
Office Bliss

In this Romance novel we have our main character Cher Evans (short for Cheryl-Anne), finds the perfect job and even though it's an office job, she seems to being doing well for herself. Her Boss Daniel Sanders knows that Cher is a great addition. Over the course of her working there, he notices her beauty and how kind she is, and he wants to get to know her better. There will be swearing, some steamyness... it is an office romance.

Amy96525 · Teenager
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9 Chs

Chapter 4. Daniel

Now that I'm all situated with that... time to care of something else. I pick the phone back up and dial Britney once again, "Hello?" She said seductively, I try very hard not to roll my eyes. "Please send Nick in here." I say quickly and then I hang up the phone, last thing I need is to keep her on the phone and have her ask if I'm ever taking her out on a date. It was just one time, and we had a little too much to drink and one thing led to another, we went back to my place but then I realized what was about to happen so I put a stop to it. That was awhile back ago, and I don't plan on asking her out anytime soon. I'm not trying to be rude, she's a lovely person but she tries way too hard and it's a turn off.

After hanging up with her I wait on Nick to come in. I get up from my desk and look out the window, it overlooks the whole street and I watch all the cars go by and watch the pedestrians cross the street. Then my mind goes to other places, like that sweet Cher. Even though I just met her, she keeps finding a way into my head and I don't want it to stop, she is absolutely breathtaking. And as I'm having day dreams about her I hear the door open and then shut. "What's up?" I hear Nick's voice behind me. I turn and scold him. "What did I do?" He asks. "Man, you can't say things like that to Cher." And he knows exactly what I'm talking about, he sits down in the chair she was in earlier today and the thought of her invades my mind yet again, but I won't let Nick notice. "Dude, I was just messing with her." He was trying to play it cool, but deep down he's annoyed. "Don't mess with her then." And then he started laughing, "Why are you laughing?" I ask, "Damn." He shakes his head. "What?" Now I'm getting annoyed. "You like her." He points at me and continues to laugh. "No I don't." I lie. "Oh my god, you like her." This time he sounded more serious. "Dude, you just met her. How do you already like her?" I wish he would shut up. "You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. She's a nice young woman, and she's new here. You can't be messing with the new girl." Before he says anything else, he looks over at me and crosses his arms. "Whatever you say, but I know you. I know when you're into someone." I scoffed, he may know me but how would he know I'm into her? What? Because I defended her? I'm sure I would've done the same thing for anyone else.

"It's true! I remember when you were into..." I stop him before he finishes. "We are not getting into that discussion at the moment." I hate when he brings up my past relationships. "Whatever, but I mean you're proving my point. You like the new girl." He gets up from the chair and comes behind the desk where I am. "It's cool though. She seems nice." I rolled my eyes, "Let's not do this right now Nick." He shrugs his shoulders and gets ready to leave. "Hey..." he says before he opens the door, "you should invite her to that benefit thing your mom is doing." I don't know if that's a great idea, I brought Britney a few years ago and that's when she thought she was going to get lucky. "I don't know..." he waves his hand to stop me. "Dude, come on. It wouldn't even be a date. It's just something you could bring her to and have her meet some clients of ours and meet the other staff members." When he puts it that way... but this is Nick we're talking about. He's the one who "taught" me about girls and what they like. My dad wasn't too busy for me and to help me in his own way, but I always looked up to Nick when I was younger and considered him like a brother. He's been on my side this whole time and I'm thankful for him but I hate when he still gives me advice on girls, especially for my age now.

"I'll think about it." Nick gives me a thumbs up and walks out the door. And now that he's gone, I go back to getting some work done and get some meetings set up for next week. We have some potential people that want to get the software we're developing here at the company, but we do have some competition. We're not the only Company here, there's Bronson Inc. , and the newer one that came out about two years ago... Wells Co. they've been taking some old employees from here, and since they had experience here they know how to make the company look good and make us look stupid. Now that we have Cher though, I feel like we might get better at things. She has potential and I can't wait to see what she can do. With that being said though, if I were to tell Cher how I feel for her, how would she react? Not that I'm telling her anytime soon. She does need time to know me and understand me. Maybe for now asking her to go to the benefit with me wouldn't be such a bad idea, it doesn't have to mean anything if she came with me. She could mingle with the people, and get to know everyone there. It's not for another month, so I can wait to ask her. I'm just hoping she'll say yes to going with me.