
50th Anniversary of Beijing No. 4 High School

After Sam recovered from his injury, he went back to teach at Beijing No. 4 High School. Erika also rested for a while then returned to showbiz and started working on a new play.

It was Saturday and today was the 50th anniversary of Beijing No. 4 High School. At the gate of the School, lots of luxurious cars were lined up. All the ex-students and some overseas students were invited to attend this program. Among them many have become very successful in life, they all gathered around the school building to meet their old teachers and classmates.

Ava and Oliver came as a couple to attend the program. They wore an exclusive set of customized couple clothes, which attracted many people as they entered the school ground. Ava wanted to see her old teachers so she decided to go to the teacher's office first. Oliver didn't mind and let her go, he also went to find some of his former classmates and teachers. His and Ava's circle of friends were different from each other anyway.

Ava walked into the teacher's office with a bright smile on her face. She saw many former classmates there sitting around the teachers and chatting happily with each other.

"Oh, look, our Ava is here." One of Ava's schoolmates shouted as he saw Ava at the entrance of the office door.

Another nosy female student leaned on the chair and looked at Ava but she couldn't see Jacob around her so she asked curiously, "Ava, where is Jacob? Didn't he come with you?"

Ava and Jacob used to be a very well-known couple in the whole school. Although they were not officially dating but they would always stick together so people would make jokes and call them love birds. Looks like they were still famous among her classmates. Ava just smiled awkwardly but didn't respond.

At that time, their department head called out Ava with a smile, "Ava, why are you standing there? Come and sit here. I haven't seen you for a long time."

Ava looked at her teacher and felt grateful for saving her from the embarrassment. She quietly went to her teacher, sat down, and started to talk.

Oliver went to see his teachers. His department head has become the director of the teaching and research department. All his former classmates were present there including Daniel.

Most of the students in Oliver's class were now well established. Some have become Lawyers, some doctors and some became scientists and working in scientific research institutes. Oliver met several old classmates who had a good relationship with him.

"CEO Knight, You are here." Long Cheng, an old classmate walked over and said with a smile. They all knew now who Oliver was so they didn't hesitate to flatter him when got the chance. It's a good thing for people to have a good relationship with the king of the city, as most people referred to Oliver.

"Cheng, I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard you're running your own law firm now." Oliver was idle and bored, so he began to exchange greetings with his old classmates.

"It's a small law firm, just trying to make a living," Cheng said a little embarrassed.

"That's very good," Oliver said with a smile.

"We are all old classmates. If we are ever in trouble in the future, I hope CEO Knight can help us out." Another man came and join the conversation.

Oliver also remembered him. His name was Yashirth. He was not a very good student when he was at school. Oliver heard he failed his college entrance examination and in a fit of rage didn't go to college at all. Later he decided to open a restaurant and now he and his wife owned three chain restaurants in the whole city. Their business was going very well.

"Of course, if you have any difficulties, just ask me," Oliver said politely. After all, they were his former classmates. They all wanted to be on Oliver's good side therefore they all surrounded him like he was some kind of superstar. It was probably only Daniel who despised him in the whole class. So he just stood there silently for a while then made an excuse and slipped away from there.

Ava was also the same. After the initial greetings with the teachers and her classmates, she went to look for Sarah.

Sarah was backstage preparing for the program with Ben and Sam was their program coordinator. He was arranging a few things backstage when Ava entered. Among the crowd of people, she couldn't see Sarah but she saw Sam. He also noticed Ava and walked towards her. with a smile. This was the first time they met after the incident at the secret base so they both felt a bit awkward.

"Hey Ava, are you here to see Sarah?" Sam asked with a familiar gentle smile on his face, assuming that's why she was here.

"Yes, is she here?" Ava said with a smile, looking around the room.

"Yes but I think she is in the changing room. You can ask her partner, Ben, they are at the east part." Sam said politely.

"Oh, thanks Sam. I'll see you later."


Ava went to the east part of the backstage toward the dressing room and suddenly saw a familiar figure there. She was about to call out but suddenly stopped and looked carefully. It was a boy, but at first glance, he looked exactly like Daniel, only Daniel was more mature and manly than this boy was. He looked very young like Sarah's age but it was the same handsome face Ava remembered when Daniel was young. How was it possible? Was he Daniel's brother? But she had never heard Daniel mention that he has a brother. So who was he?