
The start of plan "Rescue Conner"

A/N: Second part! There will be a third continuation to this called External Comfort.

What did they mean? What is that sound?


I can hear them! How did those ingrates know?! How could they know? Their scurrying sound was filling up the room as I could hear them come closer to me. Curse my mother and her pride!

My eyes widened under the soaked blindfold as I cursed and screamed as they somehow crawled and climbed up my wet body. I tried to stop screaming for fear they'd climb into my mouth, but I can't. I can hear myself screaming and tears are unwillingly welling up in my eyes.

I don't want them near me! I don't want them to touch me! They're touching me and I can feel them all over! Sobs fill my ears and I know those are mine too.

I hate that I can hear them laughing from outside the door.


She'll come, right? I know she'll come but... what if she can't find me? She'll find me! She will...

I can feel them again all over me, why did the water stop? I can feel them all over my face and hands. I can't breathe. My breath was coming in as pants as I panicked, I screamed and sobbed. I couldn't calm down not while I could feel them.

"PLEASE! No more! N-no more spiders! GET THEM AWAY! PLEASE," I could hear their laughter grow even louder at my pathetic pleading. I knew it was useless but I couldn't, for all my knowledge think of anything else to do.

Please! Get them away! Please... I can't take it-

Miles away...

Waking up, my arm stretched out to pull Conner closer. My eyes shoot open in search of him, feeling the empty spot next to me. The bed is empty, it has been for the past two nights. I look down, being reminded that he was missing as I ball up the sheets in my hands angrily before throwing them off. I dress quickly and storm out of our room, slamming the door behind me causing a few muffled, angry responses from my cabin members. I huff and rush out of the cabin, realizing that it's still dark out when I look up at the dark sky, hating to be alone, hating that this was my fault.

I hate when he's right but I hate when he's gone even more. I slowly make my way to the meeting cabin, all of our plans are made there. I made a group of campers the day before, for Conners rescue.

I walked into the warm coloured log cabin and sits down at the large round table, I know it was still early and they won't be here for hours giving me lots of time to prepare our rescue plan, it has to be good enough, and not lose anyone else. Conner is on my mind the entire time I can almost hear him in my ear trying to tell me how it's done and how this will work instead of that, he was better at this than I was.

I just want him back.

The time went on and through the windows, I could tell the sun was up and that they would be here soon, I needed a group that was good for stealth and not being caught. Most of them were insufferable but useful with their gifts and skills, even I could get past their annoying voices, for him. Not all of them were gonna like this plan, I huff in annoyance. Sierra most likely but I couldn't bring myself to care.

"I hate this plan already and you haven't even explained it. I'm only just looking at it." Her voice came from over my shoulder, startling me my hand shoots up and grabs her shoulder to pin her down but I'm even more surprised when my hand became empty, I end up touching nothing.

"Damn your shadow traveling!"

"Good morning to you too Louisa," she looks up at me with her dark eyes with a playful smirk, crossing her arms. I growled in anger and sat back down not sparing the energy to fight with her. I settled for a passive-aggressive glare thrown her way.

"Good morning Sierra, I'm not surprised you're the first one here. Get any sleep?" I felt mellow and empty after the initial anger. I swiveled the chair around to face her finding myself not as bothered by her as normal and realized I was too tired and what was it? Emotionally drained to be angry. Sierra shrugged while taking the seat next to me.

She did look tired but I knew she was busy helping the medical tent after the attack the number of injured wasn't much but there was enough to be busy with for hours afterward. That thought took me right back to Conner and the possibility of him being injured.

Was he? Were they torturing him? If they were I was going to murder every single one of them with my bare hands.

"-uisa? Louisa! Are you even listening to me?" She looked annoyed but her face softened when she looked back at my face, making me angry. Balling my fist and clenching my teeth I reminded myself it was hard enough to get her to help as it is, her powers were gonna be the most useful in helping us get inside undetected.

"Yeah, let's get everyone here already I'm ready to save my boyfriend," I could tell she was smiling as I stood up. I went to the door and with a voice as loud as mine I know everyone would hear me even without any fancy powers, "HEY GET TO THE STRATEGY CABIN NOW!"

I smirked at how Sierra flinched at how loud my voice had become, a small win for me. As I turned to sit down again Sierra and I could both hear the tell-tale sign of many different pairs of feet running towards the cabin. A satisfying feeling fills my chest at how quickly the rest of the campers followed her orders, doesn't matter if they're terrified of what would happen if they didn't.

Once I surveyed everyone filing in, I could feel the confidence building inside me and I slammed my hands down on the long wooded, rectangle table. Getting everyone's attention.

"Let's get this shit started."