
No Martial,But Not Worthless

Holking99 · Fantasie
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57 Chs

Real Dream!

Magnus, struck by a sudden realization after Seraphina's questioning, remembered the series of events that had just occurred. 

Initially, he managed to escape the first fall with a surprising move that resembled a monkey's agility. 

However, as he tried to stabilize himself, he slipped again due to the soap stuck under his shoe. 

Magnus hadn't noticed this oddity in his actions until Seraphina pointed it out. 

Upon reflection, he found it strange that he didn't fall even after slipping for more than ten meters. 

The thought of executing some unknown martial arts movement seemed impossible to him. 

"If I had somehow become a martial arts prodigy?"

As Magnus pondered over the unexpected sequence of events, his mind suddenly conjured up an incredibly vivid image. 

A shadowy figure, akin to an ink painting, glided swiftly across the ground.

 The figure's movements were erratic, at times soaring forward like a swiftly darting wild goose and at other times staggering like a drunken man, yet always maintaining perfect balance.

Magnus watched this scene unfold in his mind with amazement, feeling as if he were experiencing a 3D movie with stunning realism. 

Then, it spelled out "Mystic Mirage Step, Level One: Greased Feet."

At that moment, Magnus felt as though he had been struck by lightning. 

"Mystic Mirage Step!" 


Had I actually performed the Mystic Mirage Step, preventing himself from falling?

Could it be that the Martial World System from his dream was real?

The realization left Magnus utterly astonished, almost to the point of horror.

The events of the previous night, which he had initially dismissed as a dream, now seemed undeniably real. 

The martial arts techniques he had acquired in that dreamlike state had somehow become a part of him.

"Prince, what's wrong? Why aren't you speaking?" Seraphina's concerned voice pulled Magnus out of his reverie. 

He quickly responded, "Seraphina, go ahead with your work. I need to go back to my room and rest a bit more." 

Without waiting for her response, he hurried back into his room and closed the door behind him, eager to process this astonishing revelation.

"What's going on with the prince? Why is he going back to sleep just after getting up?" 

She then reasoned that perhaps he was still exhausted from the previous day's events, which included several fainting spells. 

"It seems I'll have to prepare his lunch directly," she concluded with a hint of resignation.

Meanwhile, inside his room, Magnus was far from sleepy. 

His entire being was buzzing with excitement. 

He was like a slippery eel in a rice field, moving with an extraordinary, elusive step throughout the room. 

His body swayed as if about to fall at any moment, yet his balance remained uncannily steady. 

He moved quickly, his angles cunning and peculiar.

"Ha ha ha... I've really mastered the Mystic Mirage Step!" he exclaimed joyfully, laughing uncontrollably as he leaped around the room.

Unable to contain his excitement, Magnus continued to practice the Mystic Mirage Step, weaving through furniture and curtains with nimble agility.

However, after about seven or eight minutes, he suddenly felt his legs weaken, and his body began to stagger uncontrollably.

If it weren't for his quick reflexes to grab the edge of the bed, he would have fallen face-first to the ground.

Resting on the bed, Magnus noticed how weak and exhausted he felt, as if all his strength had been drained in an instant. 

His body felt extraordinarily heavy, sinking downward.

"What's happening to me?" he wondered, sitting down and leaning against the headboard. Looking down, he realized his clothes were soaked with sweat. 

"Could it be that practicing the Mystic Mirage Step has depleted all my energy?" Magnus pondered, trying to understand his sudden fatigue.

In novels, martial artists consume internal energy when performing techniques.

Although the Mystic Mirage Step didn't require much internal energy, it certainly demanded physical effort. 

Given his current frail condition, even ordinary people would fare better than him in terms of physical strength. 

Practicing the Mystic Mirage Step for several minutes was bound to leave him drained.

Despite his weakness, Magnus was thrilled to have mastered the Mystic Mirage Step.

 "So the Martial Arts System from last night was real!" 

"Wait, what about the Five Poisons Wine?" 

Magnus suddenly remembered his first prize.

 If the Mystic Mirage Step was real, then the Five Poisons Wine must be too.

 But where was it? 

He scanned his room but found no trace of the wine.

As he pondered, his surroundings abruptly changed, and his consciousness entered a dark void, similar to his experience with the Martial Arts System. 

In the center of this dark space floated a large jar, about half his height and nearly a meter in diameter, labeled "Five Poisons Wine."

"This... This is the Five Poisons Wine from last night!" 

Magnus recognized the jar immediately. Just as he wondered why this vision appeared, the dark space trembled violently. A brilliant light shot toward him from afar, enveloping him instantly.

With no physical body to dodge, Magnus felt a sharp pain in his mind, as if pierced by needles. 

A mix of sensations—stabbing, swelling, numbness, itchiness—assaulted him all at once.

The sensation was similar to when the Mystic Mirage Step entered his mind, but the pain now lasted nearly half an hour, much longer than before. 

Magnus fainted several times from the agony, only to be jolted awake by the persistent torment.

Just when he felt he was on the brink of collapse, the pain finally began to subside and eventually disappeared. 

Once the ordeal ended, a strange technique materialized in his mind:

"The Merit Metamorphosis Technique!"