
No Martial,But Not Worthless

Holking99 · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Karma Creation Art

"Karma Creation Art!"


"Right, last night in the Martial System also had assigned me three core tasks!" 

" Within a hundred years, cultivate the Karma Creation Art to great perfection. Within a hundred years, establish the number one sect in the world.

Within a hundred years, defeat the seven gods of the Seven Stars Shrine."

These were the system's requirements for him. Particularly, he was to cultivate the Karma Creation Art to its highest level within a hundred years.

"Wait a minute..." 

The system had mentioned a dire consequence for failing any of these tasks - instant death by self-combustion!

"Damn it! ... If this System is real, then does that mean the punishment... is also real? If I can't complete these core tasks, I'll explode and die?"

"Hey, System! Show yourself. I'm done playing. I'm logging off and reporting you. This trash game can be played by someone else!"

Despite his fervent calls and curses, the system remained silent.

Gradually calming down, Magnus remembered the system's last message: the next activation date was the seventh day of the third month, a month away. 

Despite his anger, a sudden realization struck Magnus. The system had given him a century to complete these tasks.

 "A hundred years!"


On Earth, reaching the age of 100 was a remarkable feat: 'What do I care about something a hundred years from now?'

Magnus turned his attention to the Karma Creation Art. 

He hadn't encountered in any Martial novel. 

Intrigued, he delved into the first level of the art, presented in his mind.

Seated cross-legged on the floor of his room, Magnus adopted the posture described in the Karma Creation Art. 

With his eyes closed and an air of serenity about him, he resembled a meditating monk.

Inside his mind, the complex and obscure text of the art flowed like a river, emitting a lustrous glow. 

His emotions – joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness – all melded into a state of equanimity.

Magnus felt as though he was in a vast, desolate world, alone in an immaterial space, sitting in solitude. 

Tiny blue specks, like budding sprouts after spring rain, began to emerge in the formless space. 

These specks, akin to sentient spirits, slowly surfaced and expanded, growing like waves surging from the sea, filling the space with their presence. 

The blue dots connected and spread, eventually encompassing the entire area.

"What is this?" Magnus wondered as he sensed the mysterious blue substance. 

His previously tranquil heart stirred with curiosity, feeling a powerful energy within these blue specks.

"Could it be... Mana?" The thought suddenly struck him. 

"I can feel the Cloud Force!" His astonishment was palpable as he pondered the reality of sensing this elusive force.

As he began practicing the Karma Creation Art, he astonishingly sensed the Mana. 

Could this signify that even someone like him, born without spiritual roots and considered a failure, could actually cultivate using this technique?