
Daniel's visit

Ava was lost in her thought when she heard someone turned the doorknob, she quickly sat up thinking it was Oliver.

"Oliver, you are back already?" Ava asked with a smile.

"Ava, it's me." Someone said from behind the door before entering the room.

Ava heard the magnetic and deep voice and her whole body become stiff. Brother Daniel!

Daniel pushed open the door and came inside. He was holding a blue heat preservation box in his hand. He closed the door gently and came to the bedside.

"Brother Daniel, what are you doing here? How did you know I'm in the hospital?" Ava asked feeling a bit confused.

"It's not hard to know, where you are. Have you eaten anything yet? I brought you something to eat." Daniel said with a smile and sat down. He opened the preservation box and immediately the smell of preserved egg and lean meat congee hit Ava's nose.

Ava looked at him surprised then laughed and said, "Sir, did you put a monitor on me?"

Daniel didn't say anything he just smiled and took out the bowl of hot porridge and started to carefully stir it with a spoon. He took a spoon full of porridge and blow it then held it in front of Ava's mouth.

Ava frowned and said embarrassedly, "I can eat by myself."

"A patient should take a good rest. Come on, open your mouth." Daniel said stubbornly.

Actually, Daniel didn't put Ava on monitoring. He was monitoring Oliver and his every move. So today, when Oliver rushed into the hospital, he quickly investigated and found out Ava was here and she was pregnant. He was worried about Ava so he came to check on her with some light food. It was a pure coincidence that Daniel brought the same food Ava wanted to eat.

Seeing Daniel was holding the spoon in front of her mouth stubbornly, Ava felt helpless and opened her mouth. Ava was very hungry so she quickly finished the bowl of porridge.

After Ava was done, Daniel, put down the bowl and the spoon aside and looked at Ava with complicated eyes then asked gently, "How are you doing, Ava?"

"I am very good, Thank you," Ava replied with a smile.

"If you are so good then why are you in the hospital?" Daniel said with a hard face but it was more because of the heartache he was feeling at that moment.

Ava didn't want to talk about her pregnancy with Daniel so she laughed awkwardly and said, "Oh, it's nothing, just an accident. So how are you doing recently, busy with work?" Ava shifted the topic.

"No, not busy," Daniel said with a faint smile.

In fact, he was not getting anywhere with Ethan's case, and the time is about to be up. So Daniel decided to close the case. It was difficult to find any evidence against Oliver, but he was still reluctant to give up. If it was someone else they would have closed the case already but Daniel still wanted to try.

Although he knew there was no point, even if he found any evidence, he still wouldn't be able to touch Oliver, the knight family was too influential in the whole city. Oliver had all the big and powerful people in his pocket. That was one of the reasons why Daniel hated Oliver so much. He hated people who would commit any crime and get away easily by throwing some money or using connections. He hated this corrupted system but there was nothing he could do about it.

"That's good, then you should take some good rest before you get into another case," Ava said with a soft smile.

Daniel stared at Ava for a while the asked, "Why did you admit into the hospital? What's wrong with you?" Although Daniel already knew why she was here, he still wanted to hear it from her.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little tired and malnourished recently." Ava waved her hand to show it's nothing important and look anywhere but Daniel. Ava was bad at lying and whenever she lied she wouldn't look at the person directly.

Daniel could see Ava was trying to hide her pregnancy, he felt hurt thinking she didn't trust him enough. He said in an unhappy tone, "How can you make yourself tired, knowing you are pregnant?"

Ava swallowed and looked at Daniel embarrassedly. He already knew? Why does she even try to lie with these men, they always seem to know everything. Ava was so embarrassed that she wanted to dig a hole and hide inside.

Ava sighed, she didn't know what to say. "I...Brother Daniel"

Daniel looked at Ava, clenched his fist, and said coldly, "Ava, get rid of this child."

Ava was shocked to hear Daniel. How could he ask her to get rid of her child? This was her child, no one gets to decide whether she will keep him or not, not even Oliver.

Ava felt hurt she said sadly, "Why would I do that?"

"Have you ever thought about the possibility of this child be born like me? Do you want him to suffer the way I did?" Daniel said word by word. His dark eyes were full of heartaches as if he had just reopened his own scars by saying that. But if he could make her understand what she had got herself into and make her turn back then he would do it thousand times more.