
Old Archmage Living as a Puppet Girl in Interstellar

Xavius, who thought he would spend his life as one of Great Archmage, never thought that a failed experiment of a student would make him lose his life and sent him to the interstellar times where there are many new things to be learned as well as shocking him at the fact that other than Zoranian, there are also other beings that dominate their own part of the world. Meeting the descendant of the Trueton, an old frenemy, was definitely wasn't in his plan of wreaking havoc in this new era. Even more hurt was the fact that the Puppet Girl he possessed was owned by that descendant. Now, not only does he have to learn about new things, he also have to learn that as time goes on, the rules have become more and more strict and compact than before, which pained him a lot when his curiosity is high. Sometimes, Xavius just couldn't help but blow something up out of curiosity BOOM! Xavius: "Zander! Cover me!!" Darius: "What trouble did you bring again?" Xavius: "Does taking their newly widespread AR62 that hasn't come out yet to test count?" Darius: "... Let's have the rules exam tomorrow." Xavius: !!!

Lizzylittlekitty · sci-fi
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7 Chs

Chapter Seven

The wind blows gently around the forest that was becoming livelier with the arrival of outsider. The aboriginal creatures in the planet was full of unrest as they welcomed the unwanted guest and in a small part of the forest where the spaceship first seen landed, Xavius gracefuly floated down as the air slowed down her descent and let her step firmly on the ground.

With the spell still working, she silently creeps up behind a tree and peeked at the arrival of the humanoid being.

"It doesn't seem like a Zoranian..." she whispered. Xavius head lowered as she bit her lips to suppress her emotion. The anticipation of seeing fellow Zoranian turned had into sharp disappointment.

Xavius closed her eyes as her stomach churns, making her feel unwell. She unconsciously made a fist. "Am I, no longer in Tezekina?"

Clenching her teeth, Xavius slammed her head onto the tree trunk. Hard.

The surrounding birds flew away from the cause of sound and vibration of the tree trunk. The non-zoranians, who were scouting the perimeter for possible danger immediately went to check the surroundings but found nothing and went back.

As for the invisible Xavius, who struck her head hard but hardly suffered any bumps on the forehead, grinned from the wake-up call. She gave a shaky laugh and pressed her palms to the teary eyes as she sags to the innocent tree that she struck.

"The runes." Xavius whispered to herself to remind the small tiny hope she held on for these months.

Letting her hands fell down, Xavius took a deep breath and had a sense of calm and ease in her heart.

Strecthing her limbs to relax her muscle, Xavius turned around and left as she headed for the other warship that felt bigger than this one that she had sensed but not seen to the naked eye. The later warship seems to have invisible spell on it. Xavius wonder if that's the ship of fellow Zoranian but if it is, then things are tricky.

From the manor that she lived, this planet seems to belong to a Zoranian but now, the one that came without covering up their tracks was these non-zoranian. So, why would the master of the planet came in such a concealing manner?

"Something must be going on." Xavius said decisively.

Narrowing her eyes as she contemplates, although wary of the situation, Xavius decided that she will observe in the dark until the conclusion comes out.

But what Xavius didn't know was that there was a very determined Zoranian that is out and about, looking for her with a scary look in his face.

As she left that part of the forest, Xavius headed for the general location where she felt the hidden warship was. As she was nearing the location, a group of humanoid in tight clothes and weird helmet was carefully walking through the forest with vigilance in their bearing. And it's not just one or two groups that she could hear.

The fact that they were talking to each other in an unknown language that Xavius hadnever heard before made her eyes dim. But considering how advanced the equipment they're wearing, maybe even the language had changed. After all, times could change anything. Just like the words on that rune. Altough it was miles different from the words that she knew, there is still some resemblance. there's also the fact that she can activate the rune with mana, which proves that it is from Zorain origins.

(Author's note: from here on, once someone is in Xavius presence and talks the form of [******] is when they spoke in Interstellar Zorain language while (*****) in Ancient Zorain language. This form will continue until, well, still in further consideration( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ Haha. Thank you)

[It's a pity that we didn't get to see Major General Darius for long.] a female voice sighed sadly, coming from one them in the group.

Xavius tilted his head as his thoughts went back to the time when he taught in the academy.

A certain male snorted disdainfully as he teased his fellow teammate. [You just want to admire Major General's face. Did you even listen to his words when he gave his speech?]

[Well, who wouldn't want to look at that devilish face?! He's in the top ten in the Most Handsome man list! It's hard to see a face as handsome as him in real!] the female countered proudly with her chest thrust forward and her hands on her hips. [And I, the genius Gabrina, recorded from the moment Major General went up onto the stage! Ohohohoho!]

The members around her had to stop, some looked away with black lines all over their face and the others had their face hidden, both from embarassment for their team member.

One of them though, who has a small stature, approached the girl who had bigger frame than him, was still in her own world and asked in a small voice shyly. [That, Gaby, can I have a copy of the video?]

Even though the protective helmet was on and obscurred other's sights, you could still the satisfaction and her grins from her voice. [Of course, my dear Toby. We, the Devil fans, have to stick together through pan and fire!]

As the two exchanged materials with their light brains, the other members had to sigh.

[This is so embarassing.]

[Do you two even remember that we are now on live broadcast?]

Gabrina waved her hands at him without even looking. [No worries. I'm pretty sure we're not the only ones who does this. Perhaps, even the audience themselve are busy cutting short videos of the Major General.]

The other boy couldn't refute because he also knew the truth. The Zoranians have a love for beauty and since the zorains, who absorbs mana from when they were in the womb, meant that no one has a bad looking face. Only more and more handsome, beautiful, etc.

And those in the top list, be it a normal zorain or a public figure, are voted by the whole Zorain in their universe. Let's just say the Zoranian love to chase beauty in their idle time.

As they continue to banter among themselves, don't look at how relaxed they are but their body stance are alert to every move around them and keeping aware of any hidden danger. After all, they are not in a vacation.

Xavius, who watched this from afar, had a smile on her face. "Such a group of lively kids." she chuckles helplessly. Especially when seeing the female child, called Gabrina, began to chase the friend who satirize her earlier around the group while the others were laughing and helping the boy block the girl.

Xavius took a peek at them a few more times and left with a heavy step.

What she didn't know was that, the moment she left, the group of trained students and soldiers who were sensitive had sensed her presence the moment she laid her sight on them. The students didn't feel any malicious feelings and left it as the small aboriginal creature that pose no threat to them. For the soldiers who were ordered to report any oddities, though, was different.

More than three of the soldiers who tailed the students to supervise the safety of the students, had already made a report.

And Liam, who was stationed to stay in the warship to replace the missing Major General, received it in the main control room, and was sent to Darius soon after.

"Although it seems to know how to use spells of invisiblity, from the report sent by the soldiers one by one, the presence they felt was going in the south. Do you need assist-."

Darius changed the direction as he said. "The reconnaissance cam is enough, Liam. They can scout 100 miles around me without any problem."

"But it will not be able to detect the puppet that are probably using invisibility spell." Liam argues his point but he when he heard the smile in Darius voice, he calmed down.

"You forgot one of their runes, Liam." he teased his friend.

Liam was taken aback had to delve into the countless runes that was inscribed and that was sensing mana around their perimeter, since it was barely used.

"Since it can use spells, that means the puppet also has mana. What's more that it is heading south, where the students and soldiers haven't step foot yet at this time, it'll be easier to pinpoint it's location." Stepping up his speed, he blocked the attack of a predator that laid low for an ambush to catch prey with a kick to it's head and left, without caring of the predator.

The predator in question was stunned on the ground for a few seconds before getting it's bearings and shook it's head. It looked at the direction Darius had left and decided not to waste it's time because it can feel that creature is stronger than it the moment it kicked.

"Major General. The target is sighted 80 miles away from you on 11 o'clock."

"Copy. Has the target took notice of the cam?"

"No. Target is currently occupied with something and has dropped the invisibility spell." Liam reported as he stared at the puppet in the light screen.

"Keep distance and observe."


As the forestation receded, the sea of flower field came into sight as it spans across the hills.

A small figure stood not far away in a pure white dress, her golden lock of hair danced as the wind blew gently across the plain as she straightrens up and turned to him, her cat like eyes stayed on him as he approaches and stopped a few meters away.

Xavius was startled and almost let go the flowers in her hand. She stared at the 2.7 meters male in the tight suit, wide shoulders, the nicely built muscle with triangle figure, the eight pack abs led to the perfect mermaid lines. Under the black military cap, his diamond face, sculptured with thin straight eyebrows, red eyes with golden rings in the middle, the black vertical pupils contrict into an almost thin line, his thin lips were drawn straight.

Neither of them moved a single step.

The flowers danced between them with the strongs winds picking up in the flower field.

Did you think this would be a romantic encounter?

Of course not.

They've finally met!!! Finally, Xavius can have more interaction with someone other than us. I was beginning to get worried about Xavius being lonely. But she finally has someone to get crazy with lol

Lizzylittlekittycreators' thoughts