
Omnipotent Ascension

[My WSA 2024 Entry Novel, please vote] "Your sister has been kidnapped" Kyo fell to his knees shocked at the news he was given about his sister's situation. He thought about what he needed to do in order to get her back. Meet Mikami Kyo, a high schooler who's sister got kidnapped by an S-rank criminal and he had to join the Japanese Hunter Association in order to get stronger and have enough power to get her back. In the midst of all that he finds out about his past and about the truth of the world they live in and why everything had to end up like this. In time he gets some shocking revelations along the way. Read on and find out how he deals with all of this and becomes the strongest he has to be in order to change all that he believes is wrong.

AkutoSai01 · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
36 Chs


 Kyo stood breathing heavily and Liu Xhang just laughed and said <This 6 is the first time in days that you've felt fatigued> , <I can manage> replied Kyo.

 He stood up and covered his fists with his so once again ready to battle Liu Xhang once again but at that moment, the time stopped around them <Come out you half-dead bastard> said Liu Xhang andTekashi came out of thin air which shocked Kyo <How did you do that?> asked Kyo <Oh that little thing, I manipulated space to the point where can enter it no matter is> stated Tekashi leaving Kyo in awe of his amazing feat.

 <Well kid, you, Rin, and Ino are gonna accompany me on a trip to Korea> said Tekashi, <For? > asked Kyo <Vacation > replied Tekashi <Get ready by 7:59 PM> said Tekashi.

 Kyo and the others were already there when Tekashi arrived and then he held them by their shirts and teleported them to the airport.

 <Well buy the things we need when get there> said Tekashi as they boarded their flights and in about 45 minutes they arrived Seoul in South Korea.

 <Tekashi-san don't you think it's wise if we go to the hunter association first?> asked Ino <Well they won't know we came, I suppressed my qi to the extent that it can't be sensed even by a keen sensory unit> said Tekashi <Um...we didn't> said Ino <Kyo's qi has been blazing since we arrived> said Rin .

 <Shit, alright we'll go to the hunter association> said Tekashi.

 At the S.Korean Hunter Association the team was taken to the office of the chairman <Oh!, 6 Tekashi how long has it been? years?> said the chairman jovially <Good to see you again Hunter Sung or should I say Chairman> and they both laughed about it.

 <I've told you multiple times to call me Jinho, where's Liu Xhang ?> asked the Jinho <Well he's still back in Japan> replied Tekashi.

<Oh!, forgive my manners, you must be part of Tekashi's squad?> said the chairman to the trio who looked at him perplexed <Oh, so Tekashi didn't tell you he knew the chairman?>.

 <So judging by the way I couldnt sense your qi when you came in, take it that you're on vacation> said Jinho <Yes we are> replied Tekashi.

 <Let me cut you guys a deal I'll take on your three teammates and if one of them can beat then care all expenses> said Jinho <So what's the stipulation?> asked Tekashi <Just straight hands> <Hmm, okay I accept>.

 <I'll give you guys the advantage, each of can enhance physical attributes with your qi> said Jinho <So!, who's first?>.

 Rin went forward first<I'll take you on>. he stood before Jinho and concentrated his qi around his body mostly on his hands and feet to enhance his strength and speed <Every hunter's qi has properties of their techniques and since Rin is light he might be able to move at the speed deliver lightspeed attacks> said Tekashi ,<But Jinho is already holding back considerably> he added.

 Rin looked focused as he concentrated every fibre of his being towards Jinho and then he charged at him with a lightspeed punch, which Jinho reacted to even without enhancing his capabilities with qi and he dodged and then kicked Rin in the stomach causing him to spit out <You rely too much on your speed, no other notable thing about you> said Jinho as he kicked Rin again in midair.

Rin charged again with a flurry of attacks which Jinho continued to dodge effortlessly <Like I said before, your speed is the only thing you've got, right now you're just attacking aimlessly, none of those attacks are gonna reach me> then he kicked Rin in the stomach causing him to fly backwards and hit the wall o the training room.

 <I'm not done!, This can't be all I have!> thought Rin an he charged at Jinho once again with a considerable amount of force which sent Jinho backwards but he was still standing <That had a little more venom but it's not good enough> stated Jinho as he charged at Rin and kicked him unconscious .

 Tekashi picked Rin up and said <This was inevitable> <What do you mean?> asked Kyo <Jinho is the strongest martial artist in world> stated Tekashi as he took Run to the medics and Ino stepped forward.

 <This girl is like the other kid and it will end up same way but this here!> thought Jinho as he analysed Kyo and Ino <He kooks like he has an infinite supply of qi and moreover ominous around him as well. It seems the is starting to mix with his making it endless well reserves that doesn t seem be looks pendant he's wearing have something inside> he added.

 <Hey kid where did you get that pendant?> asked Jinho <I've had it since when I was born> replied Kyo.

 <Hmm, how about you come spar with me and let see what you're made of> said Jinho and then Kyo walked out to face him and both stood face to face in what seems like it would be a thrilling encounter.