
Ava's clarification

The harsh noise of hard brakes and skidding tires made everyone turn their head in the direction of the road. Daniel came out of the car with a hard look on his face, he didn't realize the reporters would be so infuriating. He has been watching the live telecasting of her interview and the questions they were asking were making his blood boil. When he was still seating in his office room feeling lost about the news, Jason rushed into his room and informed him that the reporters are making trouble in front of Ava's office. He immediately got into his car and rushed to Ava. No matter what she did he still loved her, how could he leave her alone at a time like this?

Daniel came directly to Ava and held her in his arm affectionately in front of the media confirming his relationship with her. "Ava, honey are you alright?" Daniel asked looking worriedly at her.

"I am fine, Danny thank you," Ava said lightly but didn't look him in the eyes, she felt guilty. If she didn't go to the movie with Oliver and Orion then Daniel wouldn't have to face this embarrassment right now.

Daniel nodded and turned to look at the reporters still holding Ava against his body, then he smiled and said in a firm voice, "Please ask me whatever you want to know I'll answer you but don't embarrass my wife like this."

Before the reporter could ask anything Ava spoke loudly, "Thank you Daniel, but there is no need I'll explain everything myself. You want to know why I was with Mr. Knight and his son at the cinema? It's very simple Mr. Knight requested me to teach his son Piano and that's why I go to his house once a week. A few days ago Mr. Knight's son requested me to take him to the movie since Mr. Knight is very busy with his work. I agreed but later on, Mr. Knight joined us. Mr. Knight and me, know each other well so it's normal to watch movies together as friends. I don't understand why this became such a big deal."

"So you are saying you don't have any other relationship with Mr. Oliver Knight?"

"No, I don't. We are just friends. I am married to Daniel and I love him." Ava said without any hesitation. While Daniel smiled widely at her confession in front of the whole media. Till this moment he was really worried Ava would leave him but now he was relieved. There was no way she would go back to Oliver after making such a statement in front of the whole city.

"Then Miss Mackie, are you divorced with Mr. Knight?"

"We are working on that." Ava didn't want to lie about it because Oliver has already filed a lawsuit against her so it was a matter of time before their divorce will make a news headline. If she lied now it will be difficult to explain it later. "That's all everyone, I have answered all your question so please leave now," Ava said turning on her heels toward Daniel's car hold his hand firmly indicating she won't be answering any more questions.

Samuel stared at Daniel and Ava, feeling bitter in his heart. His fragile heart seems to be broken into pieces once again, 3 years ago it was Oliver beside her and now it's Daniel. Why is it that she always gives others a chance but not him? He also turned toward his car with a stone-cold expression and left.

At Knight International, Oliver was sitting in front of the TV, watching Ava's live interview. His dark eyes become more profound when Ava said they were just friends. Really Ava? So it's just friendship between us? Oliver laughed at himself, this woman can lie so confidently. She even dared to publicly announce she loves Daniel. Oliver looked at the screen where Ava was walking holding Daniel's hand, his eyes were burning with fire as the vein on his forehead started to throb. Very good Ava, soon you won't be able to claim that anymore, at that time I want to see how you are going to explain it to everyone.