
Chapter 23: Sarutobi Interlude Yuriko Stat Page

There were many things that Hiruzen Sarutobi would say he enjoyed in life; the feeling of mastering a difficult jutsu, observing the villagers as they went about their days in peace. But there was one thing he loved to see more than anything, watching the next generation as they came into their own.

As such, he couldn't help but smile fondly as one Yuriko Uchiha finished her After Action Report about the mission in Mizu no Kuni, essentially taking command of the Rebel's medical corps the battle against Kisame Hoshigaki, going up against Yagura and fighting alongside the Gobi, Kokuo, deducing who was responsible for Yagura's change in behavior, being his witness for Mei Terumi being announced as the Mizukage, and then taking apart of the sealing of the Sanbi, Isobu and devising a seal with Jiraiya that would hopefully prevent the Bijuu from being subjugated again.

Once he heard her report in detail and asking a few details about the seal that they designed before dismissing her, allowing her to return to her family that she was obviously eager to return to, not really surprising considering it's been about three months since she's seen them in person.

A chuckle escaped his lips as he watched one of his top elites leap out of one of the windows in his office and leap towards the Uchiha Building. His eyes watched her back as she leapt across the roofs with practiced ease before settling to look at the village as a whole.

A soft smile graced his grandfatherly features as he looked at the village he sacrificed so much for, that he had witnessed many people sacrifice their lives for, some of them on his orders. He regrets that such things were necessary, but he will never regret giving the order, perhaps it was monsterous of him, but it was a decision that had to be made, and unfortunately it fell to him to make such decisions.

Well, for the time being.

A smile creased his face again as he remember little Naruto's declaration of becoming Hokage so that he could protect the village and his sister, Yuriko's flabbergasted expression as he loudly declared it from the top of Hokage Tower had been captured by her mother and placed into a frame, one he had in a corner of his desk.

Shaking his head he turned back to the paperwork on his desk that he got started on clearing it all away, bit by bit. Requisitions for ANBU, mission requests from the Daimyo of Kaze no Kuni - seriously, Sunagakure was right there and cheaper than Konoha, why did he keep coming to Konoha?

Part of it, he knew, was a way to keep the Fourth Kazekage in check. Sabaku no Rasa was a militant Kage, eager to resort to force and power at the flimsiest of excuses. That one actually made sense, but another part of it was sheer stupidity. The sitting Daimyo of Kaze no Kuni was something of a moron, and didn't seem to get that antagonising the largest source of military power in his country was a Bad Idea. The amount of unrest in Sunagakure was rising, as was resentment against both the Daimyo and Konohagakure. He just hoped nothing further came of it.

Shaking his head, he placed it to the side to look over the details later and began looking through the assorted requests of the civilian council, he approved the trade delegation to be sent to Mizu no Kuni, but with the addendum that they were to wait for a month before leaving, to give time for Kirigakure to build itself back up a bit and settle in for repairing their village and country from the damages of their civil war.

The next request was summarily tossed into the trash before he even got halfway through the first paragraph. Seriously, a marriage request for Yuriko's daughter before she was even five, when Yuriko had already turned it down, perhaps he should have an ANBU operative look into the man if he was making requests like that.

A subtle twitch of his finger had one of his ANBU guards vanish from his senses as they headed off to investigate the man.

Humming a mindless tune to himself he picked up the next request and read it over carefully.

A fairly… normal request for once, a shinobi guard for a councillor going to visit family near the border, granted and placed into the mission pile. Sadly, most of them were usually self-aggrandising requests, ones meant to get something for nothing just because. Idiots.

After a dozen more requests were considered and either rejected or approved (more of the former than the latter), the elderly Hokage decided to take a break and stood up to look out of his window. Overlooking the main street of the village, watching the hustle and bustle of the mixed civilians and shinobi through it never failed to fill him with pride that the Shodai's dream had grown so much since that day a century ago.

There were those who had sought to twist that dream into a nightmarish parody of what it had been supposed to be over time. His old friend Danzo had been chief among them, much to his sorrow. Thankfully, the Shinobi of Darkness had been crushed by a powerful force for the light. Yuriko had been an exemplary kunoichi from the first mission she had been forced into during the Third War, and she had always tried to act in the best interests of everyone involved in a conflict, shinobi and civilian.

Truly, she alone had proven the Nidaime's mistrust of the Uchiha wrong. Now the entire Uchiha Clan lived by the Will of Fire, although Danzo's manipulation of Itachi had reduced their numbers severely. Sarutobi shuddered as he remembered the raw pain and rage in Yuriko's newly transplanted eyes when the suspicion of who had been behind that manipulation had been mentioned when she recovered. Had she held any less respect for him than she had, he knew that Danzo wouldn't have lived past that day and Yuriko would have ignored his order to the contrary and damned the consequences to do so.

'She has endured such loss.' he mourned. Her father during the war. Minato and Kushina on the Day of the Kyuubi. Her brother and other clansmen on the Aborted Massacre. Each time he had seen her eyes after those incidents, the pain had grown, but it had not eclipsed the light that dwelled within them. Now she had a husband and a daughter, people who were easing her pain and easing her burden.

The 'Game' power that she possessed was one that only her mother, himself and Jiraiya now knew of, as Minato had taken that secret to his grave. It wasn't written down anywhere and he had no intention of doing so. He could only imagine the reactions of some of the more bloodline-crazy council members; they'd demand to have her bred like an animal to see if her children could inherit it. A flicker of anger crept through his mind when he recalled the expression of pure fear on her face when Minato and Jiraiya had uncovered it. No child, no shinobi should be so scared of revealing an ability, especially not to her own leaders.

Sadly, the world was what it was. All he could do was ensure that no one knew what she could do. History would remember her simply as an extraordinary Medic-nin and an immensely strong kunoichi...perhaps as more.

A thoughtful expression filtered across his face as he considered an idle thought, she had the respect of many of the shinobi in Konohagakure, connections with their allies, held an S-rank bounty…

But, it wasn't time for something like that yet, so, shaking his head he turned away from the window he was looking out of and returned to his desk, to battle his accursed paperwork once again.


Yuriko's Stats

Name: Yuriko

Level: 76

EXP: 15,047/38,000

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Title: Uchiha Clan head (+50% to all reputation gains, command of the Uchiha Clan)

Secondary Title: Equal to the Clan Killer (+50% to all stats, +200 HP & CP per level, Reputation with Konohagakure and Uchiha Clan is set to [Exalted])

STATS - Current - Former

HP - 9,125 -

CP - 37,900 -

STR - 95 (166) -

INT - 140 (210) -

DEX - 160 (280) -

VIT - 90 (135) -

WIS -135 (202) -

LUK - 41 (61) -

Ryo - 39,115,254 -

Stat Points - 5

Yuriko's Reputation Page

Konohagakure - 17500/25000 - Exalted

Uchiha Clan - 25000/25000 - Exalted

Shigure Uchiha - 25000/25000 - Exalted

Genrai Uchiha - 8000/10000 - Honored

Sakaki Uchiha - 25000/25000 - Exalted

Fugaku Uchiha - 0/5000 - Well Liked

Mikoto Uchiha - 0/5000 - Well Liked

Itachi Uchiha - ?/? - Unknown

Sasuke Uchiha - 25000/25000 - Exalted

Yamanaka Clan - 4500/5000 - Well Liked

Chika Yamanaka - 3500/10000 - Honored

Fuyuko Yamanaka - 0/2500 - Neutral

Inoichi Yamanaka - 5600/7500 - Friendly

Nara Clan - 4000/5000 - Well Liked

Shikaku Nara - 5600/7500 - Friendly

Akimichi Clan - 3900/5000 - Well Liked

Chouza Akimichi - 5600/7500 - Friendly

Aburame Clan - 2500/5000 - Well Liked

Inuzuka Clan - 4900/5000 - Well Liked

Tsume Inuzuka - 6500/7500 - Friendly

Kurama Clan - 3500/5000 - Well Liked

Hyuuga Clan - 7500/10000 - Honored

Hiashi Hyuuga - 9000/10000 - Honored

Hinata Hyuuga - 9500/10000 - Honored

Civilians - 6000/7500 - Friendly

Aoi Nanase 3500/10000 - Honored

Academy 6050/7500 - Friendly

Konjo Asai 4500/5000 - Well Liked

Sarutobi Clan

Hiruzen Sarutobi - 15000/25000 - Exalted

Namikaze Clan

Minato Namikaze - 0/25000 - Exalted

Shinobi Forces

Jiraiya - 2500/25000 - Exalted

Hasai Natto - 3500/10000 - Honored

Genma Shiranui - 0/5000 - Well Liked

Raido Namiashi - 0/5000 - Well Liked

Iwashi Tatami - 0/5000 - Well Liked

Kakashi Hatake - ?/2500 - Neutral

Uzumaki Clan

Kushina Uzumaki - 0/7500 - Friendly

Naruto Uzumaki - 25000/25000 - Exalted


Fire Release: Great Fireball (Active)[Level 50 - MAXED] - Staple Jutsu of the Uchiha Clan, burn your enemies alive with either a massive ball of fire, or a continuous flame-thrower - Fireball - 200 fire damage with a 30% chance to inflict the 'Burn' status, 100 CP per fireball - Flame-Thrower - 100 fire damage per second, with a 30% chance to inflict the 'Burn' status, 50 CP per second

Uchiha Interceptor Fist (Passive)[Level 75 - 4.6%] - The primary and basic taijutsu of the Uchiha clan, has several offshoot forms but each Uchiha has roots with this technique, makes maximum use of the Sharingan to predict and counter enemy attacks - increases DEX and STR by 25%

Intermediate Shurikenjutsu (Passive)[Level 28 - 66.35%] - You're starting to get fairly accurate with your kunai and shuriken, and can reliably hit a target. Though odds are you'll make the target a pincushion instead of hitting the same place every time - Increases accuracy of thrown items by +45%

Advanced Uchiha Style Kenjutsu (Passive)[Level 30 - 31.95%] - You have learned how to use the Uchiha style kenjutsu, and people easily recognize that you are talented with the blade. - +72 bonus to DEX and +51% STR when using a sword type weapon, +57% effectiveness to blocking incoming attacks when using a sword type weapon, enables advanced swordfighting special moves

Substitution Jutsu (Active)[Level MAX] - The Ninja get out of death card, and piss off to your enemies who thought you were dead! - Allows you change places with an item up to a large sized dog in weight to avoid an incoming attack you are aware of up to 15 times in a row, costs 10 CP per use

Transformation Jutsu (Active)[Level 96 - 21.4%] - The instant disguise kit! This genjutsu lets you disguise yourself from your enemies but is very fragile and can be disrupted easily. - Can transform into another person that is within 3 feet of your height and 80 lbs your weight. Costs 15 CP/ Second

Clone Jutsu (Active)[Level MAX] - A very basic clone technique, creates illusionary clones that don't have any shadows or creates sound - Can create up to Nineteen clones per use, 10 CP/Clone

Relaxation Technique (Active) [Level MAX] - the most basic Iryojutsu used by the Medical Ninja, the user uses their chakra to relax the target, washing their fatigue away and stimulating their chakra regeneration, cannot be used on self. - +140% Chakra Regeneration on Target, 20 CP/second.

Advanced Iryojutsu (Passive)[Level 55 - 68.54%] - You are now able to perform surgeries not only in the hospital, but in the battlefield with a higher success rate than failure rate, congratulations, you can now be considered a Doctor, were it not for the fact you kill people for a living - -50% CP cost for Iryojutsu, +55% effectiveness for Iryojutsu

Gentle Healing (Active)[Level 50 - MAX] - One of the basic healing jutsus used by Konoha ninja, most effective on minor injuries and is ill suited for major injuries. - Heals 50 HP/Second, costs 25/CP per second

Observe (Active)[Level 75 - 54.97%] - The go to skill of all with the power of the Gamer, with this you can see the stats of various items and people around you! - 10 CP/use

Sharingan Stage 3 (Active/Passive)[Level 100 - MAX] - The so called 'HAX' power of the Naruto World, steal your enemy's jutsu by watching them make their hand seals and throw it back in their faces, plus it'll help you predict their moves and can even trap them in genjutsu while looking through enemy ocular based genjutsu, you can even 'see the future' by predicting the movements of everything in your eyesight have fun, but be warned, opponents with sufficient speed can overcome your predictive abilities!- 25 CP/second when used by non Uchiha, 5 CP/second when used by an Uchiha. +75% DEX when active, can learn opponent's jutsu by watching them form their hand seals, cannot learn elemental kekkei genkai or hiden jutsus.

Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (Active/Passive)[Level 100(MAX)] - the highest level of the Sharingan to be obtained, the EMS allows for the user to use their Mangekyou Sharingan abilities without straining their eyesight to the point of blindness, allows for the use of the [Susano'o: Complete Form]. +250% DEX when active, doubles chakra capacity when acquired, 15 CP/Second

Susano'o (Active)[Level - 100(MAX)] - Considered to be the ultimate technique available to the Uchiha and the perfect defensive technique, when it is first used it materialized as a skeletal structure, usually a set of ribs for a defensive purpose, but as the user gains more experience, more of the body is formed.

Amenonuhoko (Heavenly Jeweled Spear) (Active)[Level N/A]- Allows one to freely control the earth and shape it according to one's desires, even changing the very elemental composition. Steep chakra cost.

Kamiyonanayo (Seven Generations of the Age of Gods) - Right Eye - A Time/Space technique that allows her to repeat a Jutsu that she has used up to seven times. They will be along the same path as the original jutsu.

Ama-no Ukihashi (The Floating Bridge of Heaven) - Left Eye - Alters the trajectory for Ninjutsu, easier for own jutsus when compared to opponents

Mystical Palm (Active)[Level MAX] - The standard Iryojutsu of medic shinobi everywhere, the [Mystical Palm] is one of the most versatile Iryojutsu in circulation, including the [Chakra Scalpel] jutsu, it can heal your allies or damage your enemies with creative application, one medic nine was even noting saying 'I can heal my enemies to death' - Healing - 150 HP/second, 5 CP/second. Damage - varied depend on usage

[Chakra Scalpel] (Active)[Level MAX] - A standard jutsu learned by both the medical profession and the interrogators, this jutsu is capable of cutting solely what the user wishes to cut and nothing else, including targeted organs and leaving the skin intact. - Varied depending on usage

[Chakra Flow: Chakra Scalpel] (Active) [Level 50 - 37.14%] - An improvised technique combining the [Chakra Scalpel] jutsu with the [Chakra Flow] technique, drastically increasing its cutting ability on organic materials as well as being able to choose what organic material is cut. +75 Damage against organic targets, selection of what organic target cut

[Sharingan: Genjutsu] (Active) [Level 33 - 63.98%] - An illusionary technique utilizing the sharingan as a medium, the [Sharingan: Genjutsu] allows the user to influence the target when they meet the user's eyes. - Lower levels are restricted to minor illusions while higher levels are able to induce a hypnotic state in their target

[Chakra Flow: Neutral Chakra] (Active) [Level 42 - 0.00%] - a versatile technique used by many weapon wielding shinobi and samurai to enhanced their weapons in the field, different types of chakra can cause various effects, but neutral chakra simply enhances the damage and durability by a moderate amount - +25 Damage, +25% durability, 20 CP/Second

[Fire Release: Chakra Flow] (Active)[Level 49 - 31.58%] - Chakra Flow using Fire Natured Chakra, causes the weapon to be enveloped by flames, higher levels allow for greater manipulation of said flames - +50 - 250 fire damage, 50% chance of applying [Burning] status to target

[Fire Release: Blazing Skull] (Active) [Level 40 - 45.91%]- Five Seals,

[Water Release: Water Mantle] (Active) [Level 40 - 11.94%] - three seals

Fire Release: Crimson Flames (Level 58 - 92.76%) - User unleashes a flamethrower of crimson red flames from her mouth. High chance of inflicting [Burn].

Fire Release: Crimson Orb (Level 43 - 0.97%) - User fires a fist-size orb of crimson fire that explodes on impact. Flames have a high chance for crits and for inflicting [Burn].

Water Release: Mantle of the Blue Dragon (upgraded version of Water Mantle) (Level 63- 60.97%) - The user is shrouded in a cape made of highly condensed water that protects the user from harm. Reduce damage from Fire ninjutsu by 50%, lower chance of receiving critical hits while active.

Water Release: High Pressure Bullet (Level 40 - 75.92%) - A more powerful version of the Water Style: Liquid Bullet Jutsu, the amount of water in each bullet is equal to a water tower and is fired as fast as an actual bullet. Fires 2-3 bullets at once.

[Water Release: Chakra Flow] (Level 43 - 0.97%) - Releases water chakra along the blade that then extends out to strike in a whip like fashion

[Wind Release: Great Breakthrough](Level 36 - 6.32%) - creates a powerful blast of wind to knock enemies back or send objects flying.

[Fire Release: Great Flame Annihilation] (Level 59 - 21.88%) - User unleashes a massive swath of flames in front of them. Guarantees [Burning] status

[Earth Release: Rock Gun] (Level 24 - 10.07%) - user shoots up to twelve pebbles out of their mouth that then grow in size, size varies on level

[Susano'o: Chakra Flow Scalpel - Straight Slash] - Using the [Susano'o] as a medium for the [Chakra Flow: Chakra Scalpel] the user swings a single slash in a vertical fashion.

[Earth Release: Self-Curdling Island] (Active) (Level 24 - 23.98%) - A unique jutsu created by Yuriko Uchiha that uses the power of Amenonuhoko to manipulate a massive amount of earth into the air, forming into a massive island shape that is then launched at the enemy.

[Water Release: Foam Island] (Active) (Level 22 - 35.47%) - The user uses their chakra to create a mass of bubbles that are formed together, when a single bubble explodes it will cause a chain reaction creating a massive concussive explosion strong enough to liquify the organs of normal humans.

[Fire Release: Flame Sunray](Active) (Level 29 - 65.50%) - The user concentrates flames as hot as the surface as the sun into a single javelin that is then thrown at the enemy, usage of this technique requires mastery of a heat barrier jutsu.


Sealmaster - Hey, they use Fuuinjutsu seal Bijuu, would you really want to fuck with someone that has turned that art into an art of their own? - +50% EXP bonus to Fuuinjutsu

With this sword of mine - You've always enjoyed the way the light dances off the edge of a sword, some even think you like it even more with the blood of your enemies coating it. - +50% EXP gain to Kenjutsu skills

Medic Nin - 'You don't FUCK with the white mage' you heal your friends and destroy your enemies organs, now you just need to remember where you left your watch! - +100% EXP gain to Iryojutsu, but enemies will try to target you first

Feel the Burn! - Fire has always warmed people in the cold nights, chased predators away with its light, and burned your enemies to ash! You little pyro you, fire is your go to weapon of choice when it comes to dealing with your enemies. Start with Natural Fire Affinity, +50% EXP Gain with Fire ninjutsu and nature manipulation

Natural Fire Affinity - Your chakra has always burned bright, now it's time to show the world just how much by releasing it in white hot flames! - 15% chakra cost reduction to fire ninjutsu and nature manipulation

Natural Water Affinity - -15% chakra cost reduction to water ninjutsu and nature manipulation

Gamer's Body - Your body is that of a Video Game Character… somewhat at least - You recover HP and CP when sleeping - 100% in your bed, 75% in someone else's, 50% in a sleeping bag or tent, 25% on the ground or in the trees

Gamer's Mind - Your have the mind of an RPG Gamer, so keep your calm and make some wise choices… hopefully. You are able to calm yourself more easily, but be careful, extreme emotional distress can still affect you.

War Veteran - You have walked through the gates of hell and have come out changed, but you have learned skills that you will carry with you forever, and people will always respect he sacrifice you made. +25% to EXP gains in combat, +25% to reputation gains

Hokage's Bodyguard - You are one of a select few trusted enough to guard the leader of your village. Access to Hiraijin Flying Thunder Formation and +25% to all reputation gains with all factions within Konohagakure

Intellectual - Given upon reaching 100 in INT stat -50% Chakra Cost for all chakra based techniques

The Wise - Given upon reaching 100 in WIS stat - +50% CP regeneration in combat