
Oh, Beloved Two Faced Consort

Ding Ding is the infamous Mi Hou (Secret Empress); a money-driven information broker of the underworld circle within Xia Kingdom. She is fearless, sharp-witted and unpredictable. Her only ambition in life was to find and execute her mother’s killer. So why must she waste her time and effort in dealing with the righteous but arrogant Prince Ping? The haughty Prince Ping simply wouldn’t leave her alone. Why? Apparently Ding Ding owes him an apology for hurting his ego. How did she end up stuck with him? All thanks to Xiao Yiu. Xiao Yiu is a softer natured girl, a step-daughter from a rich merchant family. She falls deeply in love with the Kingdom’s Second Prince, Xia Qian Ping and marries him. Her main wish in life is to be his good wife, and perhaps get along with all his other consorts. How and why is Xiao Yiu involved with Ding Ding then? The answer is simple. Xiao Yiu is Ding Ding. They are the same person. Both are just one of Liu Ding Yiu’s split personality. So which of Liu Ding Yiu’s wish would come true; Love or revenge? --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- (c) All rights reserved! [This is an original story] If you like the story, please remember to review, comment and vote!

Erisyuki · Geschichte
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43 Chs

Consort Liu and Yunyun

Four Months Ago….

Inside Cheng Yue Palace (Consort Liu's residence within Ping Tian palace), three weary maids wiped, cleaned and dusted the rooms hurriedly. All moved their bodies to work as fast as possible. They were eager to finish and get away from this place.

"Are you done?" one of the maids mopping the floor asked.

"Yes, we can go now," the other replied.

The one still wiping a vase called out, "please wait. I'm not finished…"

"Tough luck. Since you finished last, you'll have to take duty here and serve Consort Liu," the first maid said already heading out.

The second maid gave the last maid an apologetic look, "stay strong Yunyun." She then scurried away.

Yunyun nervously looked around her. She was really all alone in Cheng Yue Palace. A gust of cold wind blowing in from the opened doors caused her to flinch. "It feels creepy here…" she gulped wiping the other side of the vase on the table. There were two more vases left after this one too. She sighed, only able to blame herself for working so slowly.

"Excuse me," a soft voice spoke from behind Yunyun.

Startled, Yunyun immediately turned to greet the owner of the voice. She gave a light bow, "Consort Liu." Her eyes naturally settled onto Consort Liu's face. She can't stop staring. [I've seen Consort Liu countless times now but it's still shocking to look at] Yunyun secretly thought. To be blunt, she has not met anyone as ugly as Consort Liu. In addition, that sloppy twin tail hairstyle simply makes Consort Liu look like a country bumpkin. All the servants of Ping Tian Palace keeps questioning how Prince Ping ended up marrying her.

"Is it just you here now?" Consort Liu asked, looking around.

Yunyun nodded, "yes. The others have returned to the servants quarters already."

"Why haven't you returned yet?" Consort Liu asked another question.

Yunyun glanced nervously at the vases on the table. [Is she going to punish me for working slow?] she panicked. "I'm almost finished cleaning the vases Consort Liu. I'll get them done right now…"

Overreacting Yunyun reached for a vase. However her hands were so shaky she accidentally knocked it off the table. Sharp sounds of smashed porcelain seemed to echo in the massive room. A frightened Yunyun dropped to her knees, trying to pick the pieces up. "I'm sorry Consort Liu. I'm so sorry… I didn't mean to…."

Seeing the flustered maid before her, Consort Liu felt worried. She reached to gently take hold of the maid's hands. This caused Yunyun's body to stiffen and stop picking up the broken shards.

"Please don't move," Consort Liu knelt down beside Yunyun. "You could easily get hurt." She gently tugged for the maid to stand up, which she did.

"C-consort Liu I-"

Consort Liu carefully removed the broken shards from the maid's hand. She then smiled at her, "you can go."

Mistaking Consort Liu's words to mean something bad, Yunyun tried to kneel again for forgiveness. She was stopped by Consort Liu.

"Please don't worry, I won't punish you," Consort Liu reassured. "It's getting late today, and I don't need someone to wait on me." She gently nudged the maid towards the door. "You'd probably prefer to return to the servants quarters right?"

"B-but the vase and work…." Yunyun glanced back at the broken vase on the floor. She was still nervous.

Consort Liu smiled again, "it can be done tomorrow. Please feel free to go."

Yunyun stared at Consort Liu. [Is she really letting me go?] she mentally questioned a few times. Seeing the unchanging smile on Consort Liu's face, Yunyun began to take a few steps towards the door. She kept her gaze on Consort Liu who just waved her hand to say goodbye. With that gesture Yunyun sprinted out, happy to be leave. When she reached the main gate doors to Cheng Yue Palace she stopped and looked back once more.

Cheng Yue Palace had become an infamous topic amongst the servants. It used to be one of the most beautiful side residence palaces in Ping Tian Palace. Full of blooming flowers on the outside and furnished with the most intricately designed furniture on the inside, it was a grand spectacle. Servants regularly came to keep the place clean and neat. After all, Cheng Yue Palace was where the Empress Dowager would stay on her occasional visits to Ping Tian Palace. It made sense to maintain the beautiful residence in a pristine condition despite no one living in it long term.

Looking at the dulled infrastructure now with its unkept gardens and rooms, it was clear the residence was a shadow of its former glory. All had changed for Cheng Yue Palace when Prince Ping gave it to Consort Liu Ding Yiu. Due to its new owner's reputation, no servants were willing to come to Cheng Yue Palace anymore. Only once every week, there were the few unlucky maids appointed by Madam Xiong to come clean here. Yunyun was one of the unlucky ones this week. [It's owner...] Yunyun couldn't help but stare into the distance to where Consort Liu was. [I wonder if the rumours about her are true.]

Yunyun had only seen Consort Liu around the palace gardens a few times. This was also her first time allocated to clean in Cheng Yue Palace since the consort arrived 6 months ago. And within these 6 months, Consort Liu's reputation had drastically changed. [In the beginning, people thought she wasn't too bad. Just that she looked rather ugly] Yunyun recalled. But then as time passed by, there were numerous rumours of her mistreating the servants. One maid was apparently fatally injured by Consort Liu too. The reason was unknown. However, many servants who took duty in Cheng Yue palace told that Consort Liu was a heartless master; that she would maltreat her servants on a whim. [Everyone believes those rumours] Yunyun thought. [That's why, there are no servants here to serve her. That's why, it's so empty and creepy now in Cheng Yue Palace]. She turned to step outside Cheng Yue Palace. [Everyone detests Consort Liu. She is....]

An image of Consort Liu's smile flashed before her eyes and not knowing why, Yunyun did a 180 degrees turn around and went back inside. She did a small sprint back to the main hall where she was before. [I've only met her today. I've only spoken to her just now. I barely know her but...] Yunyun said in her mind. She stealthily hid behind the opened doors and watched Consort Liu. To Yunyun's surprise, Consort Liu was picking up the broken shards and finishing the cleaning herself.

"I wonder if that maid is alright," Xiao Yiu muttered to herself as she wiped the final vase. "She looked so scared when she broke one earlier. I should've told her properly that I didn't mind. I'm just glad she wasn't hurt."

[Consort Liu was worried about me?] Yunyun listened. She placed a hand over her chest. [She wasn't going to punish me?]

Scooping the collected shards onto the dirty cloth, Xiao Yiu carefully tied it into a small package. She carried it and headed outside. Yunyun quickly scooted to hide. For unknown reasons, she just wanted to continue watching Consort Liu. Perhaps she was struck by what Consort Liu had said. It wasn't natural for a master to care for a random maid.

After throwing away the package, Xiao Yiu moved around the backyard area. She eventually stopped under a large tree. Taking in the silence around her, she couldn't help but ask, "am I going to be alone again? It'll be another week before any maids would come here." She leaned against the tree, "not that it makes any difference. The maids always avoids me." Xiao Yiu slumped down to sit in a curl. Her arms wrapped around herself. "I... what have I done wrong?" She rested her head upon her propped up knees. "Why did things turn out like this? Perhaps... I'm just meant to be alone...."

Life in Ping Tian Palace was hard for Xiao Yiu. Things had taken a bad turn only three weeks into her marriage with Prince Ping. And everything continued to spiral down from bad to worse. The rumours surrounding her never stopped. On many occasions Xiao Yiu had tried to explain and clear the misunderstandings. No one listened to her. As the Second Princess Consort, she was still greeted and her orders were fulfilled. But beyond the absolute necessary, no servants approached or willingly served her, let alone talk to her.

[Don't be so negative] Xiao Yiu mentally comforted herself. [This is the worst things can get. It's actually not any different to when I was at home]. "Be strong Liu Ding Yiu," she chanted to herself. [I promised, I won't ever regret my decision to marry Prince Ping or come to Ping Tian Palace. I just need to stay strong and get through this.] With that thought, Xiao Yiu's eyes slowly fell closed and she seemingly drifted off into slumber.

After watching Consort Liu a little while longer, Yunyun left. She was going to bring the consort a cloak, worried she'd catch a cold. However Yunyun didn't do it in the end. [I don't think you are as the rumours state] Yunyun decided. "At least I understand now. You were kind to me," she whispered. [You told me to leave because you noticed I didn't want to stay. You worried what the other servants would think if I stayed here any longer. You didn't punish me and finished my work for me...." Yunyun quickened her pace. [I'm sorry Consort Liu. Even if I know, I can't get close to you. I don't want to be an outcast]. This time she properly stepped out of Cheng Yue Palace. Yunyun didn't look back. For she had already decided she would return to this place. This was the only thing she thought she could do for the lonely Consort Liu. It was also, the only thing she could do to ease the guilt and sympathy she had inside her.

Three days later….

At the laundry house, Yunyun had gathered some cleaning essentials into a basket. She was ready to set off. Approaching the side door, she saw a maid struggle to lift some heavy duvets on the drying rack so stopped to assist.

"You should ask for help next time Yuyu," she said, patting the wet duvet out.

"I thought I was able to manage," Yuyu smiled. She noticed the basket full of cleaning equipment on the floor. "Yunyun Jie, are you on duty somewhere?"

Yunyun darted her eyes from side to side, thinking hard. [Should I tell Yuyu the truth?]

"I'm actually finished for the day. If you'd like, I can help you," Yuyu offered.

"It's alright Yuyu. Thank you for offering but I'm going alone," Yunyun replied. [I don't think you'd want to come with me to Cheng Yue Palace]. Picking up her basket, Yunyun asked out of curiosity, "Yuyu, what do you think of Consort Liu?"

Yuyu furrowed her brows, "I don't think she's a good person." She went on, "there are so many rumours about her mistreating us; it must be true. I'd avoid serving her if possible."

[Ah, as expected. This is what everyone thinks of her] Yunyun mentally noted. She headed for the exit. "Yuyu," she spoke quite loudly and clearly, "I don't think Consort Liu is a bad person."

"Yunyun Jie..." Yuyu blinked a few times. She watched Yunyun leave. Though Yuyu thought Yunyun's comment was strange, she didn't think too deeply of it.

Had she known this would be the last time she'd ever see Yunyun again, she might've paid more attention.