I narrowed my sharingan eyes at the base below me, assorted loyalist shinobi moving around, busy with their daily routine as the sentries watched the misty forest surrounding the base for any movement.
Not a bad response, but I wasn't actually in the forest.
"Eight sentries," I told the blond haired man next to me who wrote down everything I said. "One in each corner with another between them."
"Got it," the man replied, his pupiless blue eyes switching between the notebook he was writing in and the clay bird he was controlling, the tongues in the palms of his hands darting out momentarily. "Do you want to go lower, Yuriko-taicho?"
"That's alright, Shige-san," I assured him, flashing him a grin. "I can see them well enough for the most part, and if we go any lower we may end up in the range of their sensors."
It was an almost clear day in the Mizu no Kuni, thanks to the unseasonable rain that I had caused with my landscape altering fire ninjutsu during my fight with Kisame. The mist had been washed away with the rain temporarily, allowing me to use my current strategy to scout out the enemy's base.
Namely riding on the explosive clay bird my squad's demolition specialist - who was apparently from the same clan as Deidara - at a height that most, even with chakra powering their eyes, couldn't see at, but I, with my shargan, would be able to see perfectly.
"Y'know Taicho… it wouldn't take much effort for me just to drop a bunch of bombs on them from this height," Shige-san suggested with a wide, eager, grin… for the eighth time since the scouting mission began. "A single C2 would level the base and anyone in it!"
I spared the explosive happy man a grin. "That will be our plan B, Shige-san," I told him, not dismissing the idea entirely. "Unfortunately we need the base intact to keep our supply lines intact and healthy."
Shige-san let out a small despondent sigh in response, slumping his shoulders as he pouted. "Dammit, that sucks, I finally got the C2 level explosives down and I get sent out to a war zone, and I don't get a chance to use them? Just not fair," the twenty-something jonin whined in complaint.
"Life's not fair unfortunately," I told him, unable to help the giggle that escaped from my throat at his enthusiasm. "But, hey, if my first plan doesn't work, we will be using high explosives, just not to level the base."
Shige-san silent for a moment as he thought about it. "Y'know Taicho, if your husband didn't scare the ever living shit out of me, I would kiss you for that promise," he told me in absolute seriousness, looking over his shoulder at me.
I blinked at him before clapping a hand over my mouth to stifle the guwaffs of laughter bubbling up from within me at the thought so that I didn't inadvertently alert the base below to our presence.
"Yeah… that's what I thought would happen," Shige-san sighed as I tried to control my laughter. "I mean seriously, a guy like me with a woman like you? Never going to happen."
I managed to get enough control over my laughter long enough to speak to Shige-san. "Keep your chin up, I'm sure you'll find someone," I tried to assure him through my giggles.
Shige-san rolled his eyes in response. "Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say," he groused with a pout.
"Come on, let's regroup with the others," I told the disgruntled jonin with an amused grin. "We have a plan to make."
"Still say we should just blow the base into the stratosphere," Shige-san grumbled, but followed my orders and banked the clay bird we were riding on.
Interacting with Shige-san made me ponder what was happening with Deidara-san right now, I wasn't quite sure on why he left Iwagakure in the first place, but I don't think he had joined Akatsuki at this point as both Itachi and Kisame had been the ones to coerce Deidara into joining.
Did the alliance with Konoha change things for him? Did it make him want to leave even more? A sigh escaped my lips as I shook my head. It was no concern of mine right now, I had a job to do.
"First sentry removed," A Kiri rebel jonin announced over the radio as he took the man's place. "Make your approach, don't know how long this will last."
"On approach," I whispered quietly in response as we began to close in on the base, our steps soft and our strides swift.
Our plan was very simple, a Kiri Rebel on our team would take out one of the sentries quietly and temporarily take his place, allowing us a clear area of approach for our attack. Above us, Shige-san circled on his bird dropping small clay like spiders that were making their way towards the other sentries to kill them when the signal was given.
A signal I sent as I launched a [Fire Release: Great Fireball] directly at the command building, engulfing it with flames as the assorted Loyalists shouted in surprise, shortly before several explosions signalled the attack on the sentries on the walls.
We pressed our advantage as hard as we could, descending upon the confused defenders while they were still trying to regain their mental footing.
My borrowed kodachi wasn't very chakra receptive, leading me to just using the edge to slit throats as my free hand was cloaked in a [Chakra Scalpel] to pretty much explode another man's heart. Stupid Kisame.
Han-san was working his way through what seemed to be a group of greenhorn chunin, using his steam based ninjutsu to scald their bodies before finishing them off with heavy strikes to their chests, right where their hearts were located.
"Risa-san is down!" one of my subordinates shouted out as a rebel Kiri nin was flung from the building she had been securing.
"Aru-san, tend to her!" I shouted out to my medical subordinate who quickly nodded as he rushed off to tend to the wounded chunin as I rushed for the building that she had been flung from.
A loyalist Jonin was rather surprised as he found himself under my assault, and he actually seemed somewhat familiar… huh oh well.
"Oh… fuck not you again!" the jonin shouted in anger as he backed away from me warily, making me raise an eyebrow.
"Oh… you were one of the guys from our attack on Shinkai base, aren't you?" I questioned, finally placing his face, a chunin I had faced off against during the Third War. "I see you managed to regain your mobility after I severed your calf muscles."
The man growled in response as he stiffened, a katana in hand. "Well this time I'm ready for your fucking scalpels you bitch," he snarled at me, drawing a disappointed frown to my face as I sighed.
"Well, that's rather rude," I told him admonishingly as I tossed my borrowed kodachi to the side, really it wouldn't be of much help to me, a second chakra scalpel springing to life on my free hand as I took a stance. "Unfortunately my usual kodachi had been broken, so you'll have to make do with my taijutsu, sorry about that."
The man across from me - what was his name again? Did I ever get it? - growled angrily as he charged at me, looking rather insulted with my apology.
I let out a sigh as I used my sharingan's predictive sight to dodge his attacks, some people just had no manners, didn't they?
"That was a rather rude response," I said in a disappointed tone as he dodged my strikes. "Your mother must have been a terrible teacher of manners."
"Leave my mother out of this!" the man roared.
"I am simply speculating on the source of your rude manners," I scolded him. "The fact you're so defensive means that you do attribute some of the blame for this to your mother, you know."
Evidently that pushed him over the edge, as he charged at me with a scream of raw fury. I neatly sidestepped him, not even needing the Sharingan to predict his movements, and neatly chopped him on the back of his head with my hand. I deactivated the [Chakra Scalpel] jutsu on that hand though. I'd rather my incompetent enemies lived rather than the competent ones.
Stepped away from my comatose opponent, I surveyed the area and nodded in approval as my team finished up with securing the base. The op had gone down without much of a hitch. The only snag had been Risa-san going down, and I could see from here that Aru-san had her well in hand.
"Send word to the primary base that we have successfully captured the first base," I told one of our messengers, a rather quick-footed rebel genin.
"Yes! Yuriko-sama!" he replied saluted as he blushed a bit before taking off, aww, how cute he had a crush, too bad for him I was both married, and not a pedophile.
I actually like my men a bit more… experienced.
I blinked before shaking my head a bit. "Get your head out of the gutter, you'll see Roshi soon enough," I told myself in a mutter before I headed for the wreckage of the command building to see what could scavenged from it.
Our blitz strike against the outlying strongholds had been a staggering success with the Loyalists falling back in disorder, stunned and shocked by the speed and strength of the Rebel attack.
And the fact that two of the Great Nations decided to throw their weight behind the rebellion.
Apparently I was also a deciding factor for the retreat of some of the older members who apparently remembered the results of my actions during the Third War. Tch. You attack a base here and kill a few jonin there and suddenly everyone's afraid of you.
I rolled my eyes mentally as I rode on Shige-san's clay bird, just behind the man as we headed for a front that was requesting some reinforcements. Seriously, you would think that a place called the Bloody Mist wouldn't be afraid of a woman called the Bloody Scalpel. It wasn't like I was a deranged mad doctor who experimented on my opponents… I only did that on the prisoners that my Hokage had given clearance to be used as test subjects, I'm not Orochimaru thank you very much.
Wow… did I just compare myself to Orochimaru for morality? Where has my life led me?
I shook my head clear of those thoughts, I was far too young to start having a midlife crisis now.
The sound of a large explosion caught my attention.
"Considering you aren't whooping in joy, that wasn't you, Shige-san?" I questioned dryly my sharingan activated as I scanned the area.
"Nope," Shige-san confirmed a frown on his face. "Plus, I don't think my explosives are strong enough to make a fireball that big."
I spotted what he was talking about and paled a bit in response. "Drop me off here and get back and pick up Han-san," I instructed him as I prepared to jump off. "I can only think of one person that can make that much devastation."
"You mean… the Mizukage?" Shige-san blanched in fear. "And you want to go down there!?"
"We all have our jobs to do Shige-san," I told him, forcing my voice to keep calm despite the nervousness I was feeling, sparring against a Jinchuriki is vastly different from fighting one. "And I have given you yours, now bring me down."
Shige-san swallowed but seemed to draw some confidence from the calm I was projecting. "Right, drop you off, and double time it to get Han… I can do that," he breathed out with a heavy sigh. "I'll be back as soon as I can be."
I patted his shoulder comfortingly. "I know you will, Shige-san," I told him confidently as we neared the ground. "May the Kamis watch over you."
"You'll need them more than I do!" Shige-san shouted after me as I leapt from the clay bird and landed amongst the tree branches.
I sped off towards the source of the explosions as I scanned ahead of me for any survivors, stragglers, or Loyalist shinobi seeking the same things. I wasn't sure if it was fortunate or unfortunate, but I didn't encounter anything as I reached the crater where the forces that I was to reinforce were stationed. Or rather...anyone. It was, to use the cliché, too quiet.
Old and tried instincts flared as I leapt to the side, a hooked staff cutting through the air my head had been occupying seconds later before retracting and batting away the handful of kunai I hurled at the owner of the staff.
As I righted my position, I calmly gazed at my ambusher, a slight smirk coming onto my face. "Quite the greeting you have, Mizukage-san," I greeted the Jinchuriki of the Sanbi, Yagura, politely nodding at him. "Do you greet everyone like this, or am I special?"
"Well, considering your reputation and your eyes, I figured something special was in order," Yagura replied, his pupiless pink eyes emotionless as he stared at me, holding his staff at the ready. "You have garnered quite the reputation after all… Bloody Scalpel."
I let out a small sigh in response. "I was in a war, can you honestly say you wouldn't do anything different were our positions reversed?" I questioned with a quirk of my lips. "And these eyes of mine are nothing more than a tool, a powerful tool I will grant you, but a tool nonetheless."
Yagura hummed in response as he took a stance. "A shame more don't follow your opinions on it, then maybe I wouldn't have been forced to purge all of them to ensure peace," he replied, his chakra ramping up as he prepared to attack.
"Oh, there is always a choice," I countered, granted, he was brainwashed to do Obito's bidding by this point, to the point where even if I did break the genjutsu on him, he would still think was a good idea, but still… the choice was there. "You just took the easy way out."
"The weight of the burdens we bear are on different levels," Yagura said with a slight air of superiority about him.
"Yes, I don't have mass genocide on my conscience," I admitted with a smirk, spreading my arms open. "Unlike you, I can actually look in the mirror and like who I am, even when I am cleaning myself up after experimenting on prisoners for the Hokage."
Yagura narrowed his eyes at that. Aw, looks like he didn't like that, the truth hurts, after all. "It looks like even the other nations aren't safe from the monsters that are bloodline users," he commented angrily as he tried to smother me with his chakra only for me to counter it with my own.
"You do realize that over ninety percent of medic-nin aren't bloodline users, right?" I pointed out with a raised eyebrow. "I don't exactly enjoy the experimental procedures he has me use on them, far to bloody sometimes, not to mention the rudeness of the patients."
"I think this conversation has reached the limit of what can be done here," Yagura commented, anger colouring his tone as he began molding his chakra.
I couldn't help the ruthful chuckle that escaped my lips as I shook my head. "It's always the way of those who cannot win with words to turn to violence and force their opinions on others," I said mockingly, huh… kinda reminds me of Pein, another fucking idiot. "But, yes… it's quite obvious we are going to need to try our best to kill each other now."
My eye shifted as I triggered the change to the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Yagura stilling as he narrowed his eyes in confusion. "Oh? Did Kisame-san not tell you about these?" I questioned him with positively saccharine sweetness as I looked at him, matching my tone with a smile. "The Ultimate form of the Sharingan, not the worst thing for one to see in their final moments."
I didn't even give him a chance to reply as I spat out an overcharged [Great Fireball]. While only a C-Ranked jutsu, it was extremely versatile, you can make it a flamethrower, a projectile, or do what I did and overcharge to make it… well… a bomb.
As the fireball exploded, I gathered the mist surrounding us into a [Water Release: Mantle of the Water Dragon] to protect me from the flames that quickly dissipated as Yagura manipulated the water to drench the area and drown out the flames.
I charged in through the steam to try and counter any attack he was going to try and launch at me, only to see my reflection in a floating mirror that was being turned around, with my copy coming at me.
Wait… WHAT!?
My sharingan saved me from my shock as my copy tried to launch a palm strike at my nose, one of my favored moves in taijutsu as when done right would disorient a person, both from the pain of having their nose broken, and the ringing in your head from a strong blow, something I quickly took advantage of to drive a chakra scalpel into someone.
Much like I was doing to my clone that quickly dissolved into water as my scalpel disrupted it's form enough to cancel the jutsu. I leaned back as the hooked staff swung past my face and struck out with my foot to drive him off as I snapped the end of the water cloak I was wearing at him as further encouragement to back away.
I didn't allow him time to create another mirror though as I charged at him, both hands alight with chakra scalpels to strike at him only for the Mizukage to duck and weave around my strikes and return his own with his staff.
I was really starting to feel naked without my kodachi at my side. But… I do have something of a replacement for it.
My right hand formed a single seal as I moulded my chakra in it. "[Chakra Scalpel: Saber],"I announced as the chakra scalpel on my right hand shuddered momentarily before it began to lengthen to about the length of a standard katana, starting from the tips of my fingers.
It was a rather simple modification to the basic Chakra Scalpel, simply just extending it, so I was rather surprised no one had thought to do it before myself… or at least record it anyways.
Yagura hurriedly got himself out of the way of the lengthened scalpel, a deep cut opening on his cheek where he didn't quite manage to completely dodge it as he leapt away. "It looks like that your skills aren't just all talk," he commented as his chakra shifted in a very familiar way. "I will be killing you." he announced as he summoned up the second stage of his bijuu cloak, the blood red and black chakra covering his body as three tails waved behind him.
Well… shit.
When all else fails… kill it with fire, and lots of it.
I quickly formed several seals and inhaled. "[Fire Release: Heaven Quenching Flame]!" I shouted as my eyes spun quickly, my voice echoing several times as the crater we were in suddenly became engulfed in flames, the [Mantle of the Water Dragon] quickly evaporating from the sheer heat of the flames as they engulfed the two of us. "[Earth Release: Hiding Like A Mole]!" I managed to get out before I suffocated from my own flames and dove underground to avoid the searing heat, one of my hands already alight with healing chakra to heal the burns I sustained simply from releasing the jutsu, let along seven of it at once, and moved away from the site of the now raging flame.
I had made no attempt to control the flames like I did with Kisame-san, he may be called a tailless Bijuu… but that was a jinchuriki of the three tails, no way am I fucking with that.
I gasped for clean air as I climbed out of the ground, a good distance from the crater where the flames were still raging and warily scanned the area for Yagura. I was not fooling myself; if Kisame-san could survive that, so could Yagura.
Huh… you know something, I'm starting to realize that people that reach S-Rank are complete and utter monsters.
Kisame is able to take almost anything and heal from it and has chakra reserves equal to a Jinchuriki, thanks to his bond with Samehada. Me? I just set a crate of rock and dirt aflame.
Let me say that again, so that you will understand. I set ROCKS and DIRT on FIRE. That takes an insane level of heat to do, and that was in an extremely wet environment. Why did Konoha think it was a good idea to set up a village in the LAND OF FIRE where most shinobi are of a fire element?
My mental rant was cut off as a hand of blood red chakra erupted from the ground to try and squash me only for the light blue chakra of my [Susano'o] to flare up into a protective ribcage, protecting me from the blow itself, although the kinetic energy of the blow still sent me skidding back. "Yeah… I figured that wouldn't kill you," I commented dryly as Yagura dragged the rest of himself out of the ground. "Persistent bugger."
"This is why you bloodline users cannot be allowed to live," Yagura growled in his transformed state. "You will simply destroy everything in your path."
I gave the jinchuriki a deadpanned look. "Yeah, no, every shinobi is capable of changing the face of the earth, I just have a shortcut," I shot back snarkily, hey, I just set him on fire with seven S-Ranked fire ninjutsus, I think I would be allowed to drop politeness at this point. "And like a Jinchuriki can be so high and mighty about collateral damage, you made the crater in the first place, I just set it on fire."
Yagura decided not to reply with words as he raised his head up, small balls of black and white chakra gathering in front of his open mouth.
Wait… wasn't that…?
Oh hell the fuck no! I am not dying to a Bijuudama!
My hands flashed through several seals as I summoned more of my [Susano'o] to be manifested. "[Earth Release: Titanium Encampment Wall]!" I shouted as my [Susano'o] manifest Amenonuhoko, allowing me to use the S-ranked Earth ninjutsu that I created with its ability.
A massive slab of pure titanium rose up in front of me as Yagura finished gathering the chakra he needed and swallowed the ball of chakra before he was hidden from my sight.
Yeah, even with a wall of titanium in front of me I don't feel the least bit safe. "[Susano'o: Complete Form]!" I announced as I began to fully manifest my chakra construct just as Yagura unleashed his attack.
The sound of rushing noise blocked out all sound leaving only silence as a explosion of chakra filled my vision as the Bijuudama collided with my titanium wall leaving me feeling like I was drifting through nothingness for several seconds.
The sudden rushing of noise was the first sign to me that I didn't die from the attack, which was followed by a few flashes of pain from my left leg, finally my vision returned as I blinked spots out of my eyes to see the devastation Yagura caused with that one attack.
"And the asshole calls me destructive," I groused as I saw the new crater that was formed from his attack, a few chunks of titanium raining down around me as I floated above it all, safely residing within the forehead of the completed form of my [Susano'o], a glance down to my hurting leg showed me that I wasn't unscathed however as I winced at the sight of my shin bone poking out. "Ow," I grunted as I reached down.
Gritting my teeth forcibly pushed it back into place so that I could begin healing it, and dear god… it hurt. Almost as much as repairing my own spine and fighting with it soon after, which came in second to giving birth.
Huh… I am experiencing a lot of pain in this life of being a kunoichi of Konohagakure. Oh gee, I wonder why?
I didn't let out a single scream or whimper of pain, however, I was far too in control of my emotions and body to do such a thing as I managed to get the exposed bone back into my body and reset it while also sealing the break and wound.
As soon as my injury was repair I looked down to see Yagura looking up at me with those blank white eyes of his Second Stage Bijuu Cloak. That's right asshole, I got tricks up these nonexistent sleeves of mine.
"And you called me destructive," I called down to him, channeling chakra to my voice box to project it further to him. "I am nowhere near that destructive…"
Well… not yet anyways.
"You are destructive in an insidious way, subverting control and weakening your country with your bloodlust," he called back as he was no doubt glaring at me, even if the second stage cloak doesn't really relay emotions. "And I will put an end to whatever your plans are here and now."
Another surge of chakra slammed into me as his body began to swell up.
Was he…? Seriously…?
Yeah… he was going full Bijuu on me.
Fuck. My. Life.
Still, I wasn't dead yet, and Han-san was on his way, I could survive this still. So with that thought in mind I summoned Amenonuhoko and had my [Susano'o] hold it at the ready, remaining in the air the entire time, like fuck I'm going to reduce my agility when fighting a KAMI DAMNED BIJUU!
"[Shell Spear]!" Yagura's voice called out from the mass of chakra known as the Three-Tailed Bijuu proved my point as the turtle like chakra beast curled up into ball and mimicked an Akimichi's Human Boulder Technique and tried to flatten me underneath, only for me to dart around and try to stab into him with my spear, the chakra weapon only scraped across the incredibly dense shell, however, barely even scratching it as it rolled past me.
One of the tails whipped out from within the ball it began to slam against the ground, altering its trajectory enough to turn the bijuu turned spikey wrecking ball around to make another pass at me.
This time I used the powers of Amenonuhoko to raise the earth as an improvised ramp to use the fully transformed jinchuriki over my head. Huh...flying godzilla turtle… not something I'd thought I'd ever see before…
I shake the thought out of my head, as amusing at it sounds, it really was terrifying to see a massive turtled spinning above completely unsure if it was about to come crashing down upon you.
Thankfully he didn't, instead he ended up cratering the ground as he landed, the momentum of the spin dying out as he dug into the ground. Yeah I wasn't going to waste this chance. My eyes spun to life as I began forming seals at a rapid pace.
"[Earth Release: Self-Curdling Island]!" I shout out as I finish forming the seals, the vocalization releasing the moulded chakra through Amenonuhoko to enhance my earth manipulation.
The result you ask?
Well first the earth began to shake as literal boulders began to rise up into the air, floating above my [Susano'o: Complete Form] as I used my divine weapon to meld the chucks together until they form a literal island the size of a kami damned mountain. FUCK subtle.
With a single gesture I release my hold over the floating island and move out of the way as it dropped onto Yagura in his three tailed form. But, he proved just how destructive they are as all three of the Sanbi's tails whipped forward to start smashing at the rocks as he inhaled a bit before letting lose a massive blast of water that quickly dismantled the rest of the mountain, leaving me plenty of time to complete my next jutsu.
"[Water Release: Foam Island]!" I declared as I finished manipulating the moisture that had been building up into clouds into a massive clump of foam, the exact same size of the mountain of rock I dropped on him earlier. Now, I'm sure you're thinking: 'What's foam going to do?'
Well, I'm sure Yagura had the same thought before he struck out with a single tail.
Said form promptly exploded like a bundle of a dozen concussion grenades in a steel box.
In other words? Enough concussive force to scramble your brains.
Granted, he was in the middle of a chakra beast who was known for its nearly impregnable defenses, but that didn't mean his head wasn't ringing from the explosion.
That left him distracted as I trigger my next jutsu. "[Fire Release: Flame Sunray]!" I declared as I created a javelin using my [Susano'o] to hold it, which was probably a smart idea since its heat was equal to that of the surface of the sun, thankfully any greenery had already been destroyed because the ground was already melting around me from the jutsu alone.
I then threw it at Yagura who managed to notice it with his most likely swimming vision.
He managed to react in time and created a blast of water to intercept the spear… only for the water to evaporate before it even got close to the javelin. I wasn't able to see exactly what happened next as the javelin exploded into a miniature sun before it impacted against Yagura's Bijuu shell, forcing me to look away or risk blindness from the intense light.
"You… cannot… defeat me…" I heard Yagura call out as the light faded, showing the three-tail relatively unharmed, scorched and scratched, but still standing and ready to fight, if a bit out of breath. "Your tainted powers are useless against me!"
"Yeah, well let's see you say that after this," I declared as my Sharingan stopped spinning, Kamiyonanayo and Ama-no Ukihashi both activated as I replicated the three S-Ranked ninjutsus I just used seven times, floating above Yagura as the head of the Sanbi looked up, its eyes widening in surprise as it beheld the power of my Mangekyou.
"[Earth Release: Self-Curdling Island]!"
"[Water Release: Foam Island]!"
"[Fire Release: Flame Sunray]!"
Dear god was it draining, but FUCK subtlety. FUCK going easy. FUCK HOLDING BACK!
I had a family to return to, and even if I did so chakra exhausted, I will do so, with my mission completed.
"Return to ash," I declared imperiously as the 21 S-Rank ninjutsu of Fire, Water and Earth released themselves upon the Bijuu.
I had to close my eyes to protect them from the following detonation as my flying [Susano'o] was sent tumbling in the air for a moment before I could recover its balance enough to continue floating in the air. When I opened them it was to see a cloud of ash and smoke forming a mushroom shape high into the stratosphere.
Huh… I just nuked a Bijuu.
For some reason, probably because of my adrenaline high, I couldn't help but giggle in response to the fact that I essentially nuked a bijuu.
"Damn… bloodliners…" Yagura's voice growled angrily, making me freeze as I turned back to where the smoke still obscured the form of the Sanbi. I was in shock myself; I knew, intellectually, that the Sanbi had one of the highest defences among all of the Bijuu, but surely even Isobu would have been knocked out by twenty-one S-Rank jutsu exploding in his face!
Apparently, I was naive.
"OK, seriously? What the fuck?" was all I could say.
"The Sanbi's… shell… won't… be broken by bloodliners!" Yagura shouted angrily as a black and white ball chakra began to gather at his mouth.
Oh come on!
"Then how about my hooves?" a new voice broke in from above. "Five Mountain Jump!"
I looked up as my eyes widened at the sight of Kokuo-san plummeting from the sky - how did he get so high? - steam erupting all around him as he slammed into the back of the Sanbi's shell, forcing Yagura into the ground and disrupting the building Bijuudama that Yagura was building as he screamed in pain, all around the two of them steam erupted from Kokuo's body scalding the visible skin of the Sanbi.
"Oh thank Kami…" I breathed in relief as Kokuo-san leapt away from the shell of the Sanbi. "Han-san, Kokuo-san… you two have the best timing ever."
The beast walked up to me with a chuckle. "Thank you, Yuriko-san," Kokuo's voice filtered through. Ah, so Han-san was letting Kokuo-san take the reins… so to speak. "But… even with the added height provided by Shige-san, I don't think that will be enough to finish my brother."
"Right… no offense, but his defenses are bullshit," I told the Bijuu. "And I am starting to run low on Chakra… but… I do have enough to give you an extra edge."
"Do it, Yuriko-san," Kokuo-san allowed with a nod of his head. "I trust you."
Wow… I had the trust of a Bijuu… huh, how many Uchiha could claim that?
I grinned as I dropped my [Susano'o] temporarily, allowing me to land on Kokuo's head. "Alright then… time to pull a Madara… well… partially anyways," I announced with a slight chuckle as my sharingan spun again. "[Majestic Attire: Susano'o]!" I shouted as I triggered my [Susano'o] once again, spreading my protective light blue chakra across Kokuo-san's body, armor plates forming into place, starting from the five tails that gave Kokuo-san his title of the Gobi and forming along his horse like legs and body, however, when it reach his head it continued above, forming a human like upper body with the tengu-mask of my [Susano'o] mixed with the features of Kokuo-san as both arms formed, wielding Amenonuhoko.
"All yours, Kokuo-san," I announced, allowing the Bijuu full control over the chakra construct that essentially turned him into a centaur for the time being.
Kokuo san laughed loudly as he paced around a bit and swung the arms of my [Susano'o] experimentally. "My thanks, Yuriko-san!" he shouted out cheerfully. "Defenses to match my brother, and one of my father's treasures in hand! How could we lose!"
I couldn't stop the giggle from escaping my lips at his eagerness. "Well said, Kokuo-san," I replied as he prepared to charge Yagura. "Like this, I don't think we can lose."
Turns out, that was all the prompting the Gobi needed to let out a bellow of challenge as he charged forth, Amenonuhoko spinning in the hands of my [Susano'o].
In response, Yagura curled himself into a ball and began rapidly rolling into a ball for the Sanbi's [Shell Spear] technique.
"Fool! You think your amateur use of my sibling's technique can overcome me?" Kokuo-san shouted angrily as he pulled his power into Amenonuhoko and drove the naginata into the earth. "[Amanomibashira (Heavenly Pillar)]!" he shouted out as Yagura was suddenly thrown into the air from a massive pillar sprouting to life underneath him.
Yagura shouted in pain as he was thrown into the air by the sudden pillar of earth as Kokuo-san began circling around, a small ramp appearing underfoot that he used as a platform to leap into the air after Yagura. "Here! Kokuo-san!" I shouted out as I triggered the wings for my [Susano'o: Complete Manifestation].
Kokuo-san let out a laugh as the wings allowed him to channel his limitless chakra reserves into keeping us aloft into the air. "I am glad to be working with you, Yuriko-san!" the bijuu shouted out, drawing a happy smile from me at the eagerness in the bijuu's voice. "Five Mountain Jump!"
Yagura cried out in pain again as he was driven into the ground by Kokuo-san's hooves force him into the ground again before the shell of the three tails was pinned into the ground my Kokuo-san standing on top of him.
Kokuo-san brought the hands of the [Susano'o] together and I could feel the chakra being channeled through it to form a Bijuudama between the hands. "You don't even know how to properly use my brother's chakra, I can feel the illusion suppressing his will!" Kokuo-san shouted angrily. "Well! Awaken yourself from your slumber! BROTHER!"
With that shout Kokuo-san brought the Bijuudama down upon the pinned jinchuriki resulting in a blinding explosion that ripped the land apart underneath us.
When my vision was returned, I was laying ontop of Kokuo-san with the [Magnificent Attire: Susano'o] having dissipated due to the point-blank Bijuudama that the Gobi released.
"Urgh… a little warning next time please… Kokuo-san…" I managed to grunt out as I blinked the remaining spots from my eyes. It felt like my head had just been dropped off the Empire State Building back on my original world!
"My apologies, Yuriko-san, I may have gotten a bit ahead of myself," Kokuo-san replied as I managed to get back up to my feet and looked down to see Yagura's body laying on the ground. "It looks like that last attack brought him to death's door."
I nodded in response as I staggered a bit. "Would you mind letting me down?" I asked, normally I would just jump it, but I was exhausted and didn't quite trust myself to stick the landing.
"Of course, Yuriko-san," Kokuo-san replied as he brought his tail around to help lower me to the ground.
"I think at this point, the two of you can just call me Yuriko," I told the two with a light chuckle as I stepped onto the Bijuu's tail.
Kokuo-san smiled down at me. "Only if you do the same, Yuriko," he replied, looking rather happy with the development.
I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips as I shook my head ruefully. "Very well, Kokuo," I said as I reached the ground and hopped off his tail and made my way to Yagura, I didn't need my medical training to tell me he was on death's door. "And so here we are… Fourth Mizukage," I sighed as I walked up to the still body, Yagura managing to turn his head a bit to glare at me. "Are you satisfied?"
"I… will not, be satisfied…" he gasped out painfully, coughing up some bloody spittle. "Until all you bloodliners… are dead…"
"You still don't realise it do you?" I questioned with a pitying look on my face. "You're under a powerful genjutsu, every action you made, was someone else, sabotaging your country and countrymen."
"Im… impossible… I am… a perfect… Jinchuriki…" he gasped out desperately, trying to claw a hand towards me. "Genjutsu… doesn't… work… on me!"
"And it is that arrogance that allowed someone to cast one on you," I snarled at him angrily. "Your arrogance nearly destroyed your own country, you haven't even heard Isobu's voice, have you?"
"The… Sanbi's?" Yagura questioned. "But… he… I…"
I shook my head as I drew out a kunai. "I will end your suffering, Yagura-san," I told him with the calm needed by all medical professionals needed. "And I promise you, the one who did this, will pay in full for all of his crimes."
Yagura stared at me for several moments before closing his eyes, allowing me to quickly thrust my kunai into his chest, into his heart and killing him. I bowed my head silently for a moment in respect as disbelieving Rebel Kiri ninja appeared, staring at the fallen Kage.
"Is… is that true?" a new voice questioned, making me look over my shoulder to see Mei-san and Ao-san standing there. "Yagura… was being controlled?"
"Subtly, but yes," I sighed as I shook my head. "At this point though… even if it had been broken, he would have still believed in the purges."
"But… he was a perfect Jinchuriki," Mei-san protested desperately. "He was infamous for laughing off any sort of genjutsu."
Above us Kokuo snorted in amusement before lowering his head to look down upon the two, who stepped back in fear. "There is no such thing as a perfect Jinchuriki," he informed them coldly. "And immunity to genjutsu? Ha! The only way to be perfectly immune is to have absolutely no chakra within your body. There is always a way to place a genjutsu onto someone."
"But… but then who did this?" Ao-san demanded, stepping forward, his fear of the Bijuu being overridden by his anger. "And why? Thousands have suffered and many more have died because of this!"
"I don't know," I replied sighing heavily. "Whoever did this also suppressed the mind of the Sanbi completely. Yagura was drawing on the chakra of his prisoner, but he was doing so very crudely and had no assistance whatsoever. Who could do that?"
"Well… I am sure Kurama would be able to speak of one who could," Kokuo informed in a grumble. "After all…"
"Madara Uchiha was infamous for it," I finished with a grimace. "Highly unlikely that he survived the battle against Shodai-sama, but… not impossible, nor would it be impossible for him to have left behind notes on controlling Bijuu and their jinchuuriki."
"That would be by using a Sharingan though," Ao-san realized, his eye widening in surprise as he turned to me. "Did your clan…!?"
"Nope," I denied simply. "No Uchiha who were remotely powerful enough to have cast that sort of genjutsu never went within ocular range of Kiri or Yagura at the time he seemingly went nuts… although…"
"What is it?" Mei-san questioned in concern.
"There is the one who was responsible for the Kyuubi's attack on Konoha…" I informed her with a frown. "He had an unrecorded Mangekyou Sharingan in his right eye…"
"And you know this how?" Ao-san questioned suspiciously.
"Simple… I was there when he killed Yondaime-sama," I replied meeting his gaze. "He stabbed me through the liver from behind and left for dead, only reason I survived was because I managed to heal myself enough to stop the bleeding."
"Wait," Mei-san interrupted giving me a surprised look. "Someone managed to take your back?"
"I was still a kid, only ten at the time, even if I was a jonin. I was more focused on ensuring… something was happening," I explained, dodging around Naruto-kun's birth. "I turned my head around to see a masked man with a single Sharingan glaring at me before he tossed me aside like trash."
I clenched my fists at the memory of what happened before forcibly unclenching it and relaxing my body. Obito would pay, as would Madara and Zetsu.
I shook my head to clear those thoughts before turning back to the others. "You should be ready to reseal the Sanbi when he reappears," I instructed before turning to Kokuo. "How much longer until he appears, Kokuo?"
Kokuo hummed in response. "Shouldn't be much longer now," he informed turning back to the group of rebel shinobi. "I will say this though: should you mistreat my brother, you will answer to me."
"B-brother?" Ao-san asked nervously.
"Do you really not know the legend of the Sage of Six Paths?" I asked skeptically. "He created the Bijuu, he's essentially their father, making them siblings."
"He would be amused by that," Kokuo informed with a slight chuckle. "But… for now we best focus on the fact that my brother is reforming…"
Indeed, the great body of the Sanbi was reappearing, still as irritatingly unblemished as it had been before my battle with Yagura.
"K-Kokuo? Is that you?" Isobu called out in confusion as his body began to take shape. "I… what happened?"
"You had been forced into a slumber, brother, while your host was being controlled," Kokuo explained with a regretful tone. "What is the last thing you remember?"
"I… I remember Yagura being confronted by a man with an orange spiral mask," Isobu revealed. "And… he had… a sharingan! Did he?"
"Yes… it appears to be so, your host underwent a genocidal regime under the control of a man who wished to destabilize Kirigakure and Mizu no Kuni, not to mention ruin some of Father's gifts," Kokuo explained. "Brother, there is a threat going around, targeting the Bijuu and their Jinchuriki for a reason we do not know… I know it is much to ask… but are you willing to be resealed into another host?"
"But… how will we make sure it doesn't happen again?" Isobu questioned in concern. "If he was able to suppress me once…"
"Isobi-san," I spoke up, stepping forward, drawing the Sanbi's attention to me. "I am somewhat competent at the sealing arts and one of the best Fuinjutsu users in the Elemental Nations is coming here soon. Between the two of us we may be able to design something that will prevent you from being totally downtrodden again like that."
Isobu studied me very carefully. "You yourself have a sharingan as well… why should I trust you?" he questioned suspiciously.
"Because brother, she does care, as strange as it may seem," Kokuo spoke up in my defense. "Both myself and my host, are more than willing to call her our friend."
Isobu stared at Kokuo for several moments before letting out a gusty sigh. "Very well, I shall put some trust into you," he said finally looking over at me. "How long until the sealer arrives?"
"Within the week," I assured him, hoping that Sarutobi-sama did send help. "Thank you for your trust, Isobu-san."
Isobu turned away from me to look down at his former host. "I suppose… I should thank you for stopping Yagura," he said with a heavy sigh. "He would hate what he had become were he aware of it."
I bowed to the Sanbi politely in response. "If you will excuse me, Isobu-san, I must retire for now," I explained. "Unfortunately, the battle has been very taxing on me."
Isobu nodded in agreement before he began to settle himself in the area, waiting for his resealing as Kokuo-san began to shrink to reveal Han.
And then I saw the ground as my body gave out on me and dropped me to the ground, barely hearing the shouts of the people around me as I drifted off into unconsciousness.
You have Defeated the Yondaime Mizukage Yagura Karatachi!
+25,000 EXP, 2,500,000 Ryo, Hooked Staff and [Water Release: Water Mirror] jutsu scroll acquired and placed into Inventory.
You have Leveled up!
Yuriko's Stats
Name: Yuriko
Level: 75
EXP: 15,047/38,000
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Title: Uchiha Clan head (+50% to all reputation gains, command of the Uchiha Clan)
Secondary Title: Equal to the Clan Killer (+50% to all stats, +200 HP & CP per level, Reputation with Konohagakure and Uchiha Clan is set to [Exalted])
STATS - Current - Former
HP - 9,125 -
CP - 37,900 -
STR - 95 (166) -
INT - 140 (210) -
DEX - 160 (280) -
VIT - 90 (135) -
WIS -135 (202) -
LUK - 41 (61) -
Ryo - 39,115,254 -
Stat Points - 5
New Skills!
[Earth Release: Self-Curdling Island] (Active) (Level 24 - 23.98%) - A unique jutsu created by Yuriko Uchiha that uses the power of Amenonuhoko to manipulate a massive amount of earth into the air, forming into a massive island shape that is then launched at the enemy.
[Water Release: Foam Island] (Active) (Level 22 - 35.47%) - The user uses their chakra to create a mass of bubbles that are formed together, when a single bubble explodes it will cause a chain reaction creating a massive concussive explosion strong enough to liquify the organs of normal humans.
[Fire Release: Flame Sunray](Active) (Level 29 - 65.50%) - The user concentrates flames as hot as the surface as the sun into a single javelin that is then thrown at the enemy, usage of this technique requires mastery of a heat barrier jutsu.