
The Zoo

Knight International.

Oliver was at the office in the early morning. Uncle Joe came into Oliver's room and sat down opposite of him. He was waiting for Oliver's order or inquiries.

"So what's her update? What is she doing today?" Oliver asked without looking up at Uncle Joe while he was checking his phone. It was the same phone he and Ava used to use. Ava left but he didn't change anything that was related to her. If it wasn't for Orion he wouldn't have moved Ava's pictures from the bedroom but in the end that naughty boy found her pictures anyway.

"Daniel Sherman bought 3 tickets to visit the zoo so I assume they are going there today." Uncle Joe said indifferently. Since Ava came back, Oliver has asked him to put her in surveillance. He wanted to know every move of her, where she was, what was she doing, who she was with, everything. So every morning Uncle Joe would come to report to him about Ava's whereabouts.

Oliver stayed quiet for a few seconds then said to Uncle Joe, "Go to the Villa and get Orion. Tell him we are going to visit the zoo.

"OK." Uncle Joe immediately stood up and left the office in a hurry.

Oliver's Villa.

Uncle Joe came to Oliver's villa and heard the beautiful music from the door. He knew Orion was playing the Piano. The boy was very talented in every way possible just like both of his parents. He came inside with a kind smile on his face.

"Grandpa Joe!" Orion heard footsteps, he stopped playing then turned and jump out off the bench before running toward Uncle Joe.

"Orion, How are you doing?" Uncle Joe loved this kid, so whenever he was around Orion he would be sunny and soft rather than his usual indifferent and cold self. He picked up the little boy and asked with a wide smile.

"I am good, thank you but why are you here suddenly? Are you here to play with Orion?" Orion asked looking at Uncle Joe with expected eyes.

"I wish little one but your Dad asked me to take you to his office. He wants to take you to visit the zoo."

"Why the zoo, it's so boring," Orion grumbled. He looked lost. He has already been to the zoo, the underwater world, and the playground with Conner and Ella a few times. These kinds of places didn't interest Orion. He was different from the other kids of his age; he usually was so cold that other children would get scared of him, so he didn't have many friends.

"So you don't want to go?" Uncle Joe asked with a smile. He knew the boy would go no matter how much he hates it.

"No, I'll go. As long as I can spend time with Dad I'll go anywhere." Orion said lightly. He didn't know his mother so naturally, he was very close to his dad. Moreover, he barely get to spend time with his dad since Oliver was always busy with work so whatever little time he would get with his Dad he would be happy with it.

Uncle Joe smiled but felt bad for the kid, he knew Orion missed both of his parents and it was normal, he was practically growing up alone and at this age children mostly crave their parent's company. He understood it well. Uncle Joe took Orion's hand and got into the car to take him to the office.

At the Zoo

The sun was high in the sky and it was a very hot day. The Zoo opened at 9. o'clock in the morning and now it was 10.30 Am. Ava, Daniel, and Nina have been walking for an hour now and Ava was already exhausted by the heat, she wanted to find some shade to take some rest and drink something cold. But the father and daughter were so happy running from place to place that she didn't have the heart to stop them.

"Daddy …Daddy look there are big monkeys over there near the big trees, let's go and check them out," Nina said with an exciting voice.

Daniel laughed and said, "Sweetie those are called chimpanzees." Daniel walked forward and turned back to check on Ava. Who looked a bit grumpy. Daniel knew she must be tired he stopped and looked at her worriedly, he was afraid Ava will have a heatstroke so he said in a gentle voice, "Ava are you alright? If you are tired we can sit somewhere and take some rest. "

"What are you talking about? Do you think I am that weak? I haven't even started yet." Ava said with a smile. She felt warm in her heart seeing Daniel caring for her so much.

Hearing Ava Daniel shook his head helplessly, he knew she wouldn't admit it even if she was tired. Always try to be strong. He didn't push it though, he walked forward and took some pictures with Nina then pulled Ava and took some selfies of the family of three. Daniel liked to capture the memories, so no matter where they went together he will always take some family pictures.

"Daddy, look Giraffe. Daddy, why does giraffe has such a long neck?" Nina asked as she stood in front of a giraffe, it was eating leaves from the top of a tree.

"Because Giraffe likes to eat tender leaves which are mostly found at the top of the trees and so that it can reach those leaves their neck is long." Daniel rubbed Nina's head and explained with a smile.

"Wow!" Nina said in amazement.

They were now walking side by side with Nina in the middle holding both of her parent's hands. Daniel saw an Ice crème cart, he looked at Ava and saw she was also staring at the ice crème. Daniel smiled and said to Nina, "darling, it's very hot today, do you want to have some ice crème?"

"Yes, daddy!" Nina started to clap her hands in excitement.

"OK let's go then get some ice crème," Daniel said and started to walk toward the cart.

Ava stood there and looked around, she saw there were some benches at the side of the walkway so she said, "Danny, I'll wait here, you guys go and get some ice crème. ok!"


Daniel brought Nina to the cart and asked, "darling which ones do you want to have?"

Nina smiled and said to the man on the opposite of the cart, "I want a chocolate flavor, for mommy a Matcha flavor, and for daddy vanilla flavor please."

Daniel was surprised to see she knew their preferences so well, he felt very proud of her. "Do you want anything else?"

"No, that will be all."

Daniel smiled, paid for the ice crème, and came back to the place where Ava was waiting for them.