
Sam's Hesitation

They all decided to hang the wishing bottle. Ava selected a star-shaped bottle. All the bottles were designed in such a way that once someone put their wish inside and closed it, it will be automatically sealed from inside and cannot be opened again, which protects the secrets of its wisher.

Everyone sat down at the table and wrote their wishes. Ava's wish was very simple, she wrote on the note: Both of us can leave the past behind and have a healthy and happy family with each other till the end.

Erika's wish was to find happiness with Sam.

Sarah's wish was to have good grades so she could get admitted to the university and be a successful person in the future, just like her cousin.

Sam's note said: Ava, you must always be happy. Sam quickly wrote his wish in his neat handwriting and stuffed it into the bottle. Erika turned to peek at Sam's note but found he has already sealed it.

"Sam, what did you wish for?" Erika said with a gentle smile as she put her own note in the bottle.

"Work goes well and parents are always in good health," Sam replied without thinking.

Erika felt a bit lost in her heart. He didn't write anything about her on his wish slip, but his wish proved that Sam was a dutiful son. He was really a responsible and sensible man.

Ava came at the bottom of the wish tree, as she looked up she realized it was too high and she wouldn't be able to hang it herself. She suddenly thought of Oliver, if only he was here he would hang it for her.

Sam and Erika came over and saw Ava was standing there a little lost under the tree. Sam said with a light smile, "let me help you hang your bottle."

Ava looked at him thankfully and handed her bottle to him. As Sam was the tallest among them he had to hang all the bottles.

In the afternoon, everyone enjoyed a spa and full body massage at the resort. At 4:30, they left the resort to go home. The car shuttled through the winding mountain road. When it entered the busy city road, it was nearly six o'clock. The sun was already hanging low about to set and the sky looked warm because of the orange light.

It was peak hour so there was a lot of traffic on the road. Sam first dropped Ava and Sarah at Green villa then heads toward Erika's home to drop her.

Erika was very tired after the exciting day so she was feeling very sleepy and she was finding it hard to keep her eyes open.

Seeing that Sam said with a smile, "It was a crazy day today, you must be very tired. If you want to take a nap, go ahead. When we reach your place, I will wake you up."

Erika looked at him drowsily, and said vaguely, "OK."

She closed her eyes and in no time fell asleep. Sam's gentle words made her feel very comfortable and secured. Erika grew up with money so she didn't care about money at all. To her money, status, class these things were valueless. She valued a person's pure heart and character the most. As long as she found someone who would be faithful, honest to her, and cherished her heart, Erika was willing to give him everything she had.

The traffic light turned red and Sam slowly stepped on the break. He turned his head and looked at Erika's sleeping face. The girl was very beautiful and her sleeping face looked so innocent like an angel. Looking at her face Sam's heart felt uncomfortable, such a sweet girl, was he being too cruel to her by doing this? How could someone bear to hurt such a simple person?

The traffic light turned green and Sam looked away from Erika's face and concentrated on driving. His heart suddenly felt very heavy. He wasn't that kind of person at all but for Ava, he was willing to stoop so low and hurt an innocent soul. How did he become like that?

The light blue Ferrari slowly stopped in front of Erika's house. Sam saw the whole time she was sleeping peacefully, he didn't have the heart to wake her up so he just sat there quietly lost in his deep thoughts. However, after a while, some other car honked its horn loudly which woke up Erika.

Erika opened her bleary eyes and raised her head a little confused. At first, she didn't realize she was in the car but when she looked at Sam's warm eyes which were looking at her, she remembered she was in the car and fell asleep.

"I... How long I have been sleeping?" Erika asked a little embarrassed. She looked outside and saw the sky was already dark and realized she must be sleeping for a while.

"Not very long. I was going to wake you up." Sam smiled politely.

Erika smiled back. Her hair was a little messy. Sam suddenly reached out to smooth her hair. He didn't even know, himself why he did that. Upon realizing what he had done he felt embarrassed and a stiff smile showed up on his face.

Erika stared at Sam, her heart felt warm at Sam's simple action. She could see he was opening up to her slowly every day and thought he must like her otherwise why would he make these kind and sweet gestures?

"Sam, it's late, at this hour it will be hard for you to get a taxi. Take this car and drive back home. I'll ask my driver to pick up the car later from your place." Erika said lightly. She thought since Sam was kind of reserve it's better to develop their relation slowly.

"Well thanks, I'll have to trouble your driver then." Sam smiled a little and lowered his eyes.

"No problem. Bye then. Pay attention to your safety while driving. Send me a WeChat when you get home." Erika said and her face turned red, she had never done this kind of thing before, so she felt very shy.

"Will do, you take care too, bye," Sam said lightly and smiled.

Erika jumped out of the car, stood steadily then waved at Sam and turned toward her house.

Sam watched Erika entered her house he turned the car and drove away.