
The three gift's

Manhattan, USA.

The sun was high in the sky and the New York streets were busy with cars and people. Oliver was sitting on a black Mazda CX and talking to Erika over the phone. It was the 15th anniversary of Erika's debut, so he called to wish her. His eyes fell on an antique shop beside the road and he asked Uncle Joe to stop the car. Oliver jumped out of the car in his fitted dark grey suit and as usual, radiated a dignified aura.

"CEO Knight." Uncle Joe, dressed in a black suit, said solemnly as he started to follow him.

"Wait here," Oliver said to him indifferently. He wanted to be alone for a while.

"OK." Uncle Joe stood beside the car quietly without any other word.

Oliver entered the antique shop, the name of the shop was 'love' which caught his attention. The shop was decorated in a simple retro style, there was a faint aroma on the air, which smelled pleasant and calmed his mind instantly. Oliver looked around and saw the shop had some unique and rare accessories that couldn't be seen elsewhere. He couldn't help but walk through the rows to see more of what was available there.

The owner of the shop was an old man with white hair who was busy with another customer, he saw Oliver's elegant appearance and thought of leaving him alone.

Oliver was thankful for that and walked freely inside, he hated it when any shop assistants followed him and suggested things to him. He liked to choose himself, whatever he wanted to buy. Oliver was walking and checking the items when his eyes fell on a deer-shaped brooch. Looking at it Ava's face flashed into Oliver's mind. The body of the deer was inlaid in Swarovski's Lavender crystal and its antlers on the head were ornamented with diamonds. It looks very exquisite and unique. He thought it goes well with Ava's simple and elegant temperament. Ava was like a deer, sometimes cute and smart, sometimes cautious. Thinking of it a smile showed up on his handsome face. He immediately decided to buy it for Ava.

Oliver walked forward and a tassel brooch of a Gemini star caught his eyes in another display self. The design of this brooch was also very simple. The stars were divided into two parts. The inner part was inlaid with pink diamonds, and the outer part was with light yellow diamonds. It looked just like someone's eyes, extremely beautiful. Oliver stared at the brooch for a while and his eyes looked thoughtful.

The shopkeeper came to Oliver seeing him staring at the brooch. He smiled at him and asked in fluent French, "Hello, sir. May I help you?"

For business purposes, Oliver had to learn a few languages and French was one of them. He heard the man speaking French he also replied in fluent French, "Do you have a second piece of this Brooch?"

The old man shook his head and said with a little regret, "I am afraid sir, every jewelry in this shop is just one piece available. I am a jewelry designer and everything here is designed by me. To make every piece unique I only make one."

"OK, please pack these two brooches for me separately." Oliver smiled politely and gave the brooches to the old man.

He actually came here because he wanted to buy a gift for Erika, but he ended up buying something for Ava and someone else.

"Sir, I have a very young and beautiful sister. Do you have anything that will be suitable for her?" Oliver went to the counter, saw that the old man had finished packing, he asked him with a smile.

"I have just made an immortal flower pendant. Have a look." The old man slowly took out a rose gold pendant of immortal flowers from the drawer.

Oliver took the pendant in his hand, it was hung with a long chain. The immortal flower was only the size of a nail plate, but it was wrapped in a transparent crystal shell. The shell protected the immortal flower and magnifies its beauty even more. The colorful immortal flower looked particularly beautiful under the chandelier, just like Erika, who had lived all her life in the spotlight yet was able to preserve her beauty and innocence.

Oliver nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile, "Yes, that's the one. Please pack it for me too."

"Would you like to leave a love note with your gifts?" The old man took out three postcards and a precious pen from the counter and put them in front of Oliver.

Oliver picked up the pen and wrote something on one of the cards in his neat handwriting and put it on an envelope. He handed the envelope to the man and said with a smile, " Just this one. Please leave it with the deer brooch."

Oliver paid for the gifts and got out of the shop with three identical gift bags in his hand.

It's evening in Beijing.

The moon was bright in the sky. Ava and Sarah both were very tired after spending the whole day at the fragrant hill so after taking a long bath they both were resting. Ava lay down on her bed while Sarah took out her English notebook to do some study.

"Ava, what does this question mean?" Sarah handed the notebook to Ava and asked her.

Ava looked at the question and said with a smile, "Here the doctor meant Ph.D., not in the medical sense. You see anyone could do a Ph.D. in any subject and would be called a doctor as well. It has nothing to do with a doctor of medicine."

"Oh! That's why the translation didn't make any sense before." Sarah said shaking her head.

"You should pay more attention to English phrases, that will enrich your vocabulary more."

"I see, thanks, sis."

"No problem," Ava said as she looked at her phone screen.

She was at home tired but comfortable, still, her heart felt like something was missing. She couldn't stop thinking about Oliver. What was he doing? Whether he was having his meals properly or not! Was he resting enough or not! She found herself wondering about these silly and small things. She didn't even know herself when she started to worry about Oliver's wellbeing so much.