

[DROPPED] His past life was a misery that he wanted to escape with all means... But now things were different, he vowed to rectify his past mistakes and become a better man capable of protecting his loved ones at all costs. With the gift of harbouring two mana cores in his body... Only sole human capable of wielding 'Aether'.... Great Family that supported him throughout his growth from learning magic to swordsmanship... And being able to traverse a pocket dimension to his will known as 'Vanta Black.' Life seemed rather nice for him, until he learned that the very Deities this world worshipped and looked up to weren't as he thought they were. ●DISCORD SERVER LINK IN BIO N/B: The Cover and Character arts are mine

HeavenlyMike · Fantasie
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107 Chs


{AGE: 3}

There I was staring out the kitchen window as I always did....I can't proceed to any other window in the house…goddammit!

"Cursed little legs!"

Ok, let's break down everything that has happened to me in the past three years in this world.

So, for some reason someone pushed me leading to my death....then I got reincarnated in the house of the Aydens and was given the name Jay Ayden.

Thought this was just a normal medieval world...until 2 years ago when my mom performed a healing spell on me...….then there are the birds I see on the window every morning…..two pairs of wings is bizarre....And I've occasionally peeped through my father's pantry where they keep the harvested crops from the farm and I've noticed a display of swords hanging on the wall and a whole bunch of war gear.....so settling everything and concluding that…..

This is a Fantasy World of Swords and Magic.

All this time I've tried to get in the pantry but haven't managed a single time.

[REMEMBERING]...." Remember Jay, the pantry isn't for kids, you must not go in there….got it?"

"AAARRRGGHH!...Freak you Michael."

"I'll get in no matter what."

====================== =========================

It was the beginning sundown when my mom and Michael were preparing dinner.

"DAMMIT!.."Said Michael in pain.

Turns out he can't handle a knife and ended up cutting himself, I'm in disbelief. If he can't handle a small knife then how the hell does he have a storage of swords in all shapes and sizes.

"Are you okay honey?" said mom, caring.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a small bandage will do." Said Michael as he kissed mom on the forehead.

"Eyyyy, don't put them lips on my mom."I thought loudly, but there was nothing I could do considering she's not my wife.

"I need to get the bandage from the pantry." said Michael looking straight at mom.

"But you can't, you have to help me finish cooking dinner." Said mom.

"But my finger…" said Michael holding his cut finger up as a drop of blood dropped to the floor.

"No buts, you promised me you'd do it today…."

"Hehe….butts." I thought to myself as I grinned.

"Aaaaaaahhhh, Jay can go get the Bandage for you honey." Said mom with charisma.

"Eeh?" I thought.

Normally I don't like getting involved with stuff concerning Michael but this.... this is an exception.

My chance to get into the pantry.

"Fine he can go...I mean I cleared out all the dangerous stuff in there so it should be good."Said Michael.

"For once Michael I give you, my respect."

"Okay, sweety go into the pantry and get your dad some bandages, you got that?"Mom leaned down as he patted my head.

"Okay, mommy!" I said all jovially.

"Oh, and also bring some yellow bell peppers, they are in the barrel next to the door on your left."Added mum.

"Ok." I said as I went hurriedly.

When I got into the pantry, I was actually in awe considering how neat and arranged it was, everything had its place, whether it was on the shelves or barrels.

"This place is actually bigger than I had imagined."

"Now, yellow bell peppers...hmmm…where to find them.

Mom said something about a barrel on the left...aha…found them. Now for the bandage."

As I searched for the bandage, I came across an object shaped like one of those pirate chests, but it was cuboid in shape, and as a curious kid I opened it.

Disappointed there was no treasure or golden coins but there were pieces of papers and a book that was half my size.

Not to mention the texts on the book cover were a totally different language. I opened the book, and it had all kinds of weird symbols that look like magic circles. I only knew that cause I only knew like five words.

Considering I've heard mom and dad speak that language before.

"This book looks interesting, but I'll have to know how to read and write in that language so as to understand."

Putting the book aside, I picked up one of the sheets of paper and possibly reading what was written there.


"Alchemy?...Wait, I've read about this in an old manga I had back in my previous life."

"Wow, to see it right in front of me…."

Most of the sheets were about different kinds of potions and how to produce them, even healing potions.

"I'll have to learn the healing potion one .... just in case I need them, or I join a Hunters Guild someday."

There was also a sheet mentioning the arts of crafting, with pictures of swords and daggers.

"Oh, so that explains the sword storage in the pantry...guessing Michael makes them.

As I went through the sheets of paper which most of them were torn out, I came across a totally different one than the others...the paper was tanned and looked pretty old.


Is what the paper read at the top.

"Ather…. Aether…Ether…. what is that?"

Considering my limited knowledge of this world I couldn't possibly know what that is.

To be frank the sheet was easier to read than the others.

"So, with this thing called Aether you can possibly make small dagger shaped projectiles when combined with the element of earth…. hmmm...I'm even more curious about this Aether thing.... how is it even acquired?

Seems like a pretty rare thing in this world.

Oh…. wait there's some more writing in the back .... but it's a short phrase."



As I said the last word from that phrase, dust began to sweep at my feet, circulating around me.

The air in the room was slowly diminishing and the air itself was dump.

I felt like I was going to die, as my vision was getting blurry by the second.

Just before my body could collapse a small gem was formed and was floating seamlessly in the air.


I then began to whizz as my lungs gradually began to increase in volume.

Finally, the air was recurring back in the room.

"I can breathe again…. [COUGH]..."

I stepped forward and took a hold of the sharp-edged gem in the shape of a dagger. The gem was flowing with dark and purple energy as it glowed in intervals.

Grabbing the sheet of paper, I realized the phrase was an incantation.

At the bottom of the page were drawings of what looked like human stances.

The drawings stood in a particular manner.

Without hesitation I decided to try it even though I almost collapsed with the incantation.

"So, one foot back and the other forth...right arm stretched front and the left arm across my right arm.Ok , done.

What's next?

Then u say the following words…. wait there are only three words, okay.

I took a deep breath before proceeding.

"EARTH, RISE, ..."

The moment I said those two words the dark purple gem rose in the air.

Not to mention the same thing happened. The air was diminishing at a faster rate than before…dust and the hurl of wind around and beneath my feet.

As I said the last word the sharp gem was spinning at a fast and alarming rate, as the black energy began to be more dominant than the purple.

Heat was being produced by the gem as the air was not only dump, but also hotter than anything I had ever experienced before.

As I said that last word…. regret began to surge through me.

















What followed next was in slow motion in my eyes as I could also hear my heartbeat with a strong thump every second.

====================== =====================


The barrels that were at the back end of the room were demolished.

All this happened in slow motion but in reality, it was nothing less than a millisecond…. the gem had traveled at an insanely high speed, burning and demolishing everything in its path.

There I stood, like a malnourished guy, sweating like I had just ran a kilometer in 5 minutes due to the high presence of heat enclosed in the pantry.

I was seeing an aftermath of a mirage like the ones you see in the distance at a desert.

I quickly took a hold of myself and put everything back in the chest. I didn't know what to do about the demolished barrels and the charred wall or how I'd explain it.

Managing to find the bandages I rushed out of the pantry and slammed the door behind me hard. I reached the kitchen and began running towards my parents.

Blurry vision kicked in and before I knew it....


I had blacked out.

============================ =============================

//////////// NEXT CHAPTER: ERUDITION //////////

Edited by: JJ

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