
Ninjas In Modernity

The Ultimate Ninja, Abellona Roy, is tired of his ninja lifestyle. Tired of the same crap every single day. So he escapes with his little siblings to get a taste of what normal people live like. However...it seems like his past is there to haunt him. And forces of evil are finding themselves face to face with Roy. Would Roy truly find his peace in life? Find it out by reading this story. ____________________________________ Also, keep in mind that I may change some stuff here and there. Even if it's already published. Also also, here's the artist of this book cover: https://www.instagram.com/h2hues_repichu/ Go visit him if you're interested in his art style.

Creator_In_Red · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
51 Chs

Chapter 2: The Principal

The three of them are heading close to their school. Yua's endlessly asking questions while Roy entirely answers through all of it. Sara however is quiet. Sara was given a chance to talk more by Yua, but she didn't. This would cause Roy to like Sara a little, considering he prefers silence to chaos.

"Oh, Roy! What class have you been assigned to-"

"And this is where we separate.", Roy said in an exhausted manner while interrupting Yua.

Both Yua and Sara are surprised by this. Roy regains his composure.

"I've got to go meet with someone.", Roy added.

"Oh. Then I guess, see you later?", Yua asked as she waited for Roy's response.

"Yeah. Maybe. If fate says so....", Roy answered with his usual mood.

The "Edgy and cool" mood. Roy heads off while waving Yua and Sara behind him and not turning around. Roy looks at his watch.

"8:03 am. I've still got time.", Roy talked to himself.

Roy heads through many hallways. Left, right. Roy's walking through it all. Roy walks upstairs. After turning right, Roy sees a door at the end of the hallway labeled "The Principal's Office.".

"That's it.", Roy assured himself as he walks towards it.

Heading down the hall, Roy notices a foreigner is waiting beside the door. Roy assumes that because he doesn't look like any other Japanese students he sees. The foreigner has a much darker skin than every other Japanese student he sees throughout the school. Though he only assumes that.

'I may be wrong though.', Roy thought.

'Must be a foreign exchange student if he's wearing the school's uniform', Roy added in his mind.

Roy goes towards the door and simply knocks at it.

"Oh, the principal isn't there. I checked.", the foreign-looking student said to Roy.

Surely enough, the principal isn't there.

The door is strangely open and not locked. He closes the door and just stands there, waiting. Paying no mind to the foreigner. He isn't interested in talking to them. Let alone starting a conversation. But he doesn't need to.

"Heya I'm Alvin. Alvin Johnson. And I'm from America, if you didn't know.", Alvin said as he raised his hand trying to handshake Roy.

Not wanting to make the situation awkward, Roy shakes his hand.

"Roy. Abellona Roy. And I know that you're from somewhere else.", Roy said in response.

"Is it because I'm black?", Alvin asked.

"That and your accent as well.", Roy answered with confidence.

Alvin laughs wholeheartedly and Roy chuckles a bit.

"Well, how about you? You sorta look a foreigner to me if I look closer.", Alvin said as he gets closer.

"Well, I was born here in this country so I'm Japanese.", Roy replied.

As Alvin is about to add more to their talk, they both see an elderly man in a business suit coming at them. He approaches them with a smile on his face.

"Oh so you must be Johnson?", the elderly man asked.

"Oh um yes! I'm Alvin Johnson.", Alvin said.

"Well, I'm so sorry for both of you for waiting for me. I can't get through this day without my coffee", the principal added.

Yes. The elderly man is the principal of this school. Alvin looks a bit surprised by this. Roy on the other hand isn't. Roy knows that the old man is the principal the moment he sees his face. Roy could never forget the face of the one who gave him and his family a chance to live a normal life.

"Well, I'm going to apologize again because I will make you wait a little bit, OK?", the principal added.

"Oh OK, sir!", Alvin responds as he stood up properly.

Roy and the principal of the school go inside. Inside the room is what you would expect an average principal room would be. Piles of paperwork on the table along with his nameplate.

"Daichi Eiichi...", Roy read it quietly.

"Take a seat, Roy", Principal Daichi said as he pointed at a chair.

Of course, Roy sits down. The principal then sits down on his chair. Principal Daichi then gives Roy a serious look. Roy mirrors his expression.

"You still remember our deal?", the principal reminded.

"Yes, I won't forget it. I know that this life that you gave us isn't free.", Roy said in response.

Roy and Principal Daichi made a deal in the past, and that deal is…

"Good. Remember, you're under my control. Whatever I tell you to do, you do it.", Principal Daichi reminded him of the deal.

"I know. But can I ask 3 questions?", Roy requested.

"Go on.", the principal lets him.

"Is that all of it? No twist? You only want me and me alone?", Roy asked skeptically.

"Haha! Calm down. Of course, I only want you. Who wouldn't want the Ultimate Ninja under their disposal.", the principal reassured Roy.

"However, this does mean that I'll give you missions every night. Think of this as a part-time job.", Principal Daichi added.

"I expect something like that would happen. So I'll do my best to finish those tasks.", Roy replied.

"Alright then. May I see it?", Principal Daichi changed the subject.

Roy gets the message that the principal is signaling him to do. Roy suddenly hovers his hand in the air. A small portal shows itself, revealing a handle of a sword. Roy grabs it and takes it out. The portal suddenly dissipates. The sword that he grabs is still sheathed.

"The Demonic Saber. Can I hold it?", the principal asked as he extends his hand.

Roy nodded and gave it to him.

The principal holds it carefully, admiring it. Principal Daichi then unsheathes it and begins observing its craftsmanship.

"It's like a katana. But it's a unique-looking one. Not an average-looking sword, that's for sure.", the principal mumbled to himself.

Roy coughs, trying to clear the mood. The principal is surprised by this and keeps his composure.

"Sorry. You wouldn't see something this rare every day.", Principal Daichi explains himself.

"I know. I got that a lot.", Roy said.

"Still though, I decided to not bring it here.", Roy added.

"What do you mean by that?", the principal asked.

"I didn't bring with me when we were leaving the village. I remember clearly that I wasn't holding it. But the night after that happened, I woke up in a cold sweat holding that sword.", Roy answered.

"I guess this sword is really magical. But wait, why were you planning to not bring it?", the principal was confused.

"You wouldn't understand....", Roy said as he looked at a painting that was hanging on his left.

"Alright... Here. Catch.", the principal said as sheathed the sword and tossed it to Roy.

Roy grabs the Demonic Saber with one hand and a small portal appears, putting the sword there and it disappears.

"Well if you have nothing else to say, you can go to your class now.", Principal Daichi said as he gives Roy a map of the school.

Roy stands up, bows to the principal, and is about to leave.

"Oh wait, hold on! I forgot one thing.", the principal shouted making Roy stop in his tracks.

"There are other ninjas here in this school as well. You're not the only one that's enrolled here. I won't tell you who they are but I won't tell the others that the Ultimate Ninja is here either.", the principal explained.

'It's understandable that he would keep a secret on my and the other ninjas' identities. Certain ninja villages hate others. And the others hate them back. It would be chaos if he doesn't do that.', Roy thought to himself.

"I'll be careful.", Roy reassured the principal.

"I'm sure you will. But just keep in mind, that they are surprising ways to get information.", the principal replied.

They both nod and soon Roy leaves the room.

Fun Fact: The original name of the sword should be Demon Slayer buuuut...yeah... After many corrections and changes to my story, I named Roy's sword the "Demonic Saber".

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