
Their Home

KNIGHT International.

Liam knocked on the door of the CEO's office, he had a cunning smile on his handsome face.

"Come in." Oliver's solemn voice came from inside.

"Hello cousin, how are you doing?" Liam straightened his back and walked into Oliver's office lazily. He never considered himself as an outsider here.

"In the company, call me CEO Knight or Mr. Knight." Oliver didn't lift his head, but his eyebrows wrinkled. He was wondering what could be Liam's motive for this visit. The father and son never do anything without reason.

"Why are you always so serious? Fine! Mr. Knight, can I sit down?" He was still smiling.

Oliver put down his work and walked toward the sofa with an expressionless face, he wanted to see what trick Liam had up in his sleeves today.

Liam sat down before him as if Oliver would rob his seat. Oliver smiled coldly and thought Liam was like this since he was a child. He would always fight to take what belonged to him and would try to show he was better than Oliver.

"What do you want?" Oliver said coldly.

"Actually, I'm here today to talk about some personal matters," Liam said leisurely with a playful smile.

"It's office time, I don't have time to discuss any personal matter." Oliver dismissed him directly. He had no intention to have any kind of conversation with him. If it wasn't for his mother he wouldn't even let Liam step into the company.

"My good brother, you're so cold. No wonder your woman is so depressed." Liam's handsome face was full of playfulness as if he was enjoying the conversation too much.

"What are you talking about?" Oliver's face got hard and his eyebrows wrinkled. He was annoyed and was thinking 'Was Liam talking about Ava?'

"I just went out and saw your woman standing on the sidewalk in tears. She was almost hit by a car, but don't worry your good brother saved your women." Liam said with a satisfied smile on his face. He always found it fun to taunt Oliver.

"I have a lot of women. I don't know who you are talking about." Oliver said indifferently as if he didn't hear the crucial point 'hit by a car' from Liam just now. But in his heart he felt anxious and angry at the same time, why was Ava crying on a sidewalk and how could that woman be so careless to hit by a car? Thank god she was safe.

"Wow, you are such a playboy. I feel pity for Dr. Green, she would be very disappointed if she heard that." Liam laughed loudly. Oliver's dark and heavy face gave him pleasure.

Oliver couldn't listen to his bullshit anymore, he was afraid he will lose it in front of Liam so he stood up and got back to his desk. "Liam if you have nothing important to talk then please leave. I have work to do. And next time put your concentration on work rather than other people's business." Oliver said expressionlessly.

Liam shrugged and stood up. His purpose to come here was successful anyways so he left happily.

After Liam left, Oliver tried to concentrate on his work but his mind kept running over to Ava. After thinking for a while, he decided to send her a WeChat but Ava didn't reply and Oliver's mood got even worse.

After Ava returned to the hospital, an emergency accident case came that needed her immediate attention. Ava entered the OT and did not come out until 5 o'clock in the evening. She changed her surgical clothes and went to her office. When she entered she saw that her phone was ringing, she hurried to check who called and saw it was Sam.

"Hello, Ava." Sam's soft voice came through the phone.

"Hey Sam, how are you?" Ava stretched out her fingers and gently massaged her temple.

"I am fine, thanks. I called to give you a piece of good news. Sarah's issued has been resolved. As we guessed Tracy was behind all that and she made her boyfriend post those photos. After everything exposed Tracy was immediately expelled by the principal." Sam said smiling from the other end of the phone.

Ava already knew the issue had been resolved as Oliver told her yesterday. In fact, she wanted to go and see Sarah today but It's already too late and she was really exhausted.

"Really? That's great." Ava pretended not to know anything and said happily.

"Yes! What's more the principal also issued a notice to delete all the photos from everyone's phones. If the matter is discussed again or the pictures found in anyone's possession then severe measures will be taken against them." Sam said proudly.

"Sam, I will visit Sarah in two days. Please look after her for me." Ava said with a smile.

"All right, no problem." Sam agreed happily.

Ava hung up the phone and saw there was a WeChat message from Oliver. At 2:30 p.m. Oliver asked what she was doing.

Ava thought she should quickly answer him, she didn't want him to get angry at her again, so she typed: 'I was on the OT, there was an emergency operation. I just got out and saw your message.'

Oliver was already at home, he was sitting in the living room holding his phone and waiting for Ava's message.

When he got Ava's reply a boyish smile unconsciously appeared on his face and he immediately replied to her: 'Hurry home.'

In Oliver's mind, 520 Haibin Road had already become Ava's home. Once upon a time, it was just a luxurious villa but now with Ava around, it felt like home. 'Their home.'

Ava came home within 15 minutes, when she entered the door she felt a quiet gaze on her, which made her a little uncomfortable. She walked slowly toward the living room. Her eyes were still swollen but they looked cute.

"Pfff", Oliver couldn't hold anymore and burst out laughing.

Looking at Oliver's carefree laugh Ava was stunned. She had never seen him laugh like that before, she stared at him with fascination. A small smile automatically appeared at the corner of her mouth. She asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Oliver didn't answer he patted the seat beside him for her to sit. When she sat down Oliver made a serious face and asked, "Did you have a nut day? Why do your eyes look like two walnuts?" He started to laugh again.

Hearing him Ava got angry and embarrassed, she picked up a pillow from the sofa and threw it on Oliver." That's not funny!" she immediately hid her face with her hand.

Oliver stopped teasing her and picked her up from the sofa and put her on his lap than he said in a soft voice," Why did you cry so much?"

"It's nothing." Ava dropped her eyes and said in a low voice. She didn't want to tell him about the visit to her mother.

"Ava! You do know that you cannot hide anything from me, right! If you don't tell me now I'll find it out eventually." Oliver said as a matter of fact.

Ava sighed, he was right if he wanted to find out, he would. "I went see my mother today. She was angry at me." Ava paused thinking how to explain it to Oliver.

Oliver looked at her patiently waiting for her to continue.

Looking at Oliver's expectant eyes Ava realized he wouldn't give up so she continued, "When I moved in with you I told my parents, I am participating in a research project and will be living in the hospital. Yesterday my mother went to the hospital to look for me and found out that I lied. She was very disappointed in me..." Ava didn't continue. She was feeling sad again thinking of her mother.