
Night Club Wonderland

This is a story of a girl who plans to live her life the way she wants. Doing what she loves. The story of a girl who rises to the top.

SirDragonFly · Teen
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After a few hours had gone by, the sun was rising outside, and the streets where getting busy. Jun's eyes slowly opened, has he sat up an stretched his arms out, then went to look back to where Lily was, or wasn't?


"Oh, your up? You where sleeping pretty heavy so we decided to let you sleep."

Jun turned to who spoke, it was his father. His dad smiled then walked over and sat beside him on the edge of the bed that Lily had been laying in previously.

"What happened to Lily?"

"She's just in the other room getting an x-ray. We're just making sure we didn't miss any thing. You'll see her when she comes back."

"I see, alright. How is mom?"

"Other than worried, fine. Speaking of which, you should give her a call, I told her the gist of what happened but it would be better to talk to her and explain it yourself."

"Yea, ok I'll go do that now then. I'm also going to run over to the house and grab some stuff for Lily, maybe some books and stuff to keep her busy while she's stuck here."

"I'm sure she would like that."

He smiled as his son waved bye and left the clinic.

"I'm grateful to have such a kind son."

The father said to himself before getting up and walking over to a desk where a file of paperwork lays. He sat down and got back to work. Meanwhile in the other room, Lily was laying on a table, resting while another doctor looked over her charts and X-rays.

"Well, everything else seems ok, aside from some bruising. But you should recover in a week or 2, but you might still get some pain here and there, it was quite the beating you took to end up in your state."

"Thanks, so I'll just head back now"

"Yes just take it easy."

Lily carefully climbed off the bed and into the wheelchair they had brought for her. The doctor held the door open as she wheeled herself out and into the hallway. Where she sees Jun walking down the other way.

"Ju—-argh… Damn…"

Lily held her side where her ribs had been broken. And Jun didn't hear her as he left the clinic. So Lily very slowly wheeled herself a few feet and suddenly she was getting pushed. She turned to see who and it was Mable.

"Mable? What are you doing here?"

"Isn't that obvious? I'm here to see you and make sure your doing ok, and by the way you tried to call out that boys name, seems to me like you might be just fine."

"I…..ugh. I don't even have the energy to pretend I didn't hear that. So what's up?"

"Not much, like I said I just came to check on you, I was very worried you know, when you didn't come home, it got later and later and I got so worried I went over to your place with the key you lent me, and I found that boys phone number in your journal. So I called and asked him and he hung up after saying he would look for you."

"I see…then I guess I owe you my thanks as-well. I'm sorry for all this drama I caused…"

"Oh Lily, you didn't cause any of this, it just sucks that they won't be able to find out who it was as there wasn't anyone left there but you."

"Oh I know who it was, or at least one of 'em."

"Oh? And?"

"What? You want me to report her? Oh don't worry I will. After I get some mental revenge on her."

"…yea I should have figured. Alright we'll just don't get yourself hurt like this again ok? Now, I brought some snacks and food, I know the food in these places usually isn't the greatest after all."

"Awesome, I'm actually starving, and it's been a while since I've had some of your food, I'm excited ha-ouch!."

"Lily! Are you ok?"

"Yea. Just…it hurts when I laugh. Kind of sucks."

"…ok, just take it easy. Here you are"

They arrived at the room Lily was staying in for now, and Mable held the door for Lily as she wheeled into the room.

"Thank you Mable. I really appreciate all of this."

"Of course dear, you may just be my next door roomie, but your also like a daughter to me."

"Thanks…that means a lot to me Mable."

"Alrighty, I'll come back soon, get some rest and enjoy the meal and snacks I left for you, after all you'll need the energy to heal"

And so Mable have Lily a light hug as to not hurt her before heading out.

Lily rolled over to the window near Juns dad who was distracted in his paper work.

She wasn't quite ready to lay down yet and she wanted to watch the tree leaves sway in the wind. It was calming to her.

"Oh! I didn't even notice you came back haha, I was so absorbed into my work. So how are you doing?"

"Oh you know, hurts to laugh, hurts to move, I'm doing just jolly….but really I'm ok. Aside from the pain, it wasn't the worst thing that could have happened."

"You know….for a 17 year old, your very…."


"Yes, that and a bit reckless it seems. May I ask you something Lily?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Are you…a dancer?"

This question made her freeze as her eyes went wide.

"I only ask because during you check up I noticed you have calluses on your feet, and your legs and core seem very strong, and I've seen lots of types of people, plus my wife used to dance so I felt like maybe you do to?"

"Uh, yea…I do like to dance…"

"I see! You should let Jun know, he's pretty good at dancing, his mother taught him. Oh! Maybe you and my wife should talk dance sometime"

"Yea…that would be nice. And wait Jun dances?"

"Oh yea, he dances like his mother, all sorts of styles but they both prefer slow dancing. I guess because it's more classic or something. Honestly I have no idea about any of that stuff."

"Ha…yea slow dancing is something meant to connect people, make them live in the moment you know? That's why it's seen as romantic most of the time. I myself prefer a little more up beat kind of styles."


"Well, I love hip hop, break dance, techno,…"

"Woah there, haha so I guess your more into dancing then I thought, we'll that's good, at least your staying healthy. I can't imagine what you've been through to get to where you are the mature person you've been. Honestly I'm grateful that you and Jun met."

"May..may I ask why?"

"Well…Jun was kind of a white kid. He had friends growing up, but we moved here when he was 8 years old, and ever since he really only stayed around us, his family, but it never seem to bother him so we just didn't say anything. Until he met you, his entire attitude seemed to brighten up, and he was even being more self expressive with me and his mother which we hadn't seen in years. So thank you."

"…I…I didn't do anything though…."

"It may feel like that, and heck Jun might not even notice it. But he's, well. Happy. And I had a chat with Mable. It seems you've been fusing nonstop about him hahaa"

"Damn it Mable…Ugh yea well I like Jun. he's kind and sweet and helpful. Plus he's got good looks to hahaa."

"Yea he got those from his mother hahaa. He did get my hair colour at least. Oh shoot, sorry Lily I've got to run, I'm late for an appointment. Jun said he was running home to grab some stuff so he should be back soon. I'll check in later, get some rest Lily."

He said as he quickly got his paper work together and rushed out of the room.

"Did I really….help Jun like that?"….

And so she sat there by the window wondering about him, about what his father told her, and what she already knew about him. She was completely lost in thought for a few minutes, until a hand landed on her shoulder softly. Making her jump a bit and come back to reality.


"Umm yes? Sorry I called your name a few times but you didn't answer I got a bit worried… what where you thinking about so deeply? Oh also I brought you some stuff to keep the boredom away."

He said holding up a bag with lots of different things in it.

"Nothing! I wasn't thinking about anything! Nothing at all!…..so what did you bring?…"

Jun stood there looking a bit confused at her little outburst….

"Ummm. I uh…I brought you some books, i don't know if you like reading by it can't hurt right? I brought a couple small games we could play, and I grabbed my old radio so you can listen to music if yo—"

"Oh my god really?! Thank yo-ouch!..Ugh…damn it sucks trying to not get excited…"

"Yea you should try to take it easy…but you must really like music huh? Have you…have you ever done any dancing?"

Her eyes lit up as she wanted to ask him about dancing aswell.

"Yes!…sorry I mean yea, I actually love dancing. It's pretty much my favourite thing. What about you?"

"Yea I dance a bit, it's been a while now but my mother taught me growing up. She told me it was a way to express myself without words but I never really managed to understand that…"

"Maybe….maybe I can show you?"

"Dancing? Yea..that would be cool, once your healed up obviously hahaa."

"Oh yea…Damn."

"Hm? What's up?"

"I've got a few phone calls to make, I told some people I'd dance at there places but I ——"

She froze not realizing she had just slipped up a bit, and she felt a bit panicked. Her brain started to work in overdrive trying to find a way to change what she was saying.

"I uh..I mean like…I was…"

"Lily. It's fine, if it's not something you want to share, you don't have to. I'm here to get along with you, not back you into a corner."

She looked at his face, he had a kind smile and his eyes where telling her it's alright.

She stopped and took a deep breath to calm herself.

"Sorry Jun…I guess I must be comfortable around you if I can talk this much…."

"Oh…haha..well I'm glad. I feel comfortable around you as well Lily…"

The mood in the room started to get a little….much, and both of them where now

Blushing and looking away from each other. Lily quickly thought (why am I acted like such a kid around him…. So embarrassing)

As Jun had the same thought about himself. And so the two each took a deep breath to calm themselves and when they noticed the other doing it, they both started to laugh. Which of course made Lily flinch from the pain yet again, but not quite as bad. And so the 2 spent the rest of the morning simply talking about dance, they played some games, and around lunch time Jun had to head to work, so he said his farewells and headed off to work. Leaving Lily as she sat back near the window, looked out and smiled.

"I think…I might really like you…Jun"…

He However was starting to worry and panic, as Jun had forgotten to call his mother.

"Well…I'll see her at work anyways. Hopefully she doesn't rip my head off."

He looked back at the clinic, and thought, (please pray for me Lily. I might be the next one to get hurt…)

And so he started his journey to work as he pulled out his phone, and called his mother, not before noticing a text from Lily,

:when you come back, can you bring some ice cream?:

He smiled and messaged back.

:of course! See you later! Rest well!:

And so he was now heading to work with a bright smile on his face. He had felt like he made lots of progress today. As did Lily herself.

Ooooh our girl has a little crush!!!’ So cute, btw I’ll soon have some set up showing what Lily, Mable, Jun, and a few others that will come in the future to show what they look like better then my simple descriptions. Thanks for reading yall! Hope you all have a good day or night!❤️

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