

Have you ever thought that beneath the neon city lurks monsters from ancient mythology? Have you ever thought that in the universe above man's head, the deities stands watching man. Have you ever thought that in the crowded modern cities, there are extraordinary people who walk the earth in place of deities? In the societies ruled by humans, there are countless strange events lurking. In those forbidden places of life that no one cares about, live the ancient gods. Helios, the god of light, Hades, the god of darkness, Poseidon, these mysterious gods, where have they gone? In this "human" world, all kinds of "Paranormal event" need to be cleared up.

chihi · Fantasie
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34 Chs

Chapter 21: The New Divine Spell

Yaso only felt that a mysterious energy was rapidly transforming his body, and the whole body seemed to have been washed from the soul to the body, and it was extremely comfortable!

This feeling is really wonderful.

This state lasted for about ten seconds, and after it completely dissipated, Yaso obviously felt that his body was different.

On the black pattern, a few other lines of fine print slowly appeared.

Dark Power:

In the dark, your speed, strength, durability, and resilience are all ten times that of usual;

In the dark, your existence is not easy to detect;

In the dark, you have a stronger deterrent to other creatures;

You have the ability to communicate with other nocturnal animals.

"this...Is this the new Divine spell?"

Yaso couldn't help but become excited when he saw this.

This ability that doesn't look very powerful seems to be extremely powerful... Not to mention anything else, the speed, strength, and durability alone are ten times the usual, and this alone is very powerful!

Even with his ordinary physical fitness that can no longer be ordinary, as long as he goes to any sports meeting at night, it is definitely a new world record!

A ten-fold bonus can make his body directly far beyond the limits of ordinary humans!

This is only in the case of his own ordinary quality. If he goes through long-term training, Yaso can't imagine how far he will grow up.

Not to mention the stealth behind, and the ability to communicate with nocturnal animals, this is completely beyond the scope of humans.

Yaso suppressed the excitement in his heart and took a deep breath.

He really didn't have the idea of joining the Night's Watch, and he didn't want to fight those mythical creatures, but it was impossible to say that he had no vision for supernatural powers.


The next afternoon.

Millon was sitting bored on the Psionic experiment field and glanced at the time.

"This kid... why haven't he come yet."

As soon as his voice fell, a figure slowly opened the door and moved towards him like a zombie....

"Wow!"Millon exclaimed when he saw the visitor, "Yaso, you...what's the matter with you?"..."

Yaso, with a bruised nose and swollen face, waved his hand, just about to say something, he staggered under his feet and almost fell to the ground.

Millon hurriedly stepped forward to help him, "Have you trained with Eiss?"

"Correct."Yaso said.

"Well... it seems that your talent is not bad."

Yaso stared into his eyes, "Huh?"

"When I first practiced with Eiss, I was beaten and lay down on the training ground for a day and a night before I recovered."Millon sighed, "Now the only one who can fight Eiss close is Deanna.""

"I heard that Andre is a melee master?Can't he do it either?"

Millon was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "He and Eiss are almost up and down in close combat. Of course, it is under the premise that neither side uses Psionic."


Yaso endured the pain in his limbs and barely stood up. If he lifted his clothes up, he would find that his body was full of blue and purple scars.

Eiss's knife is too fast, too heavy, and too cruel!

And...he didn't seem to mean to be merciful.

"Don't worry, I'll take you to Lomi for treatment later, and you'll be able to train again tomorrow morning."Millon comforted.


"Stop chatting, Yaso, start class now."Millon suddenly became serious.

Yaso stood up straight.

"First of all, let's start with what Psionic is..." Millon said.

"This, Andre told me before." Yaso said.

"Well, then let's talk about Divine spell..."

"He also told me this."

"Okay, let's talk about the Psionic generated by the object..."

"This one too"

Millon was speechless:...

"Andre, this guy, how many things did he secretly reveal to you..." Millon held his forehead.

"What about the sequence of Psionic?Has he said this?"


Millon breathed a sigh of relief and began to say: "The so-called Psionic sequence is a sequence table arranged by humans to divide the strength and weakness levels of Psionic, which is the same as the code of the gods."

"Is this the same as the code name of the gods?"Yaso said.

"It's different. The code name of the gods is the order in which humans discover the gods, and it has nothing to do with the combat power and danger of the gods themselves."

"The Psionic sequence is the order of strong and weak."

"Starting from 001, the higher the sequence, the stronger the representative."

"I get it.Yaso nodded.

Millon continued: "The Psionic sequence after 500 is called 'useless Psionic'. This kind of Psionic has a very small effect. At most, it can help flowers and plants to be watered, help people kill pests, or turn a flower out of thin air.

Those with a sequence of 400 to 599 are called 'low-risk Psionic'. This Psionic is lethal, but it is not too dangerous. If the ability is well developed, it may have some effect.

Those with a sequence of 200 to 399 are called 'dangerous Psionic', which can pose a large-scale threat to human society, and at the same time have the ability to fight against "mysterious" battles.

Those with a sequence of 90 to 199 are 'high-risk Psionic', which can pose a large-scale threat to human society and possess ultra-high combat effectiveness. Most of those who can possess this part of the Psionic sequence are high-end combat power. Eiss's Psionic is in this category.

As for the sequence before 89...it is called 'ultra-high-risk Psionic'. This kind of Psionic either has extremely powerful ultra-large-scale lethality or has incredible special abilities. In short, this kind of Psionic sequence has completely surpassed the category of 'people', and it has the ability to destroy a city at every turn!"

Millon once again emphasized: "This is not alarmist. A few years ago, in the Northwest desert, a powerful mythical creature appeared. It possessed the [sandstorm] of Psionic sequence 063. It almost directly buried several surrounding cities with wild sand. Later, a special elite team arrived and killed it."

Yaso was taken aback: "I remember that Andre said at the time that his Psionic sequence was 074..."

"[Moon Blade], ranked as an ultra-high-risk Psionic, although it is not ranked high, it is still extremely rare."Millon said with a lonely expression.

"If Andre was really born with this Psionic, maybe...he would have joined a special elite team or become a general."

"These are Psionic rankings?What about Divine spell?"Yaso asked curiously.

"Divine spell is also a kind of Psionic, but he is not in this sequence."Millon paused and glanced at Yaso with some envy.

"There are currently only 30 Divine spell sequences."

"The power given by the gods, whether it is dangerous or special, is far beyond our imagination."Millon said seriously.

"So, it's impossible for an ordinary Psionic to be as powerful as Divine spell?"Yaso asked.

"No."There is light in Millon's eyes,

"Whether it is Psionic or Divine spell, it is just an ability. It depends on how the owner of the ability uses this ability and maximizes the role of this ability."

"Even, among the strongest human powerhouses, there is one who only owns Psionic, not Divine spell!"

"Yet he remains one of the most combat-capable men in the human race."

"Which one?"Yaso asked.

"I don't know either."Millon said with a smile.


"Don't look at me like that. I haven't been with the Night Dark Hunter very long. How would I know something so confidential? Mirren spread her hands in innocence.

"What about my curse?" Yasso pointed to himself. "How many places does this sequence rank?"

Millon glanced at him and said quietly:

"The god code name is 005, Helios, the God of Light, the Divine spell given to you... is called [Miracle], serial number: 003."

[Miracle]..." Yaso murmured to himself.

"But don't be happy too early. In the hands of you, a newcomer who has just set foot in the mystery, the power may only be regarded as a high-risk Psionic.

Wait until one day in the future, when your strength and realm are strong enough to be compared with the gods,

It is the real 003 [miracle]."

Yaso nodded, "I know it in my heart."

"By the way, I have one more question."

"You ask."

"Is it possible for the same person...to become an agent of several different gods?, Or, can a person have different Divine spells at the same time?"

"Impossible.Millon shook his head without hesitation, "At least in human history, there has never been such a precedent.""

"Oh."Yaso nodded flatly.

But in fact, he was very shocked.

Because in Yaso's body, in addition to the Divine spell [Miracle] from Helios, the god of Light, there is also a Divine spell [Dark Power] from Hoder, the god of darkness. In a sense, he is the agent of the two gods.

Of course, this kind of thing can't be told to others for the time being. If he is caught and used as a mouse for research, then he will be screwed.

At least, he is too weak now, maybe when he is strong enough, he will not be afraid of exposing these things no matter how.

"Now that the basic knowledge is over, let's talk about your Divine spel. What can you do with the [miracle] in your hands now?""

"With me as the center, in a circular field with a radius of 20 meters, I can perceive everything."

"Oh?"Millon raised his eyebrows, with a bad expression on his face.

"What color is Deanna's underwear today?"


In the test site, Yaso and Millon looked at each other for a while....

Showed a strange smile.