
Oath Of Blood

Raining water is the source of life, isn't it? Every drop that pours on the ground from the sky revitalizes the planet, falling from above. Drip, drip, drip... Isn't this the cycle of life? Every drop that evaporates from the water source laid on the ground, the upper layer of the water in the form of tiny droplets of life, rises, evaporating into the clouds. There they squeeze and move, adjusting to their place inside one of the millions of clouds, until not too long after, the organization of droplets abandons some of the lower droplets, throwing them down. Is going through this relentless process, rising to heights, worth it? When the only thing that is supposed to happen is to fall, are these droplets at the top of the clouds being arrogant? Are they mocking the pouring droplets because they are falling while they are still up? Can't they see that the cloud will soon take in more droplets and if they become weaker and come down their position they will also be pushed down, abandoned, thrown, forgotten? Can't they see the only fate they have is to rise only to fall? But what happens to the droplets that are beneath the water source? Why not find out?

RI_Lore · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 16: Rank and Power: The Seekers' Journey

"So, I won't be choosing what team I am going to be in," Reyoma murmured to himself. He hummed softly, turning his head to look at all of his classmates. He knew no one would be willing to take him in as a teammate due to his identity as the dark omen of the clan. Even though, aside from his unusual birth, nothing bad happened to him or to his close person, his mother Ayaka.

Most of the clan members had already forgotten what happened fifteen years ago, or at least the heat of the matter had cooled down over time. Reyoma hadn't been verbally abused as aggressively as he was used to when he was a kid, but he knew that if any of his clan members were pushed to be with him, they would start attributing every small bad or unexpected thing that happened to them to Reyoma's identity as the dark omen of the clan.

For Reyoma, it would have been better if trainee seekers had the chance to choose their cohorts. No one would have chosen him; he would have been the odd one out. He would have been delighted if he had been left well alone. After all, since he was a kid, he was absolutely pushed to be alone. Unlike kids who always try to find a way to fit into their groups, making clumsy mistakes and learning from them, Reyoma was an outcast. Instead of trying to make friends who would always blame him for everything, he preferred solitude.

He started to embrace the cold winds of dark loneliness that every kid loathed to enter, finding solace in being alone, in the peace of being nothing. Creating his own personality, Reyoma chose the easier path, the one that fully embraced him. While most of his classmates found talking to each other comfortable and boosting their confidence, Reyoma just thinking about conversing with other humans seemed draining.

Left alone, instead of getting influenced by the world, he was only influenced by his beloved mother Ayaka, who taught him nothing but how to be a kind-hearted, good person. She taught him that if people are criticizing you, then there is something wrong in your doing, and taught him that if you commit a mistake, try your best to not commit that same mistake ever again. Reyoma, unable to access unwanted distractions that youth usually indulge in, became disciplined.

Because his mother was always out for her duties as a clan elder, remaining silent became one of his habits without any reason. It was rare to see Reyoma open his mouth. Due to not having any friends to play with, Reyoma missed out on many life experiences. Common feelings or expressions of emotion were completely foreign to Reyoma. Things that should have been experienced as human were simply knowledge to him because the only emotions he knew were warmth that he received from his mother, happiness from his friend Aimi, and the peace and calmness deeply rooted in his heart.

Unknowingly to him, there were only two people in his life: his mother and his only friend, who kept his life from becoming monotonous. Every time Aimi joked, he unintentionally smiled. He even tried to control his smile sometimes, but seeing her playful face always brought a smile to his face, resulting in a very awkward expression that Aimi noticed and teased him about. Unknowingly, his mother Ayaka and his friend had become like two lit candles in the thick darkness of his heart.

In his alone time, there was only one thing that piqued his interest: literature. It was one of his hobbies; Reyoma loved to gain knowledge. But that knowledge didn't stop at anything specific; he liked to learn about everything. And in that, what he liked to read and research even more was human psychology. He loved reading books written by his favorite author, Haruka Akatsuki. After all, she was a respectable woman who had treated veteran victors of the Fukushu War. At that time, she was known as the 'Vitality Virtuoso.' She had seen war, witnessed many people breaking in extreme cases. It added to her reputation even more when she had been the clan's best doctor since the clan leader was in his midlife.

People tend to have an interest in things that are new and exciting to them, things that they have yet to experience, like a child being interested in a rattling toy. But when they have it and play with it for only a day, they get bored of it. Reyoma, being alone and hardly ever talking, was interested in his "toy" — books written by Haruka. But he was not a typical reader; he was a curious person. After all, he liked to watch people's reactions to different things, how they composed themselves, how they spoke, whether they were lying or hiding something when talking. If not anything else, Reyoma was the most self-conscious person.

After observing everything in his day, he wrote everything down — from how people reacted to certain things to how sometimes they did things subconsciously, which was completely wild to Reyoma since he had never done anything like that before. He was always aware of what he said or did. He even wrote what he would have done in the situations people were in, but he was still a bystander and knew nothing about being in groups of people. At last, he used to compare everything he witnessed to Haruka's descriptions: "Is what Haruka-sama has written correct or not?" Sometimes he used to understand things quickly, sometimes he used to not understand things at all. If nothing this hobby of his made his shelf in his room filled with note scrolls.

He was doubtful of every person; the only exception to this was his mother. After all, it was his mother who taught him to be untrusting. Being the clan's dark omen, no one would mourn his death. And for those who wanted Ayaka's elder position, wouldn't he become the biggest thorn in their path? He was also a very disagreeable person, believing he was a devoted follower of the goddess Alpame. The only people who saw him as human were these shrine attendants in there clan after all.

"Each elemental affinity serves a unique purpose, and understanding their classifications is crucial for honing your skills as seekers," Ishima continued, his voice steady and authoritative.

Ishima-sensei took his brush, dipped it into ink, and started writing on the paper board that was on a canvas. The paper board was big enough to cover the middle part of the room.


Offensive Elements:

Fire Affinity (Reddish-Orange)

Lightning Affinity (Yellow)

Poison Affinity (Purple)

Ice Affinity (Ice Blue)

Sharpness Affinity (Silver Gray)

Darkness Affinity (Black)

Metal Affinity (Silver)

Defensive Elements:

Water Affinity (Blue)

Earth Affinity (Brown)

Ice Affinity (Ice Blue)

Spirit Affinity (Translucent)

Light Affinity (White)

Healing Elements:

Light Affinity (White)

Plant Affinity (Green)

Spirit Affinity (Translucent)

Blood Affinity (Crimson)

Time Affinity (Forest Green)

Support Elements:

Wind Affinity (Cyan)

Plant Affinity (Green)

Sound Affinity (Dark Amber)

Space Affinity (Dark Blue)


Ishima explained the categories that the elements are divided into. "They are categorized based on what each element is best at doing, but that doesn't mean that those elements are bad at other things. Each element has its own strengths. For example, the plant element is good at healing, but it can also perform all the tasks that other categories can perform," Ishima elaborated. He glanced at the hourglass placed on the desk in front of him and noticed that only a little sand was left at the top.

Turning his head to the students, Ishima said, "At last, there is only one thing left to be explained in this class."

"Understanding the ranks and titles associated with elemental mastery is crucial for your development as seekers," Ishima began, his voice resonating with authority.

"Let's start with the ranks," he continued, gesturing to the list displayed on the screen behind him. "Each rank represents a milestone in your journey towards mastering your elemental abilities."

"Rank 1: Elemental Embodiment," Ishima explained. "At this level, you are just beginning to harness the power of your elemental affinity. Your passive skill, Elemental Manifestation, allows you to manifest your chosen element in tangible forms. It is titled as 'Novice.'"

"Rank 2: Elemental Mastery," Ishima continued. "Here, you begin to delve deeper into the intricacies of your elemental abilities. Your active skills will depend on your specific elemental affinity and training focus, enhancing your mastery over your chosen element. It is titled as 'Apprentice.'"

"Rank 3: Elemental Fusion," Ishima went on. "At this level, you have achieved a significant level of mastery over your elemental abilities. Your passive skill, Elemental Transformation, allows you to transform with greater finesse and control. It is titled as 'Master.'"

"Rank 4: Elemental Ascendance," Ishima stated. "Here, you are recognized as an elite practitioner of your elemental art. Your active skills will further enhance your abilities, granting you greater versatility and power. It is titled as 'Elite.'"

"Rank 5: Divine Invocation," Ishima continued, his tone growing solemn. "At this level, you have reached a level of mastery that borders on the divine. Your passive skill, Divine Summoning, allows you to call upon your divine general of your chosen element with unprecedented potency. It is titled as 'Divine.'"

"Rank 6: Divine Ascension," Ishima concluded, his voice carrying an air of reverence. "At the pinnacle of elemental mastery, you transcend mortal limitations and become a true master of your element. Your active skills will reflect your unparalleled command over the elemental forces. It is titled as 'Supreme.'"

"In total, there are three passive skills and three active skills. Don't think that you will be capable of passing all six trials, as I have said before. The soul's world is a very harrowing place, and in our entire history, there are only a few who have reached the supreme rank, including our clan leader, of whom we should be proud. Let's continue," Ishima said fastening his pace.

With the explanation of the ranks complete, Ishima turned his attention to the negative titles associated with elemental corruption.

"Corrupt, Tainted, Sullied, Debased, Polluted, Malignant," Ishima listed off, each word carrying a weight of darkness. "These titles are given to those who have succumbed to the corruption of their elemental powers, their minds twisted and their souls consumed by madness. They become mindless beings, attacking everything in their path and of course, they are both humans and creatures" Ishima clarified.

"This concludes your class. You all may go home now," Ishima said before sitting down on his chair behind the desk and started to write something down.

"That's some heavy stuff," whispered one of the trainees as he got up from his low desk, a young man with a determined look in his eyes. "I never realized there was so much to learn about Seekers."

"Yeah, it's a lot to take in," agreed another, a girl. "But it's exciting too, don't you think? Imagine being able to control the elements like that."

"Whatever rank we achieve, we'll need to work together as a team," Ishin spoke up. "We'll need to watch each other's backs and support one another, no matter what challenges we face."

The other trainees nodded in agreement, their expressions determined. Despite their differences, they were united in their goal to become seekers and master their elemental powers.

Meanwhile, Kenji, stirred by the noise created by the trainee seekers, woke up still drooling, rubbing his eyes, and yawning.

"I wonder what rank I'll achieve," mused a trainee that was in front of Reyoma, a boy with a mischievous grin. "I can't wait to unlock all those cool skills!"

Aimi, still harboring dirty thoughts, looked back at Reyoma with a slight blush. 'There is definitely something wrong with her,' Reyoma thought, sensing her gaze. He simply looked at her and shook his head. Aimi, with a simple nod, got up and left the class.

'it's time,' Reyoma thought as he stood. Everyone had already left the class, except for Ishima-sensei. As Reyoma approached him, Ishima sensed Reyoma coming near and looked at him. Reyoma said, "I want to ask for your permission to take a leave tomorrow, sensei."