
The Closure

Jacob? Instinctively Ava wanted to hang up. Of course, she wouldn't talk to him again, not after what happened last time at the bar.

"Ava, don't hang up, please. I have something to tell you." Jacob was familiar with Ava's character. After all, they have known each other for so many years.

After taking a deep breath she calmed down, even though reluctant she still asked coldly, "What do you want now?"

"This Saturday could you please come and see me at the detention center, I have something important to tell you," Jacob said quietly and his defeated voice could not restrain his inner pain.

Hearing Jacob's crushed voice Ava didn't know why she felt a sting in her heart. She couldn't understand, how could he still affect her like that, after all, he had done how could she still feel pain for him? Yes, she wanted to cry, she wanted to mourn for all those years they had been together, she wanted to mourn for all those sweet memories, laughter, and for all the dreams she had for the two of them together, which will never come true.

However, she held back her tears and said in a cold voice, "Say, whatever you have to over the phone, I don't have time to visit you."

Ava's voice was so indifferent, Jacob flinched. She had never been so cold to him in all these years, even though she was stubborn at times but she was still very warm. Her indifferent attitude made him feel like they were mere strangers.

"Ava! I know you hate me and don't want to see me, but please come one last time I'll tell you everything, please I don't have much time." Jacob said almost in a praying tone.

"Fine, but remember this would be the last time," Ava said at last.

In fact, she did want to see him, she still hasn't got the answers and she wanted to know why he did that.

"Thank you, Ava." Jacob's said with a weak smile.

He really regrets doing all those awful things to Ava and her family. He thought by hurting James and his family he would be able to avenge his own family, however, after achieving his goal only then did he realize he lost more than he gained. He lost his most precious Ava and seeing her being so indifferent toward him he could not bear the pain anymore.

After hanging up the phone, Ava felt drained and lay down on the reclining chair. Looking at the lights far away, her thoughts drifted away again. If Jacob didn't cheat on her and on Valentine's day he didn't drug her, maybe she and Oliver would not meet, the Green family would not fall and maybe everything would still be the same. She would be with Jacob happily planning their wedding. However, Jacob's betrayal changed everything.

All of a sudden, Ava missed the innocent time when love was in the air. Jacob started to chase her when she was at her Junior high, he would often stand outside the music studio listening to her piano, accompanying her silently. When he asked her out and Ava said she wouldn't date until graduation, he didn't feel defeated nor did he give up, instead, he said he understood and would wait for her. After graduation, they dated for a while before becoming official. He supported her decision to study medicine wholeheartedly and also accompanied her to study in England.

He bought breakfast for Ava every morning and waited in front of the dormitory because he knew Ava didn't like the breakfast at her dorm. Jacob would ride a bicycle to send her to class. Seeing them so cozy almost all her classmates envied Ava, saying that she had such a caring boyfriend. He would always accompany her and cheer her up whenever she was down or homesick. He would take her out for dinner when Ava was tired of eating homemade food. He was always very considerate of her needs. How did everything change? When did he change so much?

The day Ava found him with poppy at his apartment, Jacob didn't bother to give her any explanation, even at the bar he didn't say anything. Now, he wanted to tell her everything but did she really want to hear it now? Did it really matter even if he could justify his wrongdoing? They would never be able to go back. They could never be in each other's life again. So what's the point yet she decided to see him for the sake of the old times.

That night, Ava had a restless night. She kept having nightmares.

That week passed in a blur and it was already Saturday.

At Detention Center.

Once again Ava came back to this place but circumstances have changed and the person she came to visit was also different.

Through a cold glass, Ava saw Jacob. He was dressed in prison clothes. His once handsome face become haggard and was covered in uneven stubble. His whole sophisticated appearance completely disappeared.

Ava frowned and sat down calmly. Through the glass, she looked into Jacob's eyes. The pride and arrogance in his eyes no longer existed, only a trace of regret and nostalgia was there.

Ava picked up the receiver and waited for Jacob to speak first.

"Ava, I'm sorry..." Jacob opened his dry lips, his voice seemed to be stuck in his throat.

"Stop it, Jacob! Don't you think it's a little too late to be sorry?" Ava frowned, and her pretty face began to be ferocious.

He was sorry now? It was because of him her life turned upside down, her parents suffered so much, she had to agree to Oliver's terms. Who could she tell about her grievances!

"I know it's difficult for you to forgive me, but I'll still need to apologize today."

Seeing Ava so fierce, Jacob's eyes flashed a trace of guilt, he was well aware that It was him who personally destroyed Ava's happiness. If only he could put down his past behind, maybe things would not turn out to be like this today.

"Ava, I know you came here to know the reason behind my actions and I promised you that I would tell you everything today. Fifteen years ago, your father bought my father's company, it was a shock for my family and my parents could not accept it so they jumped off the office building and killed themselves. I was only 12 years old back then, in just one night my family and company both were gone and I was left with nothing but hatred. Hatred toward your father for ruining our happy life. I wanted revenge and that's why I did all this. I know my words does not justify my actions but Ava I couldn't let go of the past, I am really sorry" Jacob said softly, his eyes were mixed with different kind of emotions.

After Jacob finished, Ava's whole body froze in place, she didn't know how to breathe. Looking at Jacob, her emotion got complicated. 'Her father bought Adam's group it was a business decision. What that has to do with her? Why did he want to ruin her life? Why did she have to bear the burden? She was just a child when all that happened. Suddenly Ava wanted to laugh, so it turns out from the very beginning her and Jacob's relation was just a lie.'

"So you approached me from the beginning to get closer to my father so you could take down my father's company and destroy our lives." Ava didn't ask simply stated the fact.

"I'm sorry, Ava. It's true that I was blind by hatred and did approach you with a purpose, but I did fall in love with you and my love for you is as real as you sitting here in front of me right now. Please believe me." Jacob was a little desperate at the other side of the glass. He really wanted Ava to believe that he loves her.

"It doesn't matter now Jacob whether you love me or not, your intention was never pure toward me. I do understand how you must have felt when you lost both of your parents over the night and I do sympathize with you and your family, however, if you had a fair fight with my father and took over our company that would justify your purpose for revenge, instead what you did was used me and deceived me. You made me pay for something that I didn't do, you set me up for retribution I didn't deserve. How do you expect me to forgive you?" Ava's words were full of sadness, grievance, and helplessness, she couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

"Ava, I am really sorry, I know what I did was wrong and there is no going back. I wish you a happy life and just hope when I come out after completing my sentence, you could at least forgive me." Jacob lowered his head, his face was full of shame, guilt, and sadness.

Ava asked, "How many years?"

"The lawyer said Eight years minimum," Jacob laughed mocking himself.

He seemed to have realized how he messed up his life, he had a good life, promising future, love of his life by his side yet because of hatred he ruined everything with his own hand, now he would have to rot in a cold prison cell. 'In his next life he will be a better person,' Jacob thought to himself.

"Ava, please don't cry, I don't like seeing you like this. Your beautiful face should be full of sunshine, not tears." Jacob raised his hand to touch Ava's face however all he could touch was the cold glass between them, he suddenly realized maybe in this life, he would never be able to touch Ava's face again.

His pained eyes suddenly looked spoiled with a touch of love. Ava was stabbed by that look, all the memory of them in love started to flash through her mind one by one, and the tears started to flow from her eyes.

"Why, Jacob, tell me why!" Ava's emotion completely collapsed she started to shout.

She slapped the cold glass hard as if wanted to break it. She wanted to pull his collar, slap him, and asked him 'Why didn't he love her? Why did he let the hatred come between them? He wants her to live a happy life, how would she do that when her life was full of uncertainty? Where would she find sunshine in the dark storm?' Ava felt depressed.

The staff on one side of the glass immediately pulled Ava away and at the other side, Jacob was taken away by the man in the police uniform. Ava squatted down and wept without any fear and shame, at last, she let herself mourn for their lost love.