
Office Bliss

In this Romance novel we have our main character Cher Evans (short for Cheryl-Anne), finds the perfect job and even though it's an office job, she seems to being doing well for herself. Her Boss Daniel Sanders knows that Cher is a great addition. Over the course of her working there, he notices her beauty and how kind she is, and he wants to get to know her better. There will be swearing, some steamyness... it is an office romance.

Amy96525 · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter 3. Daniel

I'm sitting in my office, not sure what to do? Should I have her come in here so I can learn more about her? She seems fascinating, and very intriguing. I'll admit, she's very attractive as well, but she seems the type of girl who doesn't see it. The type that puts herself down. I wouldn't want her to do that, I'll find ways to make her feel beautiful. Thing is I don't know her, so maybe I will have her come into my office so we can talk.

Within seconds I pick up the phone and dial Brittney's number. She was one of the first Receptionists I hired, she's not a bad worker or anything but she does come on a little strong. I took her out once and then all of a sudden she thinks I still want her. Brittney is not a bad person either, and she is also attractive but there's something about Cher, she's different but in a good way. And no I'm not shallow either, and I'm hoping Cher doesn't think so. Again she seems like the type of girl who doesn't find herself beautiful and she might be a little overwhelmed by the girls that do work here for me, but for some reason I'm not attracted to them. And if I have to I'll find a way to prove myself to Cher.

"Hello?" Britney's voice came through, she tries too hard to sound seductive. "Please send in Ms. Evans. I would like to speak to her." And before I knew it, Britney came back onto the line and told me she was on her way. Before I know it though my heart began to pound, like it was about to come out of my chest. Why am I so nervous? And with that, there was a knock on the door. "Come in." There she was, Cher Evans. She looks scared though. I have a feeling Nick said something to her. "Ms. Evans please sit." I stand up and gesture her to sit on down in front of my desk. "Mr. Sanders..." she begins, "Please don't fire me, I know that I'm new and maybe I don't have much experience but I'm trying really hard. I really..." I hold my hand up real quick and she stopped. "I'm not going to fire you." Oh yeah, Nick definitely filled her head with bullshit.

"You're not?" She looked confused. I shook my head, "No." I laughed. "But Nick..." she paused for a moment. "Nick is an idiot." I smile at her, even when she's nervous she's beautiful. "But..." she didn't know what to say. "First thing you have to know about Nick, he likes being a smart ass and he tends to joke around a lot. Don't worry about him, I'll talk to him after work." She looked relieved. "Oh, okay. Thank goodness I'm not being fired." She laughed this time, and what an amazing sound that was. "Sorry about freaking out like that, Nick told me that you don't call people into you're office unless they're in trouble or something." Of course he did, I love the guy like a brother but he's a pain in the ass. I should've let him go once I took over, but I didn't have the heart to do that to him. He's harmless but again he can be a pain in the ass.

"Don't worry about Nick. If he gives you anymore trouble just come to me, I'll take care of it." I'll kick his ass next time he messes with her. "Oh no, it's fine." she laughed. "Actually, Cher, I just wanted to know more about you." She shifted in her chair, she looked a little uncomfortable. "L-like what?" She stuttered. "What was your first job?" I'll start off easy, don't want to make her even more nervous than she already was. Cher seemed to be relieved by this question. "Oh, Dairy Queen." Okay, wasn't expecting that. "You worked at Dairy Queen?" Now I'm really curious. "Yeah, I started back in High School." She smiled. "Interesting, what made you want to get into business?" I folded my hands on top the desk,waiting patiently for an answer. It took her awhile to answer though, but I wasn't going to interrupt her. "It was always something that I was interested in, so my friend Kelly and I moved out of Boston and I went to college out here. I could've stayed in Boston but it wasn't really home to me anymore." I wonder why that was, but I'll ask her that another time.

"That's really interesting, it truly is." She was very smart, and she really knew how to get my attention, probably with out realizing it. "So you're from Boston?" I can here a bit of a New England accent when she talks. "Yep. Born and raised. My parents divorced when I was ten though, so my dad moved out here. So when I was getting ready to go to college, My friend Kelly and I decided to come out here. We got our own apartment and everything." Every word that comes out of her mouth, it's truly captivating and very alluring. I won't tell her that thought, but how she's looking at me and the way I'm looking at her I can see her turning red. "What about your mom?" She looks in my eyes and then looks at the desk, trying so hard to hide the nervousness. "She actually moved out here about a year later. I mean her and my dad are no longer together but she wanted to make sure that I was safe. And now that I have both parents out here, this is more home to me than Boston ever was."

"Beautifully said." She turned red again, "Is your dad with anyone?" I don't want to pry into her personal life, but the more she tells me the more I learn about her. And the more I am attracted to her. "He's actually getting married in a few months. Her name is Layla, she's actually about three years older than I am. Not that it bothers me, as long as he's happy. They actually have me in the wedding." I would love to see her in a dress... a nice mini dress actually, one that would be easy to slip off her and... stop it Danny! These kind of thoughts are very intrusive, but I can't seem to help it when it comes to her. I don't even know her that well. Fortunately for her she can't see what's happening to me, I can feel dick growing hard so I cross my legs but that doesn't really help.

"That's wonderful." I say, trying not to make it obvious that she's making me hard. "Yeah." She smiles at me. "Thank you for sharing with me Cher, it's nice learning new things about my employees." I smile back at her. She rises out of the chair brings her hand over for me to shake, I slowly take my hand and bring it to hers. Her hands were soft, and just thinking about that softness makes me even more hard. Just having her hands all over me, and my hands all over hers, exploring that body... I have to stop! I clear my throat and smile at her, and out she went. Now I have to take care of this damn hard on.