
Liam and Oliver

Knight International

Oliver took his private elevator and went directly to the top floor of the company. He has a meeting with Liam today. Oliver entered the empty meeting room and he was already annoyed seeing Liam was not there yet. People waited to get an appointment with him and here Liam was making him wait. Typical! Oliver thought.

Oliver went to the back of the room and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. It was noon and there was the sun in the sky but the dark clouds were covering the sun slowly making the sky look gloomy. Oliver heard the noise of opening the door he turned and looked at Liam coldly.

Liam entered the room and looked at Oliver with a carefree smile, "CEO Knight!"

"You are late."

"Oh sorry I was caught up with some important work," Liam said sarcastically as he walked to Oliver and stood beside him in front of the window. Everyone at the company knew Liam didn't handle anything important here.

Out of habit, Liam took out a packet of cigarettes from his pocket intending to smoke to relieve his stress, but suddenly Ava's nagging voice came into his mind and he threw the packet on the floor and smashed it mercilessly with his shoe.

Oliver stared at his series of actions with an indifferent face, he didn't say anything until Liam was done with smashing his cigarette.

"Liam do you have any intention to work here? You never come to work on time, you leave whenever you want without letting anyone know. Your salary will be deducted this month for this kind of behavior."

Liam smiled and asked. "CEO Knight, you called me here just for this?"

"If you want to work in Knight international, you will have to follow the rules, or you can just leave," Oliver said sharply as he looked at him with disdain.

Liam shrugged his shoulders and said in a carefree manner, "I don't care. I didn't want to work here anyway, it was because of Aunt Ella I had to join Knight international."

"Don't use my mother as a shield." Oliver got angry seeing Liam's carefree attitude.

"Well what can I do, my aunt is a good shield for me and very easy to use." Liam laughed loudly.

"Son of a bitch, that's my mother you are talking about." Oliver clenched his fist, he really wanted to beat Liam at this moment.

Liam didn't care at all seeing Oliver was angry, in fact, he was amused by it. He smiled and said leisurely, "Brother, why are you always so angry?"

"Don't call me brother. I don't have a brother like you." Oliver looked away from Liam feeling disgusted.

"Whether you want to admit it or not, I'm your brother. So you might just accept it." Liam was still laughing as if he was enjoying this conversation too much.

Oliver knew Liam was intentionally trying to make him angry so he calmed himself down and suddenly smiled. "Liam, aren't you afraid of retribution? If you don't stop your evil deeds the consequence will not be good."

"Oliver, are you joking? You are talking about retribution? The man who has been only doing bad things to other people all these years? You know what, you should probably think about your retribution because as far as I know that prosecutor is now fully investigating Ethan Smith's case. You'd better burn more incense and pray he doesn't find evidence against you." Liam said scornfully.

"Thank you for your concern," Oliver said with a confident smile as if he didn't care about it at all.

Actually, Oliver was not worried about Ethan's case, he has already taken care of everything. No matter where Daniel looked for evidence he won't find anything against him. The Smith group has already gone bankrupt and no one has any interest in Ethan's case. Daniel had one month to solve the case and now only one week left, after that the case will be closed.

"Oliver, you are really a devil," Liam said angrily clenching his fist. Looking at Oliver's relaxed expression, he already knew that Ethan's case was closed.

"Liam you know, I really regret not taking off the oxygen musk from that old man's mouth in the hospital. Compared to you, I'm actually very kind-hearted, cousin!"

Liam looked at Oliver with fierce eyes as he clenched his teeth, he knew well Oliver was talking about his father. "Then looks like you still have your conscience left."

Oliver smiled, didn't say anything. The atmosphere in the meeting room became very hostile. They both wanted to win this battle but no one knew what this will cost them.

Oliver suddenly took out a check from his pocket and held it in front of Liam then said in a calm voice. "Here is five million, stay away from my wife."

Liam's face immediately changed as he smiled wide and said, "So that's the reason you called me today. It's for the woman you don't even love, but brother, don't you think you have wasted too much effort to get her?"

"Liam, you know nothing, so don't make wrong assumptions!"

"Oliver do you think I am stupid? Or do you think no one really knew about you and Melody?" Liam said with a sneer.

Oliver could feel the threat in Liam's words. Oliver hated threats the most, his jaw ticked in anger as he said, "Liam, a word of advice for you, the things that don't concern you, you should stay away from them."

"Yeah, but I wonder how that silly girl will react when she finds out you used to date her best friend," Liam's smile got wider.

This time Oliver really lost his temper he took a step toward Liam and looked at him with bloodthirsty eyes, then said, "Liam if you dare to talk nonsense in front of her, I promise I will let your family die miserably. Now take this check and get out."

Liam took the check and without looking at it, he tore it into pieces and threw it in the air. "Oliver Knight, do you think I'm a beggar?"

Oliver didn't want to waste any more time on him, he already said what he wanted to say, so he checked his watch turned and left without another word. He expected Liam not to accept the check so he already asked Sophia to transfer the money directly into his account. He cannot let Liam pay for Ava's Piano and this was the only way he could pay him back. He didn't want to owe anything to Liam.