
Omni-Being System

After an unjustly death, the unsuspecting Zyle was transmigrated into a reality consisting of magic, magical beasts, demons, and the like. Now the confused Zyle must venture and survive the unforgiving and the unknown all on his own.....Or will he? With the introduction of a type of system called the Omni-Being System, he soon realizes that wasn't entirely the case. " Who are they ?" "oh them? they are also you " Discord : Destined_Manga#9758

Destined_Manga · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Chapter 12: Zyle vs the Mutated Horde?

Zyle was now in a battle stance, blade drawn and his eyes were keenly monitoring his surrounding. He confirmed that some vile creatures indeed surrounded him. They all had blood-red colored eyes, serrated teeth, sharp long claws, and two sharp horns on their heads, and by the looks of it, they each easily weighed 66 pounds. They also had hollow holes all over their bodies with tentacles sticking out of them.

The worm-shaped tentacles partially protruded out of each one of the holes. They wiggled around frantically almost as if they were alive. The sight of these creatures would frighten even the bravest of men. However, Zyle was not about to let fear settle in his heart.

Zyle spoke in his mind:

" Hey Obby, how many are there, and what are they ? " he asked calmly.

" There is 101, Master! They also appear to be Two-Horn Rabbitus that as mutated somehow," Said Obby after a moment of silently analyzing.

Then a system message suddenly sounded -





[3 Genetically Modified Rabbitus killed]

[A total of 30 exp gained].

[60/100 to LvL 4]

<<< New Quest >>>

Defeat all enemies and their leader

Quest reward:

100 AP points

Additional 100 exp

[ A New Skill ]


Zyle felt a wave of determination after being prompted by the system. He found himself now being attacked by a smaller group of 5 more mutated Rabbitus. They attempted to pounce on him simultaneously once again. Once more, Zyle swing creates a 360 sword Slash chopping all 5 GM Rabbitus in half.

<<System message>>>

[5 GM Rabbitus killed]

[Grouping exp Gained....]

[50 Exp Gain]

[110/100 exp]

[Congratulations you are now - level 4]

[ HP and MP&S gauge increased]

[HP: 125/125]

[MP&S gauge: 125/125]

[10/250 exp to level 5]

[+10 AP Gain]

[1 Growth Point Gain ]

The Remaining GM Rabbitus were in Enrage at the sight of their attacks being thwarted, and their ranks decreasing by 8. They all squeaked and screeched toward the heavens with awful cries all around Zyle. Without hesitation, they decided to launch a full-scale attack. Zyle centered him and close his eyes, took a deep breath, listening to genetically mutated creatures' cries and footsteps. There was a certain ambiance as he began what he practiced everything night up to this point - The Sword Dance technique. For the lack of a better word, Zyle began to dismantle those hideous creatures like playthings. Although they rushed him at once, they were leaping, clawing, and viciously trying to bite him one at a time at first. Every second that passes that number increased from one to two to three to four to five and so forth, attacked Zyle at once, In the attempt to shred Zyle to pieces, there reach a point where 10 of them were clawing and biting jointly, and starting getting through Zyle's defenses and causing some minor damage to Zyle. " Move faster Zyle, Move faster !!" shouted at himself, Through sheer motivation and determination he started to build momentum on his gale-like sword dance technique. Ultimately making him swing even faster than before and that speed gradually increases. Eventually, his sword dance was slashing in every direction possible so fast, that the rapid forceful movement of the blade created a razor-sharp sphere of wind. Those unfortunate genetically Modified creatures were getting chopped up like meat by a meat grinder. Within a moment, Zyle had dispatched almost every creature in his line of sight. Upon the last slash, he yelled out a random name for this new advanced technique developed amidst the battle he just endured - "AeroBlade Grinder." Although it came out fairly similar to a boast when he said it out loud. Zyle was in no shape for such a feat considering how exhausted he felt after his newly executed technique. After a brief pause to catch his breath, He was bombarded with system messages both past and present. He once again closes his eyes to listen and read them.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<System Messages>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

[ Due to the user's desire, growth points had been automatically added to speed]

Right then, Zyle realized when he was repeating the word faster to himself during the fight, he subconsciously prompts the system to add the available growth points to speed.

[92 GM Rabbitus killed]

[Total of 920 exp Gained]

[930/250 exp to level 5]

[Congratulations you are now level 5 ]

[1 new tab unlocked]

[HP and MP&S have increased]

[+10 AP Gain]

[+1 Growth Point]

[3/4 Quest Completed: ( Reach level 5)

[+20 AP Gain]

[+20 exp Gain]

[700/500 exp to level 6]

[Congratulations You are now level 6 ]

[Hp and MP&S have increased]

[HP: 175/175]

[MP&S Gauge: 175/175]

[+10 AP gained]

[Total AP: 110]

[200/750 to level 7]

[+1 Growth Point]

<----Status ---->

[ Strength: 5]

[ Speed: 4]

[ Defense: 1

[ MP&S: 1]

[1 Growth point (GP) remained available to use]

"hmm, I don't think I have much time before I am attacked again I'm just going to continue adding points to speed for now, and since I still have to fight the leader. I am sure it is very strong to be able to control this many Rabbitus and speed might be what saves me," said Zyles as he applies the 1 GP to speed once again. Zyle speed level had once again increased greatly from adding 3 GP points to his previous 20 mph running speed. Zyle can now run at the maximum speed of 34.56 mph and all aspects of agility as further improved. Upon opening his eyes, Zyle noticed all the bodies piled up all around him making small hill after hill of bloodied corpses. He leaped over in the direction he last saw the leader since his sight was now obscured by the almost 5 feet tall heaps of dead beast Bodies. To his surprise, his body felt much lighter yet again, he had jumped 5 and a half feet high over the pile and landed softly as if he was a Shaolin master.

"Woah! Did I just do that?" said Zyles amazed at how high he was able to leap. He then looked over and finally, he caught a clearer look at the GM leader and it was horrific. the left side of its skull was exposed and the rest of its body looked as if it was decomposing. the tentacles all over its body were 3 times as big as the others. and This creature weighs approximately 330 pounds with much larger claws and fangs. To this creature's disbelief, this whole pack has been decimated by one measly human child. It let out a loud squeal, causing Zyle to cover his ears in pain, falling to his knees. The creature then charged at him with terrifying speed as it got close enough it clawed at Zyles left side. However, Zyle increased reaction speed had allow him to block the attack at the last second with his sword but he underestimated the creature's strength and was flung to the side.

[ -29 damage taken ]

[HP 146/175]

Zyle quickly got up and spat out a mouth full of blood on the ground and said " Obby Analyze. "

>>>>>>>>>Analysis Complete<<<<<<<<<<

[Name: GM Rabbitus Leader ]

[ New Class: Mutated Magical Beast]

[ Level 8: ]

[HP: 500/500]

[Attack Power: 38 ]

[Speed: 8 ]

[Defense: 5 ]

{ Description: Unknown }

The creature's battle aura was 8 inches thick and clearly visible.

No wonder this thing is so freaking strong, if I don't want to die, I'm going to have to give this all I got." said Zyle gritting his teeth. He then charges forward to meet the creature head-on, colliding and it was an exchange of claw and blade clinging against each other for several blows. The creature clearly had the advantage and quickly got Zyle on the defensive throughout the whole ordeal. The difference between the creature's 38 attack power and his 25 attack power was causing residual damage to him with every cling. He felt the muscles in his arm getting sorer with each blow and as if the ligaments in both arms were getting torn one by one.

[- 13 damage + 1 defense = 12 damage taken ]

[ HP: 134/175]

[-12 damage taken ]

[HP: 122 /175]

[- 12 damage taken]

[HP: 110 /175]

[-12 damage taken ]

[HP: 98 /175 ]

[- 29 damage taken ]

[HP: 69/175]

The fifth blow got through his defenses and cause a big gash on Zyles left shoulder as he screamed in pain but he manages to block the following blows.

[ - 12 damage ]

[HP: 57/175]

[ -12 damage ]

[ HP: 45/175]

Zyle knew it was only a matter of time before the creature broke through his defense once again and it will be all over for him. " Dammit I can't die again, I need to think of something quick," Zyle thought in distress. Just then while stepping backward and defending against the GM Leader, he almost tripped on one of the Gm Rabbitus limbs he had previously killed.

"That's it !!" he remarked, he now had something up his sleeve.

"Okay, Time to do what I do best," said Zyle, he leaped back and run away at full speed, and then he jumped back into the tall pile of the dead corpse. The GM Leader had stopped attacking because it was taken aback by such cowardice. It screeches this time, charges forward, and burrows through the pile of corpses that obstructs vision and conceals its prey. Finally poking its head through and shoving the bodies aside, what awaited him was the end of Zyle's blade as it went through its skull and killed it instantly.

"Die !!! Hahahaha " Shouted Zyle as he laughed Mockingly