
Omni-Being System

After an unjustly death, the unsuspecting Zyle was transmigrated into a reality consisting of magic, magical beasts, demons, and the like. Now the confused Zyle must venture and survive the unforgiving and the unknown all on his own.....Or will he? With the introduction of a type of system called the Omni-Being System, he soon realizes that wasn't entirely the case. " Who are they ?" "oh them? they are also you " Discord : Destined_Manga#9758

Destined_Manga · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 14: 3 Whole Days?!

In this world and beyond, every living thing has a constant flow of life energy traveling through their bodies at all times. The channels through which the life energy travels throughout the body are called Meridians. The Meridians are like highways throughout the body which consist of hundreds of checkpoints. These checkpoints regulate and allow for the life energy to circulate throughout one's body. These checkpoints are also known as chakra points or acupuncture points. The life energy itself is sometimes referred to as Qi, chakra, life force, or Chi. This life energy plays an important role in providing the required energy for movement and to some degree every other action in the body that requires energy including stimulation of the brain. Even certain items are capable of containing Chi especially if they once belong to a living thing, for example, a tree. Chi can be used in a variety of ways, this includes but not limited to offensive and defensive use. Some individuals have gained the mastery of chi through a process of chi manipulation called Cultivation. Cultivation allows the individual to absorb or release chi from him or herself, an item, or even someone else. These individuals who have mastered the use of Chi entirely are capable of accomplishing many great feats beyond the norm. Those individuals are rare and are few, but for some particular reason - they are not often encountered. It is also said that there are some Magical Beasts with a higher intelligence that are capable of cultivation.

Below the clear blue sky, Zyle remained facedown on the grassy floor within the encampment. He remained steady and unmoving as he drifts in and out of consciousness. He opens his eyes and it was afternoon. Unable to keep it open, he slips back into a comatose state. Zyle opened his eyes again, it was nighttime this time in what felt like mere seconds passing. His eyelids felt just as heavy as the first time he opened them and once again he knocks out. Waking up yet again, it was morning time with a ray of bright sunshine illuminating overhead. Only this time, Zyle found it easier to stay awake and had limited mobile around his head and neck. He looked to his left then to his right and then forward as he attempted to formulate his thoughts.

"what just... happened ?" said Zyle in utter confusion

Zyle recalled falling down, then feeling like he was unable to move a finger after eating the fruits, and shortly after he fell unconscious. Fainting was the only plausible explanation Zyle could come up with.

I fainted! why? was it because of those fruits I scarfed down? thought Zyle but he was uncertain.

still unable to move, he looked towards the crate of fruits and did the only thing he could do - inquire. Luckily, the remaining fruits at the very top were still visible within the crate.

"Obby Analyze!" he said in his mind while staring at each different type of fruit one by one starting from his left.

>>>>>> System Analyzing <<<<<<<

[Ambus Fruit ]

{ An apple-shaped fruit with yellow patterns all throughout its surface. These patterns resemble miniature nimbus clouds. When consumed, this fruit has the ability to permanently amplify the consumer's physical strength in increments of 1 strength per fruit. It is also protected by a thick layer of white-colored Qi, making it likely to be harmful to consumers when handled improperly. Before consumption, cultivation is required.}

After reading and hearing that first description of the fruit. Zyle was already formulating an idea of what actually happened to him.

" This fruit did this to me or was it all of them ?! " said Zyle unsure and eager for the answer.

The thick white wasn't very noticeable unless you were inspecting it closely. Out of a fit of hunger, he disregarded what he noticed about the fruit the first time he found it and decided to munch down. Now perhaps he was currently dealing with consequences for being too careless.

he proceeded to dot his eyes to the next fruit on the right of the one already analyzed.

>>>>>>>System Analyzing <<<<<<<<<

[Dagron Fruit]

{ a blue-colored banana-shaped fruit with a cluster of red crescent lines, the shape of the crescent red lines was layered on top of each other making it look similar to the scales of a fish or dragon. This fruit permanently increases one's defense increasing their tolerance for incoming attacks. Dagron fruit is protected by a thin layer of white Qi, likely to be harmful when handled improperly.}

[Lightenpear Fruit]

{ A yellow pear-shaped fruit with blue polka dots. This fruit permanently increases the speed of the consumer. A thin white layer of Qi also envelopes the fruits entirely. when handled improperly, blackouts and other side effects including vomiting, hallucinations, and nerve damage can occur. Often times there may be long-term or permanent side effects.}

Zyle was now convinced that eating those fruit so hastily had indeed put him in his current predicament. He made a mental note to be more cautious for the future, this was a lesson well learned. That aside, Zyle had one question nagging him since reading the status of the 3 fruits.

"what the heck is Qi and where have I heard that from ?" said Zyle as he felt that the word Qi had a certain familiarity to it.

It has been many weeks since Zyle had transmigrated to this strange planet. When he first arrived and due to the process of transmigration, his memory was a bit foggy at first but over time he can recall everything and this including his old life on earth. He recalled that one of his favorite pastimes with his was when they would binge-watch old school Kungfu movies together. He recalls that some Shaolin Masters in those particular types of movies would refer to an innate force known as Qi and then proceeded to decimate their opponents

cant be that kind of Qi right? said Zyle expecting the system or Obby to have an answer

"If you are asking me, Master- that I wouldn't know, but perhaps will find the answer to that along our journey," Obby Replied

"I have another question ... " Zyle stopped mid-sentence as a foul smell reached his nostrils.

"What is that smell?" he said trying to prevent himself from gagging.

At that very moment, he can also feel some sort of liquid pooling around his groin area. Unable to move and paralyzed from his neck down, Zyle couldn't turn to check. He couldn't even lift a single finger. Apart from his head, he had lost control of all his bodily functions. He has soiled himself several times already but was now starting to realize it. His bowel movements and bladder activities had both occurred regularly unbeknownst to him.

"Well looks like I'm in a shitty situation," he said with a light chuckle, attempting to crack a joke but yet deep down, he was feeling utterly disgusted with himself. His pride had taken a hit and this was one more situation he was unable to do anything about. In his current state, He was as helpful as a newborn. All he could do is pray that no wanderers would come around at this unfortunate moment to find him laying in his own filth. Feeling dejected and helpless, he resumed his previous question.

"Hey Obby, how long have a been like this? " he asked

"It had been 2 days and over 15 hours, Master," replied Obby

"Wow, that long huh?" Zyle asked rhetorically.

For the first time in a while, Zyle felt extremely lonely. He was always a loner so being alone hadn't bothered him much. In fact, he preferred it because he has always been an introvert and not fond of many people. At this moment of need, he realized he desperately needed someone, anyone, to help him, perhaps just a single friend. Being alone all the time wasn't such a good thing after all, he concluded.

"Hey Obby, is there any human settlement nearby?" he asked and he knew he was taking a shot at the dark by asking this.

After all, were there any human beings on this planet? All he saw since arriving here was beast, trees, water, and exotic plants. He knew he was in a forest but maybe there was nothing beyond that. Is it all just one big forest after another? He recalled finding corpses but they were long dead. Maybe there were humans at one point in time but there's a chance they have all been completely wiped out. All these wandering thoughts made him feel a little nervous.

"Yes, there is, Master! During my previous scan of the area, I notice there were several settlements along the side of the mountains to the east. The closest one is approximately 50 kilometers further east of our current location. For some reason, All the settlements seem to be close to the base of the eastern mountain." said Obby

"But before you asked why didn't I tell you this earlier? you should remember that the system is part of you. Which means it's aware of all your emotions and thoughts for the most part. At the time you weren't interested in finding other people and if you were you would have brought it up at least once. " said Obby instantly justifying its reason before Zyle could even get a word in.

Zyle knew that Obby was right and chooses to remain quiet. After all, if he really did care to find other people, he would have asked this question when he first arrived. Clearly, now things have changed, he understood the importance of companionship. If he did have a true friend maybe he would have been taken to some sort of doctor and get looked after.

" well if ever these effects ware off, I know what I need to do next," said Kyle as his eyes once again got heavy. With the effects of the fruits still affecting him greatly, He needed to conserve what little energy he had left and decided to close his eyes once more but fell comatose yet again. just like that 3 whole days had come and gone.

Suddenly, the system decided to break the long silence

>>>>>>>>Urgent System message <<<<<<<

[You are in imminent danger!]

I appreciate your patience, there were a few discrepancies from the previous chapters that have been revised, sorted, and fixed. Once again, Thank you for your patience. I will continue to work diligently to provide exceptional content. Your support would mean the world so like, vote, and subscribe. Thanks and stay tuned for the next chapter.

Destined_Mangacreators' thoughts