.

 Both of them continued punching and kicking each other causing the dust to continue welling up, both of them stopped and then Jinho said <What technique do you use?> <Fire > replied Kyo.

 <Impressive, fire technique users are usually the strongest but Tekashi and Liu Xhang anomalies, with your you can move infinitely faster than light as Benimaru> said Jinho. 

 <Which means I can go faster than this> thought Kyo {ALERT ALERT:NEW BREACH DETECTED.

 <A new breach appeared> said Jinho, Jinho's secretary came to him with information about the dungeon <It's an A-rank gate, we're putting together a group of hunters> said Jinho's secretary <Take them with you> said Jinho while pointing at the three hunters from Japan and then he said <One of them was knocked out so just wake him up and add to the strike team> but his secretary said <Three of them are C-rank hunters and they shouldn't be allowed through an A-rank gate> said Jinho's secretary.

 Kyo and the others suited up and went in the direction of the gate, Kyo looked at the other hunters and an A-rank Korean hunther named Baek Junwong said <Why are C-ranks here?,> but before Kyo could reply it was time to get through the gate and the hunters went through it.

 <I have to take advantage of this dungeon test my strength> thought Kyo. There are multiple monsters coming towards us> said Tekashi.

 Multiple goblins came out of the cave of the dungeon and then the Korean hunters took care of them but Kyo and the others stood watchIng <Why didn't you guys attack or are scared?> said Baek <I'm far stronger than you and I can kill all of in an instant so jokes like that aren't funny> said Tekashi.

 Tekashi and the Japanese hunters went forwarf5 andand g5sensed the dungeon boss in the cave on the left, they convinced Baek to take the dungeon on the right. <So what type of hunter or you more specifically class are you?> asked Ino.

 <I'm a power type hunter> replied Kyo. Joy felt the monster's killing intent and then Tekashi said <Stand back>, he went in and was thrown out immediately <Time doesn t affect that beast> said Tekashi <It's a mythical class beast, mostly known in the story of Heracles> said Tekashi <THE LERNEAN HYDRA> and the moment Tekashi said that fear resonated within Ino and Rin but Kyo on the other hand said <If I run away now won't be able to know if I'm strong enough and not i achieve my goals> said Kyo <You can go home if you're scared, but I'm going in>.