
Night Club Wonderland

This is a story of a girl who plans to live her life the way she wants. Doing what she loves. The story of a girl who rises to the top.

SirDragonFly · Teenager
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3 Chs

Days Of Trouble, Fun, And shadows.

After getting home she first changed her clothing as she was a little sweaty from jogging to the train. She went to sit on the couch with a glass of water in hand but as she sat down she spilled the cup of water all over herself.

"...really?, awesome. Because today needs to get worse right?"

She wasn't one to usually believe in superstition and bad mojo but she had a feeling that the next few days might be…hectic. She changed her clothes once more, then walked to the kitchen, put the cup away, and grabbed a bottle of juice, walked to the front door and put her shoes back on.

The clothes she was wearing now was a grey tracksuit, as she planned to go out for a run. She would exorcise when she felt like it. And so she left the house, went down the stairs, and was about to start jogging.

"Going for a run? Can you grab me some eggs on your way back? I'll make you some dinner"

Mable called out from a window at the front of the apartment.

"Yep! Can do! See ya later!"

And so Lily started jogging, following her normal running route. She would go for around a 15 minute slow jog, which worked well as the store she like to shop at was in that area.

As she ran she could feel herself getting a bit tired.

"Wow, been.. a bit since…. I ran huh…"

She sat at a bench, took a drink of her juice and relaxed for a few minutes to catch her breath. And as not to overwork herself.

After a good breather, she continued her run. It was around 7pm, and the sun was starting to go down, so she wanted to finish up quick and get back home. So she finally made it to the store, went a blind grabbed a carton of eggs, a few chocolate bars and candies. And went and payed. As she was about to leave, she looked outside to see it had started to rain. It was light rain but she could tell it was getting worse by the minute.

"Why am I getting wet so much today? Damn it" she cursed her luck and ran out into the ran with her hood up, she was doing a light run as not to brake the eggs.

She turned a corner at a swift speed. And slammed into something hard,

Knocking her to the side and into someone's fence and then she fell to the ground.

"Ugh! Damn it. I'm getting really sick of this crap, what now?….."

She looked up to see a large man, and 3 girls behind him snickering. One girl walked in from of the man, now in between Lily and the giant.

The girl pulled her hood down.

Lily's face lit up with anger.

"Seriously? First you fuck wth me at school and now again? What's your deal? How are you so immature" she said calming herself as she started to stand back up.

"Your the stupid bitch that got me in trouble so I'm just paying you back is all!" She shouted as she kicked lore back to the ground.

"What the hell! Would you just leave me alone?!"

"Ha, sure, I'll leave you alone. But I'm not sure about them."

She said pointing to the other 2 girls that Lily couldn't recognize. "Fuck." Was all she muttered as the two girl came over and started kicking her in the stomach, the arms and legs, they threw punch after punch and this continued on for about 3 minutes.

Lily was on the ground curled into a ball holding her stomach from the pain as she spit out blood.

"You….know…you can…go to..jail. Right?"

Lily managed to say, hoping it would make them stop and leave.

"Then we just have to make sure you won't remember!"

One girl said as she ran 2 steps, and booted Lily in the side of the head….

She wasn't moving anymore. Lily laid there, completely unconscious. Blood dripping form her mouth, her nose, she had scrapes and cuts, as-well as god knows how many bruises or worse.

"Shit I think that's a bit much no?"

The guy said, "I mean she had it coming ok? None of you speak about this. Let's go."

The main girl said to them as the man just looked back at the unconscious girl with pity in his eyes.

3 hours have gone by as her eyes start to open slowly, her head ringing in pain, and she was almost blinded by light as she tried to get a hold of herself and gather her mind.

(Ugh fuck…I feel like shit, where am I? I thought I was outside….)

She tried to sit up but was stopped by a familiar voice.

"Lily don't move, you've got a few broken ribs and fractures."

It took her a moment before she could see clearly, she looked over at who spoke, it was Jun.

"Wha…how..why are…you here?"

"Actually about that…I got a call from someone named Mable, and she had said that you left to go to the store and did it come back, so I asked for the store's location, and well…I ran out to see if I could find you, and when I did…."

"Ugh… yea. You don't need to remind me. So. How did I get here? I'm assuming this is a clinic?"

"Yea, my dad works here, so I carried you, I didn't know what else to do and I was kind of panicking… sorry."

"Don't…apologized. Thank you. Thanks for helping me Jun. appreciate it….Ugh my fucking head is killing me"

"Yea, dad said you most likely have a bad concussion. What exactly happened?"

"Some girl from my school that hates me, brought along some friends with her and they jumped me. I tried to get up but they kept kicking me back down, and when I mentioned that..they could get arrested, the one chick booted me in the head"

Suddenly a curtain slides over showing an older man, around 40, blond hair and stubble, he had round glasses on and a lab coat.

"I'm surprised your able to remember all that. Most people would take a while after waking up."

"You must be Juns dad, thanks for helping me. And yea I've always had a pretty hard head… still hurt like a bitch though."

"I bet it did. Anyways, Jun I brought you some dry clothing, and we called that Mable lady, she gave me your address and I went and grabbed you some clothes. Sorry for not asking you first."

"No. It's fine really. I'm just…happy…I…"

She slipped back into unconscious.

"Jun, try to keep her awake best you can, yea she needs rest but a person with a concussion shouldn't sleep. I know it's probably going to be difficult for her. But that's what needs to happen. I'll call the school tomorrow, you can take a few days off if you want, you can stay and help her, after all your mom told me you two where planning to go on a date. So this could be your first one, all be it a miserable situation."

"Yea, I'll try dad, thanks." He barely payed attention to his dad as his eyes never left Lily. He clutched his fists in anger, he was thinking about finding who did this. And finding out why. And making sure whomever it was gets what they deserve for hurting Lily the way they did.

And so for a few hours Jun kept her awake, they talked, and spoke about lots of random stuff as he was trying to keep her up.

So the two 17 year olds stayed up chatting through the night eventually Lily was feeling better mentally, she was calmed down and felt, safe.

"Jun….I just want to say thanks."

"It's no problem. I'd do it all again if I had to…"

He said with a slight blush.

"Really Jun. thanks for everything. You made me feel a lot better already. All though I'm really tired haha…"

"Yea I hear you, this is to e longest I've stayed up like this in a few years. But it won't be much longer, dad should be back in another hour or 2 then he will get you fixed up best he can. You'll have to stay here for some time until he clears you though. I hope…that's alright with you?"

"Yea, I figured. Yea it's fine. Plus I have you around right? So at least I won get bored." She chuckled as he did as well. Making them both look at each other in the eyes, and then both blushed and turned away.

Jun quickly stood up.

"I'll uh, go get something to drink. Are you hungry or thirsty at all?"

"Nope. All good thanks"

He nodded then left the room, closed the door and once he was far enough from the room, he had a small freak out. "Holy shit…is this what it's like to have a crush on someone?! She was so cute….her eyes are like little g—wait what the hell am I saying?!"

Lily however, with no one to distract her, had simply fallen asleep.

As she sank into a deep sleep. She felt finally relaxed. When Jun got back, he decided to let her sleep for a bit, it can't hurt to bad, right? He thought. All though his dad told him to not let her, he would feel to bad if he woke her up now. And seeing her sleeping, Jun couldn't help but think about how beautiful she looked, he laid his arms and head down on the edge of the bed as he watched her. And slowly, the boy fell into a deep sleep as well.

This chapters a bit shorter, I was told by a few others that I shouldn’t make them to long, so for now on they will be in between 1500 to 2500 words at most. Depending on what I have done and how I’m feeling.

Thanks for reading!

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